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Everything posted by ClamEatsCurry

  1. character server transfer has been anounced. Can you possibly shed some light on whether or not this service will require a real money fee?
  2. I like the idea of a time frame you have in order to change, like the one guy suggested, 24 hours or maybe by like level 15 assuming you pick it up at 10.
  3. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong section to post this topic in. I love fighting world bosses. It is honestly probably my favorite thing to do in this game. I love getting a quick big group together and downing a giant enemy. While gearing up to take down Snowblind (Hoth first world boss) me and my ops group noticed something. About 60% of us had already killed Snowblind and about 4 out of the approximately 12 or 13 people were 50s so the gear that would drop would be useless to them. What my group and I thought of would be to have a daily or weekly quest to kill x world boss because once you kill it once, you never get experience for it again. Obviously this could be exploited when people like 50s can solo WBs like The First aand there would have to be some work done in which to incorporate a fix for that into the quest but honestly, once you reach 50, if you have the codex entry for each WB there is no point to ever go back to one besides either Gargath or The Primal Destroyer besides being kind to help a low level down one. I love taking down WBs and so does my group that helps me out but once I reach 50 (level 43 healer right now) and kill Gargath and Primal Destroyer, I don't see a point anymore to go back and kill ones such as Grandfather or The First and that disappoints me because WBs are probably my favorite thing in the game. My group had a mutual agreement to post this on the forum to see the community response to it on incorporating some sort of mission, whether it be a daily or weekly, or a heroic, or whatever, I want to see something incorporated to where people who have reached 50 have a desire to go back to places such as Dromund Kass, Coruscant, Balmorra, etc. and fight the world bosses. Any opinions, whether they be negative or positive, are welcome because I would really like to hear the communities opinion on this. Thoughts? Again, apoligies if wrong section of the forum to post in.
  4. Personally I would love to see: -Naotolans -Gungans -Wookies -Trandoshan -Rodian
  5. So I'm on a PvP server (Hendarr Soongh I believe is the name, or something similar) and I see "contested area" which I thought meant that it was an area for both Republics and Imperials and it would be open world PvP where we would fight each other but I'm a sith and I'm on Alderaan now and I still have not had one open world PvP fight, is that what "contested area" and a PvP server meant or am I wrong and missing something?
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