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Everything posted by powerisall

  1. I had this (or a similar) bug tonight in EC Story. I (just me) died against some trash between toph and zorn and the tanks. I accidentally released outside. When I came back in, the trash had respawned in the mines. Turned out I was in instance 2 of Denova and the rest of my group was in instance 1. I could not switch to instance one. I got an error message saying "Instance depopulating. You may not travel there at this time." Even though all 7 of the rest of my group was in the instance 1. EDIT: also, because I got swapped to instance 2 before we got to the black hole comms chest, I was unable to get the chest open.
  2. Bugged for Canderous Ordo, has been since sometime around 5pm EST after server maintenance.
  3. I have a question about the new world boss, Nightmare Pilgrim. Right now, according to all the information that is out there, this appears to be calibrated as a 16man raid. I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the NP can be attempted with both an 8man raid or a 16man raid, with the 16man raid being slightly easier, due to the hassle of coordinating 16 people compared to 8. Can you confirm or deny this? It doesn't seem possible to me, at least with the mechanics used for the 16man attempts. The stacking debuff The Thing From The Stars applies to the tank seems like it would involve tank swapping, which could result in an issue if a tank gets a bloodmark. Also, the enrage timer would be impossible to beat unless the bosses spawned with less health or the timer was increased. So, is Nightmare Pilgrim possible with a well geared (probably Rakata+) group of 8, or is a group of 16 the way to go here?
  4. Which is how the /who command in SWToR was designed to work. It isn't supposed to automatically search the name or zone. You got spoiled by WoW. Just type the name in the box.
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