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Posts posted by harpuax

  1. You had to play the game to get the gear, correct? Did you have fun getting the gear the first time? (was it fun playing the game?) If Yes then you are in luck because more fun awaits to get the new gear, if No then why on earth are you playing the game still?
  2. Asking in chat is really the best way right now. I would suggest on fleet, but there are times guilds recruit in low level zones. Unfortunately this game has 0 features to help you find a guild any other way. Maybe by 2015 we will have some basic features like a guild finder.
  3. News flash: Not everyone plays this game for story. Shocker I know. :D


    I agree. The story is nice, but the number one reason I play an MMO is to play with other people. Call me crazy but I though this was supposed to be a multiplayer game. The issue is this game fights against you so much while leveling it's like a single player game. So the only time you really get to play with others is at endgame. So I tend to rush to max level for no other reason than it is the only time I am on the same page with all my friends and we can play together. Hopefully they will add some sort of level adjusting system soon, but until then if I want to take my time through a single player campaign, there are far better options than SWTOR out there.

  4. No mob tagging is the way it is in another MMO I play. It is a common complaint all the time though. There are the equivalent of world bosses that take mobs of guys to take down. It's not uncommon to have someone run in take one swing at the guy and then run off to the edge of the group and basically hide. He gets credit for the kill even though he contributed nothing. It's also not unusual to have someone swoop in and lay the last bit of damage on a guy thus getting the xp and credit for the kill without contributing anything at all to the fight. If you do this you also get loot from the bad guy. People constantly complain on there about loot ninjas.


    I would agree it wouldn't work for a world boss, but for average quest trash it works great. Fighting against other players on the same side as you to finish a quest is about as anti-MMO as it gets.

  5. The issue isn't really the other people, there is problem with 2 systems in the game.


    The first is with clickies. They need to spawn per player not per world. Meaning they should be sort of in a different phase for each player. GW2 does this perfectly. If a clickie is clicked on by player A it is st still visible and clickable for player B, yet it is gone for player A.


    The second is mob tagging. It needs to be removed plain and simple. It was an old band aid solution to an issue that just doesn't need to exist anymore. If you hit the mob you should get credit when it dies, regardless of how much damage you do to it. It would work that way if you were grouped, this just saves the trouble of constantly having to be in a group with whoever happens to be around you. We are all on the same side it should be a give we are going to help one another, not fight against each other to complete quests.

  6. Um, they get the game and months of playing it? Would you like the devs to come to your house and wash your car too? Sorry, not sure what you are looking for. As for from the F2P conversion you get cartel coins for each month subscribed prior. Check your account page for more info.
  7. 1) Mentor System (level adjusting) - I want to play this game with my friends please.

    2) Remove mob tagging - I want to help others and not fight against them to finish quests with being forced to constantly join groups.

    3) Open world events - don't leave places to rot once you out level them.

    4) Mobs to not remain standing up when they die - Seriously Bioware it's been over a year with this one.

    5) A LFG tools that actually makes sure you are a tank/healer/dps before you can queue as one - A poorly geared dps cannot tank, and I ain't healing him.


    The list could go on of course but these were on my mind while playing today.

  8. Just another thing added to the game no one asked for or wanted, while the list of stuff people do want grows. Therefore, Bioware thinks you are wrong, you DO want gamble items and to spend your money (real or in game) on a chance to get something with 0 interaction other than clicking on them to open. Please stop denying the truth that these are really what you want in game, Bioware knows better than you do they are paid to after all.
  9. The biggest reason they are the least asked for is because Bioware said they would be added a long time ago.


    Before then, Cathar were routinely at the top of all polls and were probably in the #1 place more than any other race. Togruta and Nautolan were popular, too, but saying that Cathar were unpopular is just silly. Perhaps if you weren't around when Bioware made the decision, I could understand.


    Of note, CelCawdro's poll thread (which is a great piece of work, by the way) wasn't started until after Bioware announced the choice of Cathar as the next race.


    Been around since beta and never saw cathar at the top of any polls. Pass me what you are smoking, maybe I'll see it then.

  10. Lets be honest the Cathar are going to sell like hot cakes in the cash shop just like everything else. Not everyone wants a Cathar but a lot of players do want it and have been waiting all this time to create new alts.


    Very true they will, but only because people are so desperate for a new race. Starve long enough and you will eat anything.

  11. They have said this several times, in particular in the last livestream they reiterated and said that developing a race is extremely time consuming and costly. If Cathar sales bomb, the likelihood of seeing another race anytime soon is practically none. If it sells well, we will probably see several next year. So if you really really want Togruta, or any of the other actual interesting races (That are actually possible, they've already completely ruled out some like Wookiee and Jawa) then buy Cathar, even if you won't ever play one... yes, it's lame, but it's the only way.


    So we should buy something sub-par to hopefully get something we actually want down the road (with 0 guarantee mind you)? That has to be the worst plan ever, good luck with that lol.

  12. Wookies, Rodians and Jawas can't speak basic

    but Nautolan, Togruta and Kel Dor are the favorite of everyone


    Well non-basic speaking races aren't impossible, but anyway my point is that there are not only better choices than cathar but better options for them to make money in the cash shop than speeders with x-mas lights on them.


    I challenge Bioware to show me the multitude of posts asking for speeders with x-mas lights, gamble packs and holo-rancors. And why didn't they listen to the posts asking for things like Togruta (or the other races mentioned) instead. Are they really so arrogant and full of themselves they know better than the playerbase what the playerbase wants?


    Sorry for the rant, back you your post :)

  13. Depends on how Cathar do on the cartel market.


    I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.

  14. No. It's a cosmetic item not required for gameplay. And the revenue of those transactions goes toward producing new content for the game.


    No where is there anything that say that is where the money goes. We all hope it goes back into development but that is not always the case. Sometimes it just goes into more cash shop junk development. Look at CO, they have had a cash shop all along and haven't seen any new content in over a year.


    Also, just because something is "not required to play" does not mean it isn't important to peoples enjoyment of the game. If we stripped away everything that wasn't needed to play the game it would be a pretty dull and lifeless product not far from a game of Pong.

  15. Any game that has classes that fill multiple roles (trinity in this case) needs a multi-spec system IMO. Yes we can respec on the fly now, but without changing gear and quickbars it is a clunky system. It's usable right now, but far from polished.
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