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Everything posted by Zarthorn

  1. Damn this is an old thread, but yes Class Balance first and foremost before anything else, it's gotten to the point where WZ's are simply this: Rep: Sentinel, Sentinel, Cons, Cons, Comm, Comm, Guardian & VG, SB Scoundrel & That diehard Shadow player. Imp: Mara, Mara, Sorc, Sorc, Sniper, Sniper, Sniper, Jugger & PT & either a Op or another Mara or Sniper. Shadows and Assassins are rare, Melee orientated Scoundrels and Operatives rarer still, and I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw a Mercenary or Commando specced for anything else but healing. Gunslingers don't seem to exist Republic side, Snipers exist in abudancy on the Imperial side (clear indication of mirror imbalance) So yeah...premades are the absolute least of our worries when the Balancing issue is far from addressed.
  2. Why did you even bother to post when it's blatantly clear you didn't read? I suppose I'll sum it up in short so it makes easier to understand: -Class Balancing is poor to non-existent. -Expertise is a toxic stat that only skews PvP balance. -PvP Gear is terrible, just buy the expertise mods and put them in your PvE Operations gear. -Certain skills clearly have no place in PvP (Seesaw of balance) while others offer a skewed Risk vs Reward scale (Guard is terrible on Risk vs Reward if you do not have a healer tied to you 24/7) -Resilence is still a broken stat and has been so since Beta with it having a high tendancy to not take effect and you still get CC'ed with a full white bar. -Far too much CC, not enough true interupts.
  3. You would be spot on. Just come back to the game a few days ago after nearly a year away, nothings really changed as far as PvP goes, just a few minor changes to the pecking order (Snipers switched places with BHs/Comms and Maras/Sents are still the facerollingly easy top dogs) gear is still the number one deciding factor....and if you have the best gear, you win. I've been saying it ever since Beta: -Expertise needs to go away, forever...why Bioware chooses to stick behind the stupid stat I will never know, if you have enough of it you'll bulldoze the opposition and barely get scratched, it works poor, it's generally poor, flat bolster number for Expertise, Stims/power ups for a temporary boost and that's as far it should ever go. -Resilence Good idea, Bad Implementation, there is so much wrong with how this works that it may as well not even exist, more interuptions, less stuns is how it should be. -Proper balancing work done, PvP cannot and will not thrive in an environment where it's clean cut that certain classes will basically dominate everything, when people are barely breaking 4k-6k critical hits with moderate cooldowns and you see a Mara/Sent walk up and hit someone for 7k with a spammable attack...It's wrong! Now I know the Mara/Sent players are real touchy about this, but they also have some of best darned defensive cooldowns in the game to boot with that powerful offense, if you want your big phat damage...you can't have your big phat defence. -Certain skills revamping/retooling or just outright shutting off or removing from PvP, Know why Guardians/Juggers still don't Guard? (except when they join with a healer mate) because they stand more chance of dying from Guard damage than if they would've just thrown around a few taunts, I can understand the need to ensure you don't get a God combo of Healer/Tank that are immovable...but that's why we need more interupts. -PvP Gear outside of expertise is about as desirable as a wet noodle, there is litterally zero point to getting the gear when you can just run dailys and hard/nightmare mode flashpoints and pick up gear you do want and just slot the Expertise mod in when you want to PvP, as horrible as the old RNG system was (for any that were here for that) at least it came in 3 tiers and was actually worth having (BM Gear was comparable to the harder operation gear but more PvP stylised, etc) people need to see the gear as a viable alternative, something they would want. Personally I'm happy to be back in SWTOR, the PvE End-Game aspect has definatley improved, but honestly I cannot see me wanting to commit to more than the dailies as far as the PvP is concerned.
  4. Guess where else I heard that Warhammer Online. Edit: Nope I'm not saying SWTOR will die, but It'll certainly lose more subs if they continue on this communication blackout path.
  5. Because I have an opinion that is not a "Bioware you suck and QQ" It's a "this is what's wrong, this is why I'm leaving" As a consumer, I'm entitled to "let them know how they are doing" so I have.
  6. Actually if the zerg sticks together, protects the ball carrier and uses CC to knock people off platforms, they are unstoppable, you might score the odd one one two while the zerg is returning from the goal line, but you are still going to be fighting a losing battle.
  7. So today I finally decided I'd had enough and cancelled my sub, this isn't an attention seeking, woe is me or whatnot thread, this is more a response to Bioware as to why I have chosen to cancel and likely will not come back (I know there is a spot to respond on the why you have cancelled but there clearly isn't enough space). If you are thinking of trolling and saying "Can I have your stuff, Noone cares, etc" Don't bother because I won't read those responses. The first and foremost reason for my cancelation is the lack of vision and direction. This game has absolutely massive potential but the potential is currently being wasted on an open world PvP area that to be quite frank, was poorly designed and had issues from day 1 and WZ's that require no tactics at all to win in them other than to "Zerg". When I signed up to SWTOR I was in good mind to believe that the PvP would be MASSIVE on a Global scale! Taking us back to our DaoC roots and true objective based PvP that would be both rewarding and incredibly fun! What we were given feels like a shoebox at Christmas with a piece of coal inside after being told it was that Big Red Firetruck we had begged Santa for which leads me onto my second reason.... Lack of communication! It seems all the Bioware forum mods are doing is locking/deleting any thread that calls them out on hot issues (such as the ability to get more players than intended into the WZ exploit) and balance. I've tried extremely hard to remain optimistic and constructive with my threads and any post responding to threads on balance only to look at yet another set of patchnotes with absolutely no balance changes despite there being severe glaring balance issues that have gone on since launch. Today I lost my temper after finally realising how much like Warhammer this game has become and posted a rant thread calling out a dev, I got infracted and the thread locked and to be perfectly honest, It would not have come to this had Bioware just shown a little bit of due diligence and actually spoke to there PvP community once in a while instead of constantly shutting us out in the dark (Apathy breeds discontent) Entire weekends have passed with no so much as a mutter from the Devs an entire Q&A session came and went with no questions answered on the state of PvP balancing... THERE ARE STILL PLAYERS WAITING ON ASSISTANCE TO GET INTO THE DAMN GAME! This isn't customer service, it's customer diservice....which of course leads me onto my final point..... Terrible Balance! I've been through several MMO's which have seen there fair share of balancing issues but never EVER have I played one where the devs just refuse to comment on multi-page threads highlighting several top issues (the Sorc/Sage Hybrids, the mirrors not being exact mirrors and now the Sent/Maras 3 - 4 shotting everyone they come across while being more survivable than a Guard/Jugger) even SoE know better than to remain quiet about issues that are clear as daylight for all to see! I compared this game to WAR for it's balance and in the thread that got locked, I had unanimous agreement on that, perhaps it's high time Bioware stopped sticking there head in the sand and actually started talking to there paying customers a little more. ====================================================== In closing I'll leave you with this statement from the customer service industry, something one of my old bosses said to me and there is no truer saying! "For every customer that leaves loudly, ten just left behind them silently never to return" We are not asking you to be all things to all people, just that you actually talk to us, tell us how things are going once in a while and stop shutting us out in the dark! If I wanted this kind of treatment I'd be subscribing to that game that will not be named! Thanks for reading and nope no TLDR because for the second and last time I'll ever say this on these forums.........Litteracy needs a buff! =p
  8. Guess you didn't see this in alpha then? Lego star wars looked better.
  9. Sounds like you really had a good look at it More like you looked at a bunch of alpha screens and passed judgement, it's running on the dreamworld engine so the graphics will be top notch for a start (same engine as AoC).
  10. Centurion weapon is more an emerald green, definatley not blue for Republic.
  11. I agree with pull causing a ball drop or fumble as such but in the interests of fairness, this should also apply to Vanguard and Powertech pulls to cause an "advantageous fumble" otherwise we are just going to get a lot more LOLPULL into firepits. In short, pulls are a little too good in huttball of any kind. Reminds me of Riftstalkers using the recall teleport with shards.
  12. PvP is finite because it's never done right. For some reason all the companies seem to have got it stuck in there heads that we want the WoW business model when we really couldn't care less about it. We want a new DaoC, where pvp is not only fun but rewarding and meaningful. I'm actually not looking at GW2 as a saviour at all.....why? Because it's a free to play model and I already experienced GW1 so I know what to expect from arenanet. What I'm actually looking at as a potential successor even despite it being a Funcom product financially backed by EA is The Secret World.....why is that do you ask? Because they have the immediate recipe what all modern MMO's lack.....3 factions!
  13. This so much this, it's like you broke into my brain and stole my thoughts! Mindless pvp with absolutely no strategy, as much as I hated Tor Anroc on WAR, it had strategy to it at least.
  14. It affected dps classes far heavier than it did healing. Tried both Sawbones and Scrapper pre and post patch, the difference on my Scrapper burst was immediatley noticable, the drop on my Sawbones healing was barely noticable....why? Because healers don't burst they heal consistently.
  15. So you outhealed 2 dps and kill one, so effectively. You eliminated 2 dps from the equasion because they were now attacking you thus placing you into a tank-like role (taking damage for other teammates) thus that was 2 dps not attacking your teammates giving you an extra man advantage in terms of your teammates (since two are attacking you they are down to 6 players, you are out of the equasion leaving your team with 7) The increased problem here, you are winning 2 v 1 situations and not the occassional 2 v 1 or by luck nor skill. You are winning 2 v 1's simply because healing is imbalanced because there is only one counter to it (Mara/Sent healing debuff) and even that isn't enough to counter expertise increased healing. Did you know that a Merc/Commando and Sorc/Sage can hold a point against a constant attack of four players if they are heal specced and it would take at least 6 to be able to shove them off the point? The healing in this game is absolutely ludicrous im afraid and it reminds me of AO Doctors.
  16. Oh so that means you are a hybrid healer build and want it all in one build, how about... No.
  17. Don't even try to throw out the mirror class comment everyone is well aware by now that the classes are far from properly mirrored.
  18. Something tells me someone does not know what instant heals are and that healers in the current state of the game are insanely difficult to kill.
  19. This'll be quite funny because those that will be "AFKing" in WZ's won't be getting there daily/weekly done. You know it's going to be a kill participation counter don't you? If you are not participating you won't be getting your dailies/weeklies done. And if you AFK, I'll as will probably many others will look for you so we can send you back to spawn and you get forced out of the WZ with the auto-afk flag and thus leaver debuffed.
  20. I came across ignorant because you guys have been clearly trying to shove it down my throat since passing my own opinion that I'm wrong so tbh can you blame me for getting a little short tongued when all you keep saying is the same mindless drivel of l2p and you bad hrm? When you come across rude, you get rudeness back. I'm saying that Shien isn't all it's cracked up to be and I notice that I get more mileage out of Soresu Vigil/Def Hybrid than I do out of pure Shien because of the utility. If you can make Shien work, good for you but it doesn't stop it being sub-optimal for PvP when compared to the hybrid spec because you are giving up a fair bit of utility for it. Shien is without a doubt, the top DPS build in a PVE environment for a Guardian, no debate there, it just doesn't have enough going for it to warrant dropping warding call and Soresu in PvP however. Remember you have no burst, no warding call and switching to Soresu to tank/guard costs you all your focus, the minute you bump into a team with equal/higher geared healers you will realise what I'm trying to say and that full Vigil isn't all that it's cracked up to be in PvP.
  21. Funnily enough I look at the majority of players saying it's fine l2p and they are the same bunch from the Sorc hybrid thread saying the same thing....interesting. Again, I'll stress the point...there is a massive lack of counters (heal debuffs) to healing, trauma and a single healing debuff tied to one class does not counteract healing because of several things that seem to be going WOOOSH over your heads. Every class gets a talent that get this...Increases the amount they get healed for with healers getting output and input ones. Do DPS get a talent that ....Decreases the amount there target gets healed for? No, there is one skill in the game that does it and it's tied to Sents/Maras. Expertise also helps to bypass trauma quite largely. Wake up and smell the coffee instead of sitting on your troll throne throwing out your stupid sheep bleeted l2p phrase, Healing power creeps through expertise and talents but there is no counter to this power creep outside of one class pairing. You keep on denying.
  22. Nope, I just respecced my Scoundrel to healer since you all seem to have this "can't beat em join em mentality" guess what, I'm now part of the problem.
  23. I wish people would understand that noone is asking for healing to be nerfed, they are asking for Bioware to add the actual counter to the game on more than one class pairing in the form of heal debuffing. The problem with healing atm is: -Every class has a talent that increases the healing they recieve (healers also get one that increases healing delt) -Trauma is mostly countered by expertise -There is only one heal debuff tied to one class pairing and no others. This causes a form of power creep because the counter is only availible to one class, there needs to be more heal debuffs to counter the power creep from talents/expertise.
  24. Take it you never ever played DaoC? If you want to know how healing should be, I suggest you go look at that game.
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