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Posts posted by ITSAmeee

  1. So apparently we can summarize the entire discussion in few main points:


    - Most of the players of MMO nowadays makes friend through the LFG Chat Spam. Without the LFG Chat they would be lonely and they wont be able to make friends.


    - The LFG Chat Spam is also a crucial Social aspect of the game, a core feature of MMOs. Without LFG Chat Spam there wont be Social interaction in a MMO.


    - Only ugly and nasty people use the LFG Tool. God forbid a Crossrealm LFG Tool is released, then the amount of beasts (because those queuing in a Crossrealm LFG tool are not people) would be game breaking.

  2. what if a combat log and the consequential combat log parser / damage meter will show that class CLASSNAME has +XX% dmg output of all the others? What if turns out a spec is ridiculously dominant over the others?...What if it turns out the game is not balanced (well enough)?


    This is a conspiracy. No combat log = we can't see how balanced (or not) is the game.


    No DMG meters doesn't only mean You (random reader) can slack for whichever reason in Flash Points and Operations, it also means that the Developers themselves can slack and work lets say on more "cosmetic" changes ingame that may appeal the players more, than a well balanced class system.


    They are watching.


    I'm not delusional. My mom got me checked (<3)

  3. Yo, babies, yo, you're cute but you know that this thread is about Addons and not about a specific kind of Addon?


    You don't like Damage Meters? That's fine. I don't like the Addons that add weird sounds when you crit or something. I find them stupid and game immersion breaking. I don't like cucumbers either. I actually hate them, they make me feel sick.


    Can we talk about Addons though? because I would like to be able to use the Network Market in this game. Playing with the market is something I enjoy a lot in MMOs, but the current UI is...is...damn, I wish English was my mother tongue now, I don't have an appropriate English word to describe it, sorry.



    When I mouseover an item modification, I would like to compare it with the ones currently equipped on my items.



    I would like to hide/scale/move/re-skin most of the interface elements. Neon blue was cool in the '80.



    I would like to see spell/ability procs/cooldowns in the middle of my screen, with nice effects maybe or just a stupid bar, instead of looking at 15pxX15px squares at the bottom of my monitor, also because it takes my eyes off the fight. As cool as icons can be I'd like to look at what is going on on the screen more.

    Most of what is happening in game evolves in the middle of the screen, does it make sense to you to force my eyes on the edges of my screen instead?



    I like healing, but I don't like the way the Interface forces me to do it: mouse click, keybind click, mouse click, keybind click, mouse click...mouse click, mouse click and more mouse click. Is this Bejeweled 4?

    I'm sure most of you are familiar with DPS, just imagine if any time you wanted to use a damaging ability, you had to click with your mouse on one of four (or more) possible spots on the screen or your dmg ability would have no effect. Lets call those things "frames" for the sake of example.

    Want to hit that mob? click with the mouse on this frame first, cool. What now, you would like to hit it again? well you have to click this other frame here with your mouse first. Oh and now you would like to use a different ability to hit it? that's fine, but don't forget to click with your mouse the first frame with your mouse again...


    I wish they would implement such a lame system also for DPS. We guys would have the strongest clicking when Diablo3 will be released. After couple of days of SWTOR healing I can't pick my nose anymore, true story.



    You know the first LFG tool in WoW was an addon? Just saying. You may like it or not the LFG but please look beyond that. An addon created originally what then became a major feature in the game. Pros and Cons are not here to be discussed.

    Point being: addons can "develop" the game in answer to what the Community wants/needs and the Addon developer community often reacts faster than the game developers do.


    For SWTOR wont be a LFG addon maybe, but did you get my point? No? You silly cucumbers.



    I'd also like an addon that when I mouseover an NPC with a quest ingame, shows attached to the tooltip (at my mouse location by the way) the name of the quest and the rewards. Useless for me, but maybe someone simply wants to get it done with? That's what nice about addons, they are so vary.


    Hell you can create your own.

  4. Addons doesn't mean Damage Meters. They are not synonymous as far as I know.


    Implementing and allowing the development and use of addons, doesn't necessarily means that also Damage Meters will come (as in: you need a damn combat log to begin with).


    And bare with me, while I do agree a combat log is needed and that I wouldn't mind a Damage Meter addon coming out of it, there are so many other things that addons and the community can improve on the absolutely lackluster UI and UI Customization of this game that I don't even know where to start from to give you examples.


    No wait, I do know: Auction House.


    Addons would hopefully allow a full rework of the Auction House, because that's what's needed.


    Please also understand that the User Interface is a major aspect of a game, and since few guys (Artists + Developers that created the vanilla one) can't possibly satisfy the needs and expectations of millions of players, it makes really no sense with today's technology to not allow them to create/modify the interface at their own leisure.


    As a Healer (for example), if I wanted to click so much on my screen, I would be playing Bejeweled I think.

  5. this was my post in another thread (little bit more specific about healing and click-to-cast addons for healers) that was closed/locked because it was considered a dupe of this post by the forum mods.


    reposting for the sake of conversation :)



    I really don't get this. We are both playing the same game right? me and you for example, you go dps, I go healing. Now, here is the problem, why can you simply TAB to change target and press your keybindings, when I have to click through all the portraits of the ppl I want to heal?


    On boss fights, you target him and do your key pressing while I have to click through portraits whilst looking at them obviously and at the fight too.


    all the click-to-select player and then cast a heal is SO old and SO disliked by the players that doesn't make sense releasing a game with this healing mechanic anymore IMO. Although, now that this kind of healing mechanic is in this game too, why not make the best out of it with proper UI (modifications)?


    "just don't roll a healer!", wait a second, so you consider the click-to-target a basic gameplay mechanic for healers? Let me put you on the right path right there: you as a dps are meant to use your spells to kill enemies, while me with my spells am supposed to keep my allies alive. Now the targeting/casting mechanics through which we perform that task IS NOT GAMEPLAY.


    Allowing addons, and click-to-cast ones in this particular case, does not make HEALING easier, they just remove the click-to-select hassle from the healing. And we have stated, because mine was a statement, that click-to-select before casting is NOT gameplay (hence why you are not making the real healing gameplay easier with such addons).


    I want to enjoy the real healing gameplay. The real satisfaction that comes from it. Select and then cast is just frustrating (NOT HARD! really, clicking a frame with your mouse is not hard unless you're my Granma. Again, allowing click-to-heal you're not removing something HARD from the game, you're removing something frustrating that affect the ones that like the Healing part of the game/fights).


    You know why the click-to-select and then cast is still there in MMOs? not because that is how "Healing is done", nor because Healers like it, no. It is there because Developers haven't figured out how to make players heal otherway. The click-to-cast is a different way to perform the same task, minus the hassle (not the hardness).




    - the click_UIframe-to-select and then cast-spell mechanic is NOT part of the Healing gameplay, and it shouldn't be.

    - Healers are forced into it due to poor new ideas from Developers' teams.

    - click_UIframe-to-CAST modifications are there to make the best out of an outdated Interface based on a nowadays outdated Healing mechanic.

  6. Originally Posted by Capn_Barboza

    sounds like you're akin to easy mode

    Happens when you come from wow. The community is so used to be dumbed down that anything seems like a hassle. ;)


    I really don't get this. We are both playing the same game right? me and you for example, you go dps, I go healing. Now, here is the problem, why can you simply TAB to change target and press your keybindings, when I have to click through all the portraits of the ppl I want to heal?


    On boss fights, you target him and do your key pressing while I have to click through portraits whilst looking at them obviously and at the fight too.


    all the click-to-select player and then cast a heal is SO old and SO disliked by the players that doesn't make sense releasing a game with this healing mechanic anymore IMO.


    "just don't roll a healer!", wait a second, so you consider the click-to-target a basic gameplay mechanic for healers? Let me put you on the right path right there: you as a dps are meant to use your spells to kill enemies, while me with my spells am supposed to keep my allies alive. Now the targeting/casting mechanics through which we perform that task IS NOT GAMEPLAY.


    Allowing addons, and click-to-cast ones in this particular case, does not make HEALING easier, they just remove the click-to-select hassle from the healing. And we have stated, because mine was a statement, that click-to-select before casting is NOT gameplay (hence why you are not making the real healing gameplay easier with such addons).


    I want to enjoy the real healing gameplay. The real satisfaction that comes from it. Select and then cast is just frustrating (NOT HARD! really, clicking a frame with your mouse is not hard unless you're my Granma. Again, allowing click-to-heal you're not removing something HARD from the game, you're removing something frustrating that affect the ones that like the Healing part of the game/fights).


    You know why the click-to-select and then cast is still there in MMOs? not because that is how "Healing is done", nor because Healers like it, no. It is there because Developers haven't figured out how to make players heal otherway. The click-to-cast is a different way to perform the same task, minus the hassle (not the hardness).




    - the click_UIframe-to-select and then cast-spell mechanic is NOT part of the Healing gameplay, and it shouldn't be.

    - Healers are forced into it due to poor new ideas from Developers' teams.

    - click_UIframe-to-CAST modifications are there to make the best out of an outdated Interface based on a nowadays outdated Healing mechanic.

  7. Nice explanation and so this is probably a stupid question. Why would anyone not set it to 1 second? I have a ping of around 50ms most of the time but why wouldn't I want to queue early to ensure that I have no downtime between attacks?


    Lets pretend I'm a spammer (as I am) and I like to press buttons a lot, not even waiting for it to get our of cooldown, making sure this way that the ability is fired as soon as it comes out of cooldown.


    Lets pretend I've 1, my basic ability and 2, an ability with a cooldown. The way I play is this:




    not with times


    [0.0s] 111111111122 [1.5s end of global colldown] 222111111111 [3.0 end of gcd] 1111222...


    How many hit did I get on the enemy?

    ability 1 at 0.0s, ability 2 at 1.5, ability 1 again at 3.0s


    What happens if a queue?

    ability 1 at 0.0s, at 1.5s depending on the Queue length I may fire a 1 instead of a 2...because the system queued my 1 spamming in the queue (see it like a buffer).



    If you like spamming, have a low ping and like playing "on your toes" always ready to click (key spam) the next ability you want to use in a 1.5s times (the global cooldown: you need to be able to decide/know the ability you are going to cast in the next 1.5 secs), then IMO 0.0 is the way to go.


    Personally I never liked Queue ability system, but then again that's because I spam a lot and sometime the queue buffered an ability I don't intend to cast anymore...hope it makes sense.


    If I'm wrong please let me know :p, sounds like a couple of guys here knows a lot about this :)

  8. 2: no. There is no Auto-Attack


    and to keep attacking I would suggest you to use the key and not the right-mouse button because I think that is what causing your 1:


    1: right-mouse is bound to camera view in the keybindings. If you misclick the enemy e little bit, and this will happen a lot to you with enemies moving, your camera will act as a bee on Redbull.



    So, no Autoattack. Stick with the keys. Remap the keys if you want (for example I've the basic attack on E)


    hope it helps.

  9. interesting. So the way you make friends in a MMO is with your LFG chat spam? Can we all have your magic chat line or whisper you send to other players to make them want to befriend you?


    What if they removed the Battleground queue and allowed to queue for one only to premade groups? more LFG chat spam, more social activity, the core of an mmo. Just, please.


    What if your friends are offline? you make new ones with more LFG chat spam? how many friends do you have in your friends list?


    A curious point I read in here was pretty much "if they implement one, then the majority would use it and this would kill the social aspect of the game". Ok, lets not implement somehting that the majority of the player base would use. Brilliant.


    Without the LFG spam you wouldn't be able to make friends in an MMO? is that how you find/mke the majority of your online friends?


    Instead of you spamming LFG LFG LFG every two minutes in a chat, there would be a script behind it that would be that and much more other nice things for you to have a group to play with...and maybe befriend some of those player in the group. Cose in my case I make new friends when I play with them, my LFG spam is not charming enough.


    a: LFG dps sorcerer Instance BlaBla

    b: invite

    a: omg we are best friends now :D I added you to my friends list, with all the others that wispered me "invite" in the past. I've so many friends. Almost as many as in my Facebook profile. You?


    If you fear people from other servers joining your isntance by the way, maybe it could be server bound? (still limited, but at least something)

    What about when there wont be enough players of your level in your area that want to go in an instance? You'd rather skip it? You'd miss on part of the content/story just cose you don't want a bigger players pool to be able to queue with? Possibly a bigger players pool among whom find new nice online friends?


    LFG tool is convenient, obviously, and why is "convenient" bad? the ability to do something else while the system finds a group instead of me having no chance to do nothing else but looking for one?


    Serisouly, what's the perversion you guys have against the LFG tool? in which way does it break your gaming and social experience? Is a LFG tool a limit to what exactly?

  10. some interesting post. I already wrote a lot so I will try to keep it short :)


    The Next Gen thing I got it from randoms forums, blogs, websites, game communities and that kind of stuff. That's why I used the term Next Gen so much in my post, and that's also why I was expecting Next Gen mechanics in the game. I was just a little bit disappointed of finding out that the only Next Gen feature, the way I see it, was Questing.


    Obviously it is not a small deal, it is absolutely a big one as I wrote in my first post, but not enough for me to define SWTOR as a Next Gen MMO (that yes I'm still waiting) and that apparently I was erroneously believing it would be.


    By the way, the fact that I'm writing it today it doesn't mean I find it out at my first login, I already know it was like this. This was a given right?



    Also, the fact that it is similar to other MMO out there, that's ok for me. I was simply expecting more "new stuff" (again, more Next Gen if you want) and as someone said at least couple more old features from others MMO that I don't see why should be missing in any MMO released today, or since those features were introduced, with success, in other ones on the marked.



    Talent wise, as someone said this talent system has been out there for so long now. Don't you want to call it "rotting2? that's fine, but I guess we can agree that MMO and their content has expanded and changed so much. The community has evolved too, in fact many changes introduced to other MMOs comes from the community feedback and their needs so to let them enjoy all the new different content that a system like this is not adequate to anymore.

    No one is saying that an hypothetical talent system shouldn't allow player choices and hybrids build, if nothing else it should be designed to empower such things...and we want to think the three-trees-talent points system is the way to stay?


    I wrote in my post why I think Rift allowed players to have 3 talent builds (or was it 4-5?) with this talent system in place, and I'm curious why you think they were wrong and that this system (with only 1 build too) is instead the better way?



    Then of course, if we are happy with SWTOR to be just another MMO, similar to all the others on the market with in addition the SW universe/lore and a great storytelling and questing mechanics, then we can all agree they did a superb job and we couldn't ask for better really.


    I sure will be sticking around for long time to come, but with some bitterness in me that's all :)

  11. I like the game, I do, but maybe I misunderstood what Next Generation means or maybe we simply give different meaning to words.


    When I think about Next Gen, I think about new mechanics and new aspects of the game and a revamp of old MMO features so to improve them to a point that they feel as new ones.

    There is one, only one thing that feels like a Next Gen feature, the way I see it, in SWTOR. But more of this later, instead I would like to start explaining why I think there is no Next Gen in SWTOR by bringing up just a couple of points. Only a couple, because I fear this will be a long post and the reason I'm writing this is not to bring up every single aspect of the game I personally don't find innovative, but just enough of them to explain my points and point of view.



    1- Talent system


    This is old, so old it is rotting. Already recognized as not appealing anymore to the MMO community. Already confirmed to not be working for today's MMO and MMO players.

    What makes an MMO successful? The number of its subscribers. Meaning how many players keep playing the game month after month. MMO content nowadays is so vast and so various, is that alone enough to keep players playing? Not at all obviously. Now, lets not go in game design, balance, new content ecc ecc, lets just focus on Talents. Talents and Content.


    The three talent trees, xx points to spend, choices to make in trees, everything related to this kind of Talent system does not allow a player, a character, to enjoy in its entirety the game content. The problems is that often, if not always, different game content is approached in different ways by the same person. I want to Heal in Instances and DPS elsewhere. A respec is needed, need to stop playing and go change talents, spend resources on it, set up spells and buttons again. And even if I give up on this because bothers me too much to respec all the time, and I pick a spec for my Healing and to stick with it...even in that case there are choices to make in the talent tree, more pve talents, more pvp talents, some of both ecc.


    Bare in mind I'm not complaining about having to do that. Those kind of choices and decisions are intrinsic in this kind of class talent system. My problem and what I would like to bring up, is that this is not only an absurdly old talent system, but also something that doesn't work anymore and further more it is something MMOs are moving away from!


    This talent system maybe worked around the time World of Warcraft launched, but it has been so long ago and the MMO content evolved so much since then that this talent system doesn't cut it anymore. Example?

    Blizzard gave up on it, introducing the Dual Spec. "lol what? that's just the same system, you just get two specs instead of one". Correct. And Rift did the same. "lol kiddo, saaaaame! only like 3-4 specs or whatever". Correct. And what does it say? To me, it is the Developers recognizing that the MMO content nowadays cannot be possibly enjoyed entirely by a player with one talent spec, and more generally by a talent system like this one. The Dual-Thrice-Whatever numbers of spec is not a solution, no, it is a message by the MMO Developers: this talent system is not working anymore.


    Multiple specs is just a temporary solution to a mechanic that is not working anymore. Would I be happy with multiple specs introduced in SWTOR? Hell no! What I would like from a Next Gen MMO is a new talent system, a talent system that works for today's content and players.

    Example? Now people on these forums will go nuts, but bare with me: World of Warcraft next expansion. And if you never played WoW or don't want to hear about Mist of Pandaria, then think about Diablo3 (sort of). Those Talent systems is what I call Next Gen. Also in those talents there are choices to make, and allow you to spec tank, heal, dps, pvp, pve, noob, or however you like to enjoy the content you are going to face in the minutes/hours ahead of you.

    Talent choice: your charge stuns the enemy for x second longer, your charge stuns x more enemies, your charge frees you from root/snare effects. Pick one.

    Talent choice: learn Renew, learn Shield, Learn Healing Wave. Pick one. Just silly example guys about an alternate, new talent system.


    Able to swap talents almost on the fly (out of combat, in town, also free why not). This was just an example by the way, you may like this new kind of talent system or not, but it is new, it is not the old stiff three - xx points to spend - talent trees we still have in SWTOR after such a long development and after such a big evolution not only in MMOs but also in their community.

    "Do you want a talent system like that? then go play that game", well that was not my point nor where I wanted to go. I don't know if I want that talent system or how it works out but personally I think the Tree Talent system is obsolete and needs changed. Sign of it being obsolete are out there already (multiple spec temporary solutions), signs of changes are already there (D3, Pandaria examples), so from a Next Gen I expect a new talent system.


    By the way, of the things in this post, the Talents one is probably the one that burns me the most. Vanilla WoW has been there for almost 10 years guys, really? Again, there is a reason why MMO using this kind of system are introducing multiple spec choices, and why they are trying to move away from that king of Talent System. "Yeah we got it, it is old", ooooh no, not only that: "They do NOT work anymore".


    (Just an extra few lines on this, since we are talking about Talents, is there any logical Development reason to why the same spell have different names for the Republic and the Empire? I don't mind having to learn double names for almost every spell in the game, but why? Is there any explanation to this I wonder. Does it help the players or the game, does it make the game better than if it was using the same name for the same ability on the two factions?

    Whenever I find a nice forum post or guide or blog about a class or tanking or anything, I have to learn the name of my spells also for the counterpart class in the other faction. Doesn't cost me much really, but I'm curious on why the Developers thought this was good for the game, or its players.)



    2- Looking For Group tool


    "ahah dude, this is an MMO, learn to interact with ppl, don't be shy", this is probably the classic answer. An MMO is made also of interactions with others, so go out there and interact.

    First of all, there are MMO players that do like the solo experience more. This does not make them less worthy of consideration (not by the Dev team nor by the community), nor less players than the others are.

    And as second point, how you can consider spamming "LFG Instance level 50 Sorcerer dps" ever 2 minutes in a chat to be social I really don't understand. The Looking for group "experience" should not be placed in the social aspect of an MMO because it is not. You're not socializing in any way with anyone to get in a group for an instance. You don't go to a game bar and spend hours there chatting and knowing each other before you go to the instance. The Social part is when you are IN the group, if you want to take part to it.


    Looking for a group is a tedious experience, a waste of time. When the game will be old enough to not have that much low levels around, you can socialize spamming LFG in chat all you want, but you will be forever-alone.

    Think also about the casual players without a guild to rely on. The players that try out the game for a while. I think you want them to join the content and hopefully enjoy it as soon as possible and the LFG chat surely doesn't go that direction.

    Also, imagine if every time you wanted to queue for a PvP match you needed a full group and you had to form it on your server.


    I want to play a monthly fee to play the game, not to look for groups to play the game (the content). Will the Looking for Group feature ever come? I hope so, but the problem for me is why it is not here already? It is a feature that allows players that enjoy PvE to skip the tedious LFG-chat mechanic. Personally I would expect every new MMO to have such feature, goes without saying I expect it from an MMO advertised as Next Gen.



    3- Addons


    You may as well read it as Community. Addons, hate them or love them, turned out to be a fundamental aspect of an MMO. The Development creativity of thousands, millions of players cannot be denied and any Development team would love to have so many people out there working to make the game (interface) more enjoyable to the other players.


    Also, addons can only improve the game experience and that's because the Game Developers those Addons are designed for can determine at any time what is ok and what is not for an addon to do. You give the addon developers the tools you want them to use and the aspects of the game you want them able to access/modify, and there you go. You have control over them and their work, and they are free freelancers for your Development team.


    Many addons may also turn out to be so good and so appreciated by the community that you as the Game Developer may want to add that feature in your game. A fast example, the on screen spell effects on reactive procs from ability introduced in WoW: addon Power Auras.


    I think I read somewhere addons will be made available at some point, but then again, why not already? This game has been in development for such a long time, they sure saw all these things coming to light in other MMOs. A Next Gen MMO and no addons?



    4- Extras.


    What I would expect from Next Gen MMO? New game mechanics. New content.

    When I say new content in particular, I don't mean a new Battleground or a new Instance, I mean a fresh new thing to do, a never seen before in a MMO new content. I will give you another example of what I mean, haters be ready: Pet Combat system in World of Warcraft next expansion.


    Hold on hold on, I didn't say we should all love it and that we all should think that it is great, but from a development point of view that's what I mean with "new content". Something new. In the example, a game within the game (the fact that "Pokemon" has already been seen doesn't change my point). Of course it is up to the Devs to come up with new content to appeal the majority if not all of its players (and if Blizzard did it with the Pet Combat system is absolutely not the topic of this post), but those new contents are what I expect from a Next Gen MMO.



    I'm enjoying the game as I said at the beginning, I simply don't get the Next Gen part of SWTOR. Instead it feels to me like a snapshot of any other MMO (one in particular...haters, please). And what it feels worst to me is that apparently this snapshot was taken way too many years ago and it is nowadays outdated.


    At the beginning I said that one thing, one only so far really felt as what I expect to be a new standard for future MMO, something you can definitely call Next Gen: questing.

    Questing in SWTOR is so well done, SO well done that I'm sure they set a new benchmark, a new standard for any other MMO in the future. After we have experienced this kind of questing (voice acting and storytelling, ecc) I'm sure we MMO players don't want to go back and experience nothing less than this...until next Next Gen questing mechanic obviously :)


    So, given the fact of the awesomeness of the questing experience in SWTOR, and the fact that I expect this to be the new standard questing mechanic for any other MMO in the future, is this feature alone enough to call SWTOR a Next Gen MMO? Personally I don't think so.


    Last comments. I really don't want this to be a debate, but what I would really like to hear is what others think. What is Next Gen in SWTOR for you? What is old and stiff for you?

    I wrote only 3 points (plus a forth) that personally make me feel as we're just not there yet, in the Next Gen era. Questing as I said surely is, but the game has so much "old stuff" and is lacking a lot of "unknown Next Gen new content/features" that I don't feel confident calling it a Next Gen MMO.


    I'm really curious to read your points and your point of view, but not as much interested in your "comments". As I said this was not posted to begin a debate, and as everyone knows: opinions are personal :)


    Have fun in the game if you haven't got in yet!

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