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Everything posted by sithlordcip

  1. No really, both arsenal and pyro SUCK in pvp HORRIBLY , against FOTM no skill guardian/sentinel . Pyro which is supposed to be more for pvp SUCKS, it doesnt do enough damage to bring a senti/guardian to half HP. BIOWARE BUFF THE MERC !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Arsenal wasnt OP but even if it was WHY the hell does PYRO sucks??? Pyro = not enough damage to bring someone to half hp. Bioware THANKS ALOT for nerfing my class I now have a reason to unsub. My favorite class - Merc, SUCKS in pvp . . .
  3. This is my feedback from playing a mercenary bounty hunter, I LOVED the bounty hunter storyline from start to finish. However, both arsenal and pyro merc sucks HORIBBLY in pvp, they are terribad against melee classes. No interrupt (not stun) , very low survival in pvp, melee classes eat you alive in a couple of secs, mostly sentinels and guardians . . . Think im gonna reroll a powertech I hope to Christ they are better in pvp that the lolmerc .
  4. So many people are playing assasin and marauder, was wondering, if you would have atleast a training doublebladed saber or 2 sabers, how good could you wield them IRL without choping off your limbs? I think 2 sabers are way harder to wield than a doublebladed saber.
  5. You can't possibly know if Tomb will be available or not for transfer, thats where I want to go because its the most populated EU realm.
  6. When are the server transfers inbetween zones coming? When? My server where my main is is DEAD , I want a transfer to Tomb of Freedon Nadd ffs. I want to enjoy this game and I can't because it its very hard to implement server transfer ALREADYS!
  7. Wow, choking Mako? I would have killed him on the spot if I could, never happened to me though, only choking me... Tormen thought my contract was for life , he thought that I was just another loyal subject of the empire . . .
  8. Hello, On my account page it used to say : you will be billed on 05.04.2012. As of today it says: you will be billed on 06.03.2012. My question is this, if its a free month, why am I being billed?
  9. I received the pet through mail, but my subscription tab on my account still shows 05.04.2012 . No free month yet?
  10. Pure win right here, imagine if you are in bed with your GF and you tell her this ROFLMAO
  11. Didn't they say that all players who have a lvl 50 char till april 22 will get a free month and a pet? well??
  12. Both dps specs for merc suck in pvp, Merc is the worst class in pvp
  13. Mercs are the most underpowered class of all in pvp, we are pushed around,stunned, our shield sucks, our survaivability is lowest. Why are people saying Pyro is good in pvp? pyro damage sucks you cant bring anyone to half hp. Bioware screwed Mercs so bad im gonna roll Powertech.
  14. I know I have problems with guardians/sentinels , im a pyro merc with full recruit gear and BM relics. Do you Pyro's out there think that Guardians/Sentinels are too OP vs us? Do you think ars is better than Pyro for handling these classes? Need some suggestions pls
  15. Get a tinfoil hat lol You didn't even read the whole thread or skipped the melee spec for Mercs - best part
  16. I would LOVE if they do this!! +1 to you sir I would love if they get rid of the fleet
  17. I think Mercenaries would love to have a melee spec, because it fits the merc BHs especially mandalorian mercs and BHs. I know I would like to dual wield vibroswords, no one does it in the game besides companions
  18. Bounty Hunter - Flamethrower has had its damage greatly increased to fend off melee classes - Bounty hunters will no longer die from falling from hights because of their new jetpack ability - Ignition - Death from above now has a knockback effec in PvP Mercenary - Thermal Detonator no longer sticks itself to the enemy, it now detonates on impact - Thermal Detonator has now become a lvl 50 ability for all specs of the merc - Shoulder slam is now usable in pvp, only against incapacitated targets One of the huge changes that are coming to the merc is that the Pyro tree and the Arsenal tree will be merged to make space for a melee spec of the mercenary. Yes, mercs will be able to dual wield vibroblades and techstaffs Thoughts?
  19. Thanks for the feedback its much apreciated. What are your thoughts on Merc receiving a melee spec and pyro and arsenal being merged
  20. No, for God's sake, these are only some ideeas, I havent played the rest of the classes, I just added some thoughts of what I would like for my class. Stop being so overly critical, its just some fun ideeas and theorycrafting
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