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Posts posted by skrill

  1. Anyone with 400+ expertise is going to be facerolling 99% of the population right now.



    Has nothing to do with class balance and everything to do with gear imbalance.




    You know how rarely two people with equal expertise are going to currently meet each other in a one on one?



    Probably happens once a week.









    I routinely own groups of two people...three is pushing my luck.

  2. You bring up a good point, but in a few months that's going to apply to Guild Wars II, The Secret World and who knows what else?


    Thats why I give a new MMO a 3-4 month chance to basically bring itself up to speed.



    SWTOR isnt as polished as it could be but I'll give it a fair shake before I move on to the next big thing.



    Uh, sure. Unfortunately for SWTOR, it offers nothing new besides more talking which is a DETRIMENT to a lot of people.


    What you're seeing right now is the "honeymoon" stage of an MMO where everyone will valiant defend SWTOR and say "Just be patient!"


    Well eventually, peoples patience will wear off, as a lot already have. Think about it, even Rift that offered dynamic, world changing events, couldn't hold even half of their subscribers DESPITE the fact that they release content almost every month?


    What makes you think SWTOR, which has nothing new to offer and whos content release will be slowed BECAUSE of voice over, will survive?



    Im not saying it will but I (like millions of others) are waiting for a WoW replacement, id rather gouge my eyes out that go back to that game.


    So in the meantime I remain hopeful, I play the new game as if it will be successful, if it fails then it fails but I'm not just going to write it off in its infancy.

  3. Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


    Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


    And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


    Not to mention:

    -No dungeon finder

    -ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

    -Less bugs

    -Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

    -More classes

    -Better UI


    The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?




    Its new and hasnt been ruined by too many level cap raises, new classes, gear becoming obsolete over and over, and so on and so forth.



    Regardless of how "clean" you may think WoW is the fact of the matter is that its a watered down, mudflated, shadow of its former self.


    MMO's all have a shelf life and naturally degrade as more and more content is released.


    There is no way around this.

  4. Level 50 checking in.



    Obviously the question is over-simplified but its usually...



    Acid Blade ---> Hidden Strike ---> Shiv (sometimes Corrosive Instead) ---> Acid Blade ---> Backstab ----> Whatever.


    I will usually wait to burn backstab unlike most. I wait a second or two for the original Acid Blade to wrap up then use backstab/AB again. With the way you can circle strafe there really is no posiitional issues when trying to get another AB in.



    In operations you should be playing to win not to just burn someone down. Remember that Corrosive Dart will break any attempts to capture an objective so sometimes you're FAR better off hitting 4-5 people with DoT's that last 20 seconds than trying to be a burner.


    Orbital strike is also fun to drop at the foot of an objective since it keeps anyone from capping for a bit while it goes off.








    My highest crit to date has been 4404 while playing Huttball.

  5. Am I the only one that likes this?



    The Everquest "unofficial" forum for our server was one of the funnest places to post ever. The flames and rants and awesome conversations were 30x better than the sterile over-moderated WoW forums.



    Every server will eventually have off-sight forums which is waaaaaaaay better than having "official" forums where if you say the wrong thing or flame anyone you get banned.

  6. Not Operative specific but...



    Getting on your mount and dismounting automatically heals your companion to 100%.



    Use a tank/aggro companion when you feel like just grinding some exp.



    You can literally Speeder---> Mob ---> Speeder and never have to pause to regen health since it heals them up so quickly.

  7. 50 Concealment Operative Here.




    You get nasty in the 40's.




    Acid Blade is raw, people will be screaming about nerfing us after getting hit with enough HS/AB combos.

  8. Operative is notoriously weak in the lower levels.



    We really start to shine 25+.




    Sleep Dart/Droid Hack (cant remember what its called) gives you all the CC you could ever need.



    It gets funner once you get Lacerate and Acid Blade is awesome.

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