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Everything posted by BeauBard

  1. I had all the Matrix shards and I was using a Matrix Cube as one of my relics. This was on my Sith Sorcerer. The Sith Sorcerer found all the datacrons and all the shards. The sith sorcerer is now missing the shards and the cube. They are not in the mission items or regular inventory. Its not a "simply do this to fix it" from a player standpoint. Something broke it, wasn't mentioned in the notes, etc. My sorcerer cannot go back and get the shards because he was the character that got them in the first place. We should have our shards returned.
  2. This is the one datacron decoration I just can't find. I've been all over Makeb, killed every mob I came across, completed every mission, daily, heroic, and I still cannot find it. I've also been watching the GTN on PotF and no one is selling it. It seems I'm not the only one having trouble finding it.
  3. You get nothing for legacy levels 26-50, not just 50.
  4. Tonight, an L50 Imp Sniper was hanging out inside the Alderaan space port picking off everyone that came or went due to the average of a 20+ level advantage. He was alone and by the time a 50 Rep from off world showed up, he had moved on. The problem is that there are multiple L50 Champion level turrets outside the spaceport, two of which are right at the door. I was unsure of how he got into the spaceport to camp and slaughter so many. I was then told over general chat that those L50 Champion turrets are yellow to him, or neutral, not red, or aggressive. So as long as his companion doesn't attack them and he does the same, they'll let him walk right on by. So either someone set the turrets incorrectly or there is a bug here. What is the point of the turrets being there if they do nothing at all? None of the other NPCs in the area appeared to have any interest in him at all. I've played other MMOs where every NPC of your faction was set to aggressive against the opposite faction. Its something I was kind of used to. This helped is areas that were supposed to be deemed safe. Our own spaceport on Alderaan should be a safe zone, right?
  5. How'd you end up with 300 more than me, I'm curious. I've done everything they said you should get credit for outside of buying both the CE and DDE on the same account. I have 1000 for the CE. Then I have 6 150 counts listed as Subscriber rewards. And then 3 200 counts against listed as Subscriber rewards.
  6. How can someone hide in a mob and not draw the aggro of the mob? I'm confused.
  7. 2500, CE and here since launch. I did pre-order, but I don't see a credit for that.
  8. Fallen back to page 5 and no comments? No one else thinks that this could be a good idea? No one can counter the idea without trolling?
  9. I really wish there was another board here to post about this type of issue but there is not. So I have to post it among the cesspool that is general chat. The legacy system was a good idea. It is encouragement to play more than 1 character. 1 character can earn legacy points and levels, but more can earn even more. I am a storyline fiend. I want to eventually play each class from beginning to end. I already have a few level 50s and I'm working on a new one. So the legacy system should be amazing for me. Its not. Most abilities, once unlocked, also require an outrageous amount of credit. And no matter how high your legacy level gets, that credit cost never goes down. So, for example, the final legacy ability that can be purchased is at legacy level 25. But you can continue to level your legacy all the way to 50 from what I've heard. What does legacy level 26-50 gain you? Absolutely nothing what so ever. And about that legacy level 25 ability, it costs a few million credits. Unless you are a whiz at the GTN, are an elite crafter, or spend most of your time doing dailies, you will never even earn 1 million credits in your time from 1-50, never mind the multiple millions needed for many of the abilities. This favors players who stick to a single character, spending most of their time in end game content,. not players who play multiple characters. This also pertains to single character only legacy abilities. They still cost too many credits for a player who does not partake in the end game. To be able to afford most of them in time for them to be useful, you will need to earn a lot of credits on a L50 character and then mail it to your lower level character. Again, this favors people who play a single character in the end game content as they can earn a huge amount of credits while people who just play from levels 1-50 cannot. So I have a few suggestions: 1.) Reduce the credit cost on most of the legacy abilities. 2.) Use a sliding scale to lower the credit cost of legacy abilities as you level your legacy. 3.) Move more of the single character only legacy abilities to legacy wide abilities. The legacy abilities are attainable by people who play a single character and spend most of their time with dailies and the such. But the problem with that is that the legacy system was designed to encourage you to play more than 1 character. So something needs to be done for those players that are doing just that. The single character players will not be harmed in any such way by these changes. In fact, with lower credit costs on most legacy abilities, they'll get a boost. And with the amount of credit they have and can earn, they will still be able to get their legacy abilities. This does on the other hand give a boost to the people the legacy system was designed for. Players who use their legacy, play all the characters in their family tree, will be able to attain the legacy abilities based on their legacy level, not on their credit level. Thank you for your time spent reading this. Hopefully it will find its way across the right desk at Bioware. As for anyone else who would like to post, any support would be appreciated. If you do not wish to support this suggest, please state why in clear manor and back up your reasoning. Please, no trolls.
  10. This is probably an old issue but I just came across it. I am a L50 Sentinel. I've used Kira almost exclusively throughout the entire game. She is the only companion I've really bothered to equip. Upon reach L50 tonight, I went to my trainer and bought everything, this left me with less than 5k worth of credits. I wrap up on Corellia and head to Dromund Kaas to finish my main storyline quest. After I've already landed on the planet and faught for a bit, I get told "BTW, you don't get to take your choice of companion with you, YOU HAVE TO TAKE T7-01!" The droid is grossly under geared and I am too broke to afford to gear him. I tried to take him as is and he dies almost instantly, leaving it impossible for me to even take on strong mobs, little lone the elite I know I'm going to have to fight. This is just bull. There is absolutely no warning that I needed to gear the droid. If I knew this choice was going to be FORCED UPON ME, I would have saved some money aside for this. But as it stands, I cannot complete my main storyline because I played the game how I wanted to by using the companion I wanted to. So basically I'm screwed because I chose the wrong companion. Thank you Bioware. I've been a fan since the days of the original KOTOR, Jade Empire, etc. I've always been a support and stuck with you. But this just pisses me off and feels like a "screw you" from the company I've loved for years. How could you knowingly design the game so that it would do this to players? Either it was sloppy planning or just a completely lack or regard for your players. Thanks to this crap, I'm force to goldfarm to finish my main storyline. That is completely f-ed up Bioware. Thank you.
  11. If someone else hacks your password and logs into the forums, breaks the rules and gets you banned from the forums, don't you think that directly affects your game account too since they are bound?
  12. And why can't Anakin be the product of immaculate conception? Only Jesus can huh? I guess you never read about Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna, or Dionysis? They were all born of a virgin and they all predated Jesus. Its a valid literary tool. Anakin didn't have a father, deal with it. And why are people arguing against what is clearly stated in the Darth Plagueis book? It is EU but it is also canon. Just because you dislike it, doesn't mean it is wrong.
  13. Logging into the site is how you change your password. No key allows for someone to easily hack your site account. Once they get your site account they have your game account too since they are the same. Good buy goods and characters. Not a good idea.
  14. In all my other MMOs I usually played a healer or a tank. Maybe I'm the broken one when it comes to trying to play a DPS. But as a full Lightning Spec DPS I had a good rotation (at least I thought I did) and still couldn't take on a lone elite with anyone but Khem Val (which again resulted in me healing Khem most of the fight, not DPSing).
  15. You must be an Assassin. As a sorcerer following the lightning spec from 1-50 I felt trapped with Khem Val, I spent more time healing him than DPSing and I couldn't take on the same type of fights with any other companion as I could with Khem. Every time I got a new companion, it was like "Oh hey, another person to stand on my ship or get sent on crafting missions." I felt like I was broken because I couldn't take on the elite strength bosses in my class storyline that were alone and my level. Throw in a few normal strength mobs or a strong and I was screwed. My alts seem to have more variety in companion choice and less of a hard time. I liked the Sorc storyline, liked what lightning spec had to potentially offer, but I just have no desire to play my Sorc anymore. And because I picked human I get a presence boost to my other classes that already do better with their alts than my Sorc? I don't know, it feels a little like salt in the wound.
  16. Not as cool as a Sith Pureblood Smuggler, but at least its something I guess.
  17. So what about humans? I play a Sith Pureblood to 50, I unlock it for all classes. But Humans can already be all classes. Sure, the end result is the same, but playing that Sith Pureblood to 50 gives me something unique that differentiates me from a new player who just made their account. I level to 50 as a Human and I want something to show for it. Is there any talk or plan for this?
  18. The game is littered with 1 time only choices that are non-repeatable and cannot be changed, such is the nature of a MMO. So because you screwed up and hit the wrong button, its obviously someone else's fault, worth firing them over?!? And because even if you do slip and click the wrong button it is oh so difficult to level 1-10 again?!?
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