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Everything posted by pinnermin

  1. Story Terror is balanced for Columi?? Really?? If you can't put out Ops any faster, at least make the available content harder. This is so frustrating....happy to sub but waiting 5 months for new content is driving me away...
  2. I hope they didn't lay off the guy that was supposed to add BASIC FUNCTIONS to right clicking a name in guild or chat. How long has this game been out? I can't right click a guildie's name to whisper them?? I can't right click (or left click) in chat to whisper a player on my friend's list but I can if they aren't a friend? *** are you doing?????????? what a joke....lol...I type this as I sit in an empty, silent fleet....for the umpteenth day in a row.
  3. so we just keep maxing out threads and they continue to say "early summer"? mmk then....
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