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Posts posted by Bekkal

  1. But here we go. I canceled my subscription a few minutes ago after not playing for almost two months.


    The horrible thing is - I don't have anything negative to say about this game other than that it just couldn't hold my attention. The class stories are fantastic, the acting is top-notch, and the pvp is my favorite in any MMO yet.


    The problem is, it's just not enough. I didn't feel compelled to log in. I never felt any sense of community. I ended up playing EQ on an emulator more than SWTOR, simply because that felt more like an MMO.


    So, here's the part where everyone complains - "Why write one of these threads? Just leave! Give me your stuff!"


    Well, I'm writing it in the hopes that I can bump it when I come back in 5-6 months. I don't care about population or if another game is more "exciting". Keep in mind that I said I largely quit playing to play on an Everquest Emulator - that's not EQ2, that's EQ1. From 1999.


    I hope you guys can change the game (through adding content or tweaks or whatever) to draw me back, because there is some amazing framework and really fun content in this, and I absolutely love your universe. I can't make any direct recommendations, but I wish you guys the best for purely selfish reasons. The better you do, the better the game will become, and the more likely I'll be to come romp in the Old Republic again.


    Sorry if this thread bugs anyone, but I'm genuinely sad to have canceled this subscription, so this is a nice moment of closure. Here's hoping this is just "so long", and not "goodbye".

  2. First rule of MMO's:


    If something can be abused and exploited, it will be abused and exploited.


    Most people won't do what's right, they'll do what they can get away with.

    There is no such thing as "honor" in MMO's nor in real life, for that matter.


    That's why we need 1000-page laws to cover all the loopholes in real life, and that's why every MMO has a horde of exploiters, hackers and cheaters searching for new abuses after every patch.


    I love open-world PVP. I love the idea of huge, epic battles between Empire and Republic but I despise scum who hunts lowbies - but it seems I'm with a small minority here.


    Picking a fight with lowbies is a time-honored "call to battle" against pvpers from the other side. If you had played on a PVP server in any other MMO, you would know this.


    I used to gank lowbies all over in WoW in an effort to draw out high levels to hunt me down. I'd then put in a call to my guild and we'd have some localized pvp going.


    Getting ganked as a lowbie is a simple matter - there are no penalties for death in this game. I could see your point if we could loot items off each other (it's a crime that we can't, frankly), but there is literally nothing but a minor time inconvenience when you get ganked.


    Get off your high horse.

  3. Do you have any half capable marauders or operatives around?

    I'm fully BM commando healer, and I get droped without casting a spell if I'm not guarded vs operative. If any 2 melee classes decide to focus me everytime they see me in a warzone I spend more time dead than alive. I simply drop in seconds and there is nothing I can do. If I can't even keep myself up, how can I heal people around me?


    Full disclosure - there are a *LOT* of "baddies" on my server. A lot. They vastly outnumber the good players.


    That said - I have no problem with someone being able to 1v1 me if they can cc me enough. That's par for the course as a healer. If two people jump you, and you don't have someone guarding you (or at least reliably peeling off you), then you should most assuredly die. If you are relying on skills with a cast time, then you should most assuredly die. If you are not cc'ing enemies on your own, then you should most assuredly die.


    If you are doing all of this and are still getting creamed the way you describe, then your class needs some changes. I still can't see blaming the pvp system as a whole as a good justification.

  4. But a majority of people think differently. No offense but... It's most likely going to happen.


    If it does, I'll unsub, np. That's not even a threat, nor do I think they'll miss my money. I'm just saying the reason I am playing this game over Rift et al is because I love single-server Warzones.


    IMO consolidating servers is a much, much better fix.


    Either way, I respect your opinion and feel that there should definitely be games that cater to it. I just prefer it the way they have it. I don't think you have a basis at all for polling what "a majority of people" want, however. The forums are an incredibly small subset of the overall populace, and I don't even think you can adequately predict what the majority of forumgoers even want.

  5. With 800-900 (i.e. relatively low) Expertise, I can survive 2-3 people beating on me for like a minute solid if I have a tank Guarding me, as a healer.


    If I am healing someone else, and no one is chain-cc'ing me, I can keep him up through 2-3 people beating on him basically forever.


    Any large-scale (6-8 people) fight involving 2-3 healers per side is very much a long fight, regardless of target focus.


    Are you guys playing the same game I am?

  6. No. No, no, a thousand times no.


    I would rather wait 30 minutes for a WZ queue and run it against rival guilds from my server with other people I recognize from my server than have a queue pop instantly against strangers.


    Single-server warzones are one of the few strengths of this game. Don't take that away

  7. Incentives. Increased XP gain, Comms and Valor for Republic, for example. Let people who want to switch factions get a new L50 in decent gear more quickly than rolling an alt on the same side will get.


    This would not incentivize playing Republic at all for me. Make Rep class quests as engaging as Imp class quests, instead.

  8. 300k is a pretty small amount of money, tbh - especially if one hasn't quit and re-subbed. I quit playing my 50, only dabbling on alts maybe once a week or two, since right around 1.1 and easily purchased max-level speeder, custom speeder, full starship upgrades, and a recruit set.


    I've made around 150k since I came back (last friday), and have not completed a single non-pvp quest.


    Money is easy to come by in this game.


    As for recruit-battlemaster differences, I was in full recruit gear with 800ish Expetise. Full battlemaster gives right around 900-1k. It closes the gear gap entirely and lets you pvp just fine.

  9. I have completed almost no pve content in this game (short of quests for leveling) and almost strictly pvp. I am an operative healer who uses stealth (which the plague breaks)


    I think the plague is a cool idea. I support any in-game events, ever, because they build a realistic community.


    Ignore the QQers.

  10. I will preface this with a blanket statement: Almost everyone on my server is TERRIBLE at pvp.


    However, having recently come back to swtor after the 1.2 update and purchasing a full set of recruit gear, I can go ahead and tell you that gear disparity is not at all a problem in PVP in this game. I am outgeared by just about every other player on my server who pvps regularly, and I have no problems at all keeping up in terms of raw numbers.


    If you think you are only beating someone because your gear is better than theirs, you need to get a lot better at pvp.


    My ONLY reason to want "better" pvp gear is because it looks cooler. The stats really don't change that much of the gameplay.

  11. If you don't have an hour to play video games, MMOs are not for you.


    This is working as intended.


    People in my guild want to raid, but dont wanna do all the flashpoints AGAIN after they cleared them once, simply because there is so much *********** trashmobs its not funny.




    Make bosses hard, let ppl wipe np problem but cut out on the damn trash


    MMOs are not for you.

  12. He didn't say anything about using them at the same time. He wants to use them on the same key with a condition modifier check.


    i.e. far away? press "y" to clear focus and press button 1 to leap.


    need to sweep? press "x" to focus target, button 1 to sweep.

  13. Because running from one FP to another, which, by the way, you now have SPRINT to help you, is totally a waste of time. Heck, why not give us FP's every 5 inches? Make it extra convenient to get to everywhere you need to go.

    Oh, and why not teleport to each boss? Heck, why not teleport to every planet instantaneously? Or teleport to to every mob instantaneously? Because I totally don't want to run anywhere.


    If this is all you have to complain about, then Bioware is doing an excellent job.


    I know this is off-topic (sort of) and I'm not trying to be rude, but the extremely linear "run here, talk, fight, run over here" is stupid. It is poor game design, flat-out. It is not anything like an MMORPG should be designed. Over anything else, this is probably the biggest reason why I quit playing (just recently came back to try out 1.2).


    Before you say something about me being "spoiled", allow me to enlighten you to the fact that I quit for an emulator for Classic Everquest. This game may as well mail you max-level with full gear as soon as you create a character when you compare its difficulty to that of OG Everquest.


    I don't mind travel times - but I want them to mean something, not just be corridors full of generic bad guys that I kill on my way to some objective. I spent almost an hour running TO a group in EQ the other day and didn't have a problem with it at all - the travel time is an inherent part of the difficulty of the game. If you die in a field somewhere, you have to run and go get your body, naked, starting from wherever you last "bound". Thus, there is exploration, a "danger zone" of a frontier, and much more added risk. There is ENGAGEMENT as opposed to ANNOYANCE. Here there is no exploration, there is no "frontier", there is no risk, there is only annoyance.


    I really want this game to be what I imagine it being in my head, but it does have some serious weaknesses. Denying them doesn't help a game we all like (or at least LIKED at one point) get better.

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