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Posts posted by Bekkal

  1. I Beg to differ. Op healing is great. I have only played an op healer so far and I've been doing up to 621k healing in a warzone. And about the burst issue, your combat awareness is very important. You need to prehot based an advancing enemies. I have no problem accept I believe alacrity should decrease the amount of time in between HOT ticks, but only slightly.


    You need to understand that raw healing numbers are useless when discussing pvp viability. HoTs heal like crazy in WZs because a lot of people are taking damage from one source or another. Total numbers mean jack-all when the guy you are trying to keep alive can't be kept alive.

  2. I would argue that Orbital Stations are not made for RP purposes, but rather to facilitate the 4 elevators needed to get the various classes to their airlocks. Also, some minor quest events happen in them.


    I don't necessarily approve of their inclusion, I just don't think they are only includer for the RP.


    Edit: In my personal experience, space doesn't convert to an MMO well because having multiple planets of several thousand square feet makes no sense.


    AGAIN please give me your guild and server name I want to ask others how they are fareing.


    I get all the cyber-action I need from my guildmates, sorry. Don't need you trying to RP it all up in my chat window.


    Are you sad that you can't manually farm in this game? I know how much you guys love that.


    Edit: And for funsies I'll bite on one of those: I have a tank and main a healer. Instant flashpoint groups. The problem is finding people who aren't terrible to run them with if you aren't guilded. Hence, the guild.

  4. You think guilds are hot sh*t sub max level. you in fact DO NOT know how to play this game.


    You think you do, but ignorance is not an excuse.


    PvP premades. Open world PvP premades. Easy groups for heroics/flashpoints. Easy access to crafting mats/crafters.


    Yep. I'm clearly doin it wrong.


    Edit: I don't understand what it is about this game that drew bads to it like flies. It is the star wars setting?

  5. lol guilded before 50. SO whats your guild do? or right just guild chat and NOTHING else. Sure some guild have cliques that will do some instances together and ignore the other 20 members. Seen this time and again.


    I ONLY guild at Max level for raiding, to me a guild has no other purpose. I dont want to know you or how your day was or that your baby is taking its first steps. To me that is all pointless. All I want to know is can you raid heal and are you competant dps who does not stand in the fire, which is all irrelevent unless your max level.


    You shouldn't even guild for raiding if you're casual enough to even remotely think companions are "part of your character". Just pug up, down a boss or two, cry over loot, and log out like usual.


    I bet you think dps meters are just for "elitists", right?

  6. Don't need dual spec because BioWare actually gave us the ability to do decent enough damage to quest and level solo. Mouseover healing is a problem, though.


    PvP says hello.


    As a matter of fact, do away with absorbs, HoTs, and AoE heals; real men heal with the standard "heal".


    The "Sar" line from the PS series would like a quick word with you.

  7. I would be okay with them just inputting combat logs so we can at least parse some damn data. Guilds have been doing this since, what, RoK Everquest?


    If the crybaby crowd is so afraid of add-on dps meters, surely they take no issue with enabling guilds to run general parses?


    Do they even know the difference?


    For all the people claiming to be elitist and not wanting to carry the unique snowflakes, act like one. Did you know those DPS meters are actually programmed by someone to do what they do? Did you know it does the math for you? Did you know you could actually do all of this yourself if you put in as much effort as you claim? Don't get on your soapbox and act like having a DPS meter and knowing that hitting 1-4-2-1-6 somehow makes you amazing. If you're so hell bent on being the best, do the work it actually requires to be the best. Quit being carried by programmers.


    This guy, for example, does not realize that there is no combat log. If he knew there was no combat log, he would know that was he is asking is literally impossible.

  8. You're absolutely right. I love how all the Final Fantasy games had radically different options for me, complete with different characters surviving and different ending outcomes.


    Baldur's Gate was in no way similar to TOR, you are correct there as well.


    Elder Scrolls games? Those storylines are totally mutable!


    Oh wait, none of the above is true.


    Well, at least in tabletop RPGs players set the story! Oh, wait, the DM absolutely will use every tool at his disposal to TPK you if you try to break the story. (I mean he probably will anyway, but he definitely will if you try to break his story).

  9. Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, Lando protests freezing Han because the technology was meant only for inorganic matter and had never been tested on a living person. There wasn't a guarantee that a human could survive being frozen in carbonite.


    In general BW often seems to overlook a great deal of the way things are supposed to work in the SW universe. They generally just throw in lightsabers and blasters and write it off as being accurate.


    I'd love to hear your explanation for how Leia understood exactly what would happen to Han once he "thawed".

  10. The problem is, BW have already shaped the game into another WoW. The entire multiplayer part is based on the exact same mechanics.


    SWTOR provides a better levelling experience, but a much poorer end-game. And I can't see how they will be able to keep pumping in high quality content at end-game to keep us entertained.


    You really can't see how an MMO would generate enough income to allow for high-quality end-game content to keep you entertained?



  11. isnt dual spec, the ability for example, a sith juggernaut being able to switch from a "tank" to a "dps" character?


    if it is, then that is clearly getting 2 different roles for the price of 1 ;)



    No, it isn't. Dual speccing allows you to play multiple facets of what your class (AC) is capable of, usually due to a hefty one-time fee (but not always, see Rift).


    There are no downsides to allowing dual speccing, and numerous upsides.

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