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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Why do people always make there twileks fat why can't people make their cyborgs fat instead. Seriously since this game came out the number of fat twileks must of have grown by 15%. Even a lot of the NPC twileks are fat this is setting a bad example for the environment and twileks need to go to the gym and stop eating doughnuts I hope more people realize this horrible game issue. The fat twilek plague most stop now say no to fat twileks.
  2. I have allready rolled an agent and I made it an operative yes it would be fun to stay back and one shot enemys but id rather have more mobility and i can still snipe with an operative using the snipe ability. I might make a gunslinger in the future. Thanks for all you replies.
  3. I think ill roll an IA as I allready have a republic class so if i go empire i can get the new companion. But after i play through agent ill defently go with the JK. Also one last question is the sniper better than the opreative? Right now i think ill pick sniper but i just want your guys opinons.
  4. I would go with the IA:


    1) alternating sides keeps the quests fresher

    2) you need characters on both sides to unlock the HK-51 companion



    That was something else I was thinking about if I go to empire there will be different quests also thanks I did not know you need characters on each side for HK-51.

  5. Hey guys I just got my trooper (commando) to level 50 and I completed its class quest. So now I'm trying to decide what class to play next IA or JK if I play agent I'll most Lilkly be a sniper and for the guardian I don't know yet. So I want your opinions on what class has the better story? What's better guardian or senital? And which class is just the most fun to overall play? Also I don't care much for PVP I play on a PVE server. All suggestions are really appreciated thanks.
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