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    Portland, ME
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    music, hacking, gaming
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  1. This is /excellent/ to see. This is completely fair in my opinion as all I ever wanted was compensation for the lost game time and for them to own up to the mistake. I'm glad they did this and I don't have to unsub now, as I really do enjoy the game. I only hope that I am correctly identified as one of the people affected. And now hopefully everyone that this issue still affects can get into the game soon and we can all start enjoying 1.2! Thanks to the CM's for 'going to bat' for us and keeping us informed on the issue! and Good job with doing the right thing Bioware! This is how you keep customers.
  2. Are you f'ing KIDDING me right now? When you PAY for a service and that service is not available yes you are OWED something. You are owed time for loss of service.
  3. What about those of us that were affected by the nightmare that was 1.2 but don't have lvl 50s yet? How is this fair? This doesn't cover my downtime.
  4. I realize that this is not the fault of the moderators of these forums. However, I would implore you moderators to /please/ 'go to bat' for those of us who have been affected by this incompetent mistake and suggest to the 'powers that be' at Bioware to compensate us with a free month of game time for all the frustration we have put up with. I know this should not be a big deal because Trion/Rift does it all the time. If you call tech support with a problem and you have ANY downtime at all, they will usually just give you a free month. No reason why Bioware can't do the same.
  5. It's not only that people have jobs it's that Bioware COMPLETELY F'ed up yesterday and gave thousands of people wrong information about the 1.2 patch. There are many people like me who didn't download it last night because we were told not to.
  6. I called your tech support department THREE TIMES yesterday to confirm that I should NOT re-download the 11GB file. Do you people even communicate with each other? Your "tech support" department told me I should "read the forums". Did THEY even read the forums? You guys really need to get your stuff together if you want to have any chance of going up against your competition (like Blizzard). I will be unsubbing after today if I am not compensated for the lost game time and general frustration and incompetence I've experienced. I know this is your first MMO, but seriously this is NOOB behavior. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER.
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