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Everything posted by Vegetalink

  1. I agree with OP im so pissed im not getting in that ive just given up and went back and subscribed to rift
  2. this is true OP and bioware during stress test easily had 750,000 at once they can do even more with more servers they have now....their being *****
  3. What is ce vendor selling tho!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. BEE BOOP BEEP I said I cant get a pack of menthol's on this damn planet!
  5. I could say the same for the OP his avatar is Jabba and he is f5ing the forums like everyone else who is waiting
  6. i hope the worst for SquareEnix for yanking us around for a whole year on FFXIV never fixing anything only adding an outdated autoattack system......so honestly i hope Square goes bankrupt YET AGAIN. god i hate that company now.....
  7. Played and own but not subscribed anymore to both.....i can no longer put faith into SquareEnix because of FFXIV and left FFXI when i tasted WoW because japanese developers are just horrible these days i can only about give credit to Metal Gear.....that being said i will be playing the same roles (tank/heals) i dont really dps....and yes i switched as soon as they decided to make me pay money for a beta for a game that wont be released till end of next year (FFXIV2.0) and i wont be going back to FFXIV either not even for 2.0
  8. Ive been in WoW FFXIV Rift launch (Was there for FFXI but it had been out before hand in japan) and out of the 3 i listed this is by far the worst launch tactic ive seen....high five trion biowares makin your launch look perfect
  9. You released around and probably more than 750,000 people At once might i add on the november stress tests.....they went smooooooth we put in over a million hours with no kinks......this is rediculous.......i mean just look at the forums......people are angry......drop more people in........and no i mean a higher rate than even planned for today
  10. yes i would......i wouldnt have done a stagger i would have done what trion did.....because honestly ill be happy just to reserve my names and log out
  11. i agree they could release more people than this...... they could get all the way up to november if they wanted to if they filled them up and came back around midnight and released more
  12. +1 *Stands up and waves his QQ Unite Flag*
  13. Bioware owes us a videogame to play......we paid......or atleast good customer service while we wait.....or a refund
  14. Theres already mass news reports from websites about how angry customers are about the launch.....it doesnt make them look good
  15. You trollin.....around 98% had a bad day
  16. 13 was launch day......you can deny and hide and say the 20th is.....but we all know yesterday was.....because servers are up and people have access from here on out
  17. skyrim is a single player we're talking about work first kills on bosses on a NEWLY RELEASED GAME that came out yesterday........if you spent money on a game like everyone else shouldnt you be able to get it on release night like everyone else....the sheer fact of the matter if you paid for a game and your not aloud to get in later.....people have important tasks that they feel they need to accomplish.....and some of these tasks are hindered by staggered EA
  18. Top guilds compete with other top guilds and yes it is a race....there can only be 1.....its highlander up in here and its unfair to stagger simple as that
  19. This game was launched yesterday on december 13th. Wether you want to admit it or not your getting late access now......Top guilds have a head start you are behind and there are people already atleast 25+ Deal with it your late....and no its not fair. Stagger EA is a horrible idea.
  20. Blinded by the light.....Repped up like a......
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