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Everything posted by Brxaadambombz

  1. No, we are trialing some people so haven't filled it just yet. If you feel you can meet NiM DPS checks then fill out an app on the website or find one of us in game.
  2. Bump. Still looking for someone for Brontes progression. Happy to take someone who isn't as progressed as long as they are raid aware and consistent.
  3. Still looking for a high DPS with excellent raid awareness. Class doesn't matter and we are able to accommodate different raid days.
  4. Concept is a newly formed Imperial APAC progression guild. We are looking for mature, skilled and raid aware players that are interested in clearing content. While sometimes we may not openly be recruiting, we are always looking for good players that can raid at APAC times. The guild’s progress: TFB NiM: 5/5 + Time run SnV NiM: 7/7 + Time run DP/DF HM: 10/10 DF NiM: 5/5 w/ NiM Power + Time run DP NiM: 5/5 w/ NiM Power + Time run What we are looking for: Currently we don't have any open spots, but feel free to talk to a member if you're interested in joining if one opened up. Our raid times: 8:30pm AEDT (GMT+11) until 12am. Group 1 - Friday / Saturday - 10/10 NiM DF/DP Group 2 - Wednesday / Thursday - 10/10 NiM DF/DP Note: If our current day days/times do not suit your schedule, please apply and let us know exactly when you are available in your application. We may be able to work something out within reason. What we expect from our members: Reliable raid attendance. You should aim to meet 90% of the raids. Consistent AFK's without letting anyone know (unless it can't be avoided) will mean you will be replaced. For you to put effort into min-maxing your gear and rotation. Don’t come to raids making the same mistakes. We expect you to make mistakes during progression, but we also expect you to improve and learn from them. We are looking for NiM progression ready players. We are happy to gear you to an extent if you can show you can play your class to a NiM level. (E.g. You have cleared the content on a Slinger, and have a Sniper which still needs some gear) Mature attitude in raids. We joke around and have fun but we are not going to house someones e-peen. If you like to brag, and think you're above helping others then you need not apply. Able to fit in socially with our other members. What we provide: All repairs paid by guild bank. HM/NiM alt raids to play new classes/specs and to gear alt raiding toons. Small group of friendly people willing to help where they can. We play for the fun and challenge of clearing bosses and getting better. Not for bragging or showing off. Most of us see enough of it in RL, without getting more of it in a game. Please do not apply if you are tentative about making the times and will have to leave in the near future due to RL or other commitments. We appreciate this is only a game, however it gets extremely tedious to consistently have to fill spots with the very small amount of APAC players left. We are a small guild, and do not have the luxury of having backups to fill spots while we look for replacements. If you are interested in applying, please go to http://www.concept-guild.enjin.com and click on the recruitment tab to submit an application. If you have any questions either mail or PM Yoghurts, Kilroy, or Spinny'fire. Alternatively, simply /who Concept in game and speak to one of the members, or you can send me a PM on these forums.
  5. NiM Nefra: Zeirron - Concealment Operative - Concept - 3574 - http://www.torparse.com/a/661553/12/0/Damage+Dealt
  6. The pipe smash issue was happening to our group last week, but didn't happen when we cleared it yesterday as far as I saw. Not sure what was happening but yes, it is frustrating.
  7. Because the amount of time they weren't playing for is really the point of the topic. Congratulations.
  8. I'm assuming you have NiM DF timerun then?
  9. Tyrans: Chemek - Lethality Sniper - Vindicated - 3288.3 - http://www.torparse.com/a/587476/13/0/Damage+Dealt
  10. Nefra Chemek - Lethality Sniper - Vindicated - 3335 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/583174/6/0/Damage+Dealt Corruptor Zero Chemek - Lethality Sniper - Vindicated - 3152 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/583174/24/0/Damage+Dealt
  11. It only makes sense to have new parses for 2.6 since there is no point looking at parses to compare when the skills have been altered.
  12. Chemek - Sniper - Lethality- 5/5/36 - 1mill dummy - 3636 http://www.torparse.com/a/580113/time/1391573569/1391573844/0/Overview
  13. Why was this moved the Guild Recruitment? Lol the mods are worse then I thought.
  14. Hmm, probably wouldn't say that. At least Bieber actually did what he wanted to do. Rambo still hasn't managed to clear content and has to lie about what he's done.
  15. DPS is FAR from "memorize a rotation and knock it out". That is why many of the people fail to achieve numbers others find easy. Each role is just as difficult to master as another just in different ways. Being bad is easy to accomplish no matter the role. Being good takes time and experience.
  16. If you regularly need to off-heal as a DPS then there is definitely something wrong with your healing situation. It's up to the player to make a call as to whether it's needed, but like I said before, a lot of healing problems can be solved with more DPS.
  17. If your spec has the ability to incorporate a heal over time then the Kell Dragon SA is better then the Dread Forged due to the former having the ability to proc from heals AND damage. The DF SA can only proc from EITHER heals OR damage in a 20 second period. Examples of classes with HoT's that can proc the KD SA would be Snipers/Maras/Sorcs etc. TL;DR Either DF SA + FR or KD SA + DF FR.
  18. If the DPS need to heal themselves you need better healers. It's like asking the healers to do damage. Sure if there is nothing for a DPS to do due to phase change or mechanics then you would expect them to at least top themselves off if they aren't all >80% but otherwise it's a healer problem. It also might be a DPS issue if too much damage is going out. More DPS = less time in heal intensive phases = quicker boss fight = less heals needed. This is coming from both a healer and a DPS.
  19. Yes i'm aware of the ratings, what I was meaning is if someone had actually calculated the dps loss/gain.
  20. Just wondering if anyone has done any theorycrafting on whether a DPS is better off with 4 accuracy / 6 surge slots or 5 accuracy / 5 surge. Just being curious here and wondering if it's been done.
  21. Bump. Mainly looking to get my Operative (heal or dps) into HM DF/DP.
  22. How long do you guys raid? I have an operative healer in 72/78's mostly and a 69/72 Marauder and interested in group 2 however I have a raid at 6:30pm GMT +8 sun/mon/wed which only leaves 2 hours on Sundays. :/
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