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Everything posted by sithlordcip

  1. Just try to ge this out of your elitist heads ok? If someone ( and there are alot of players out there that have not reached 50) doesn't have a 50 char doesnt mean that is a bad player or sucks, it just means that he plays less to due real life issues.
  2. Please Bioware, reconsider this: I like to lvl alts and not focus on one char I don't have a lvl 50 yet my highest toon is 46 I have alts on different servers so I cant lvl up legacy on all of them I don't have much time to play , I barely play 1 hour a day I DID NOT REACH THE SECOND REQUIRMENT ( legacy lvl 6 or lvl 50 ) Please allow players who have passed lvl 40 (because most of them have passed) to get the free month Thank you
  3. So I guess you have to play every day with no life to get the 30 days free right? WHY CAN'T ALL THE PLAYERS RECEIVE THE 30 DAYS FREE? And for those who say that 15 dollars are too much, 15 dollars is alot in my country so shut it. I have been playing since the start, been following the game till may 2009, I took a 2 months break (omg im not allowed to) and now I come here asking for Bioware to be FAIR, and the trolls come in my thread and say things like : lolololo you don't deserv. Bioware please let players with legacy lvl 4 to have the free month or I swear I QUIT !!
  4. TBH i was expecting this kind of bullcrap like : lololol ur bad cuz you dont have a 50, you no take 30 days because you don't play everyday in every month. This is coming from players who received thr 30 days free reward and rub it in my face and into those that don't also meet the stupid requirment Bioware has put up.
  5. Yes this exactly, im an altoholic but I CANT gain legacy exp because my alts are on more populated servers than my main. I love swtor and I would love a free month to lvl my alts.
  6. Am not allowed to take a break from an MMO? Really?
  7. I like to play OTHER GAMES ASWELL MAYBE. And I AM A LOYAL FAN OF SWTOR, I have the Founder medal and been playing since launch. I had to take a break for 2 months , it happens but now Im back and I want to play and enjoy a free month
  8. I dont have time to play all day like you I have work
  9. Hello, Regarding the free month that Bioware is giving away to lvl 50 players or players who reached legacy lvl 6 until 22 april, I think its still pretty unfair, I don't have a lvl 50 yet, my main char is 46 with legacy lvl to 4. I think the requirments for getting the free month from Bioware are still pretty tough, I don't have time to play all day I come home from work , I have other stuff to do and I barely have time to play swtor sometimes. Ive been playing swtor since the start with a 2 month break from feb to april . Why can't you just award everybody with a free month? Its unfair , I don't think I can reach 50 until 22 april, or reach legacy lvl 6 . BTW do you have to be unsubbed to receive the 30 days or doesnt matter?
  10. Im just asking lolz because a couple of days ago it wasnt there, or I didnt see it, when was this introduced in the game? I think its fun and could bring some more wpvp to the game. Did it came in 1.2? How do you get the pet? Thanks guys P.S I don't have a lvl 50 yet only 46
  11. Yeah im kinda in the same spot as you are , my main is lvl 46, my alt is lvl 25. Quick question : winning wzs gets you legacy xp?
  12. Im lvl 4 now I want to reach lvl 6 to get the free month
  13. Way to insult me over something I said about a game, I WAS JOKING! Ofc they are evil but im an imp so ...
  14. sithlordcip

    Love the new wz

    Do you know what I like the new warzone the best? Because you have more chances of 1v1 . Its the only warzone that has a more high possibility of 1v1 because its bigger. I really like that
  15. Whoever said Sith are evil? Oh wait you play republic . . . thats like saying Horde is evil in wow because your alliance
  16. Pushback and after that he leaps again, seems fair to you ? your so biased
  17. Stop blindly defending your class because you play it and if you would play a merc you would see that you are eaten alive by guardians/sentinels with their OP and retarded damage and stuns. I hope the next patch nerfs the guardians and sentinels so that they bring you on par
  18. Skill to play a BH? that takes skill, no skill required to play a sentinel/guardian tho, you just leap and snare and nuke
  19. Seriously they need a nerf , they are too mobile, their interrupts are annoying and they are always on top of you. Srsly, nerf their charge or leap or whatever their ability to force jump on you its called.
  21. why dont you **** I bet you have a lvl 50 and rubbing it in our faces that we didnt get the 30 days we DESERVE for Bioware removing ranked warzones All players should receive 30 days because Bioware let us down
  22. *** is this bioware???? Give 30 days to all or no one!! Why do you favor lvl 50 players????? Seriosly give 30 days to all!
  23. Why the hell do you give a free month only to lvl 50 players??? THis is not fair, my main char is 45 Why NOT GIVE TO ALL ????? THIS IS NOT FAIR and Im dissapointed by you Bioware. GIVE FREE MONTH TO ALL FFS!!!
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