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Everything posted by Sporin

  1. I once took an arrow to the knee... IN the cash shop! Don't go in! Doooooooomed!
  2. Coke or Pepsi? For the in fleet sponsorer I mean. Add a bit of colour if nothing else.
  3. If they will add it? £100! Just so I can laugh! Please do it EA!!!
  4. Some of us have no real lives! Have you met my wife? 10 hours in PC MMO fanasty land is heaven!
  5. There's gonna be a lot of naked rakata wearers on the fleet!
  6. "Blah blah blah - Will be available... In the cash shop" Their selling Sheep? I WANT TWO!
  7. If everything is included for subbing players, then maybe, ofc then whats the coins for then, so can't see you getting everything! So it all depends on what content you get "for free" as a subber. And is it cheaper to buy it as a non subber? $15 for what you have now, knowing what you know, I'd say is a rip off (As they have clearly been holding content back for this big f2p push, and charging extra to fix augs & buy legacy perks so that you couldn't afford them and would buy them later with coins/cash). The ball is clearly in their court. And they need to shine!
  8. Yes, it means WE paid for all the F2Pers to enjoy a game, I do hope they like it and get more content and moneys worth than we did... Oh wait, they don't need money!
  9. Ah! I see! So you don't play to enjoy yourself or have any kind of fun. Your only here to make EA lots of money via F2P! Your a very kind man, I would like a new BMW if you have the time.
  10. Sure! That'll be 2,500 coins please. Thank you. **Next weeks special offer: The Sims clothes for your companions and Seasonal decor for YOUR ship! Coming Soon™**
  11. Lol, it's not even worth addressing! :eek:
  12. Sure! Okay, you all heard the man... Move out! Go! No more posting! God has spoken!!!
  13. People feel let down or betrayed and for a better word... Angry. And therefore want revenge! (imo). Others are happy and don't want to see something they like fall apart and so are very defensive. And so the fights begin. One thing to note is... That as the players rip into each other on here, the powers that be sit back and watch, like a gladiator match. Uncaring???
  14. I used to have a list pretty much like this one, well, without number 4 (unless they made it really change your path etc.). But it's pointless now. Why? Because most things on this list would be "2000 coins OR $20" now, so it's over, there is no dream, no hope, only death! Stage 5 is complete, you win BW/EA. You win!!!
  15. My main (50 Trooper) would be played by Kurt Cobain after he hears about F2P, and having his soul stolen (along with months of subs) for nothing. The tonne of Alts don't matter, they are obsolete now.
  16. Because they don't know English? ROFL
  17. They don't pay subs in F2P, but dream on. Let's see the numbers at the end of August. There's also a lot less of "you" lot than "you" think... dream on!
  18. It was all spin though. If that 40% wanted free thats fine. But what about the other 60%? Ignore the 60 because it's less than 40... EA = pure genius!
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