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Posts posted by harpuax

  1. Macro's aren't allowed...period. Stated in the rules of conduct here:




    Also, it's been stated in a response by a bioware member that "Macro programs are not allowed per our rules of conduct" here:




    Original post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=334530#post334530


    You can attempt the interpret the EULA / Rules of Conduct however you want, but a bioware employee has flat out stated "not allowed". No room for interpretation there. :)


    You are wrong.




    Note the line that says "It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed"

  2. Yours have a yellow border and you can sort them so yours are show first. It would be nice to completely hide all other players debuffs just to clean things up. I would be even nicer if you could set a white list for only the debuffs you want to show. I mean modders for game like rift and wow can do it, why can't a big company like Bioware/EA? I understand if they don't want to add mod support for their game but that means they need to step it up on features.
  3. DC Online did, and it was a pretty nice system. No need to go "need/greed/pass" or anything.


    As did Rift and GW2 launched that way. I have seen 0 negative impact on either of those games because of it. Anyone can jump in an help others around them without having to join a group. I know people being able to freely play with others is a crazy idea for an MMO :)

  4. If they are OPTIONAL and "Plenty of people get tops on the leader boards, tops dps meters, and overall win without them", then we don't need them and you can "get tops on the leader boards, tops dps meters, and overall win without them". Unless, of course, you NEED them to be competitive, in which case they would cease to be optional. .


    I'm glad we were able to clear that up.


    If you read my first post, you would see I said we don't need them, they are just nice to have. Kinda like your speeder, sure you can around with out it, but it is pretty nice to have. The game works fine, but that doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't ask for features we would like to make it more enjoyable.

  5. Skill or no skill, macros WILL improve your reaction time/ overall performance, period.

    I am not arguing about me using or not using them. I am arguing that they stop being optional. Suggesting one may chose not to use them fails for mentioned reason.


    Think that this game was not meant to have them and you will feel much better.


    No game that has had them has EVER had them as mandatory, EVER. Plenty of people get tops on the leader boards, tops dps meters, and overall win without them. all the time in games with macros. You can believe whatever you want, but the fact is they are ALWAYS optional.

  6. This is not true. Macros will improve players overall performance. Others in order to achieve the same level will have to use macros as well. Macros will stop being optional. This is obvious, stop suggesting they are optional.


    People can achieve the same level of performance without them. Many here have already suggested such in their argument against them. Many games with them have plenty of people at the top that don't use them. Macros will not allow you to achieve a level of play unattainable by those who don't use them, it will just require more skill to do so. Therefore if you want to play the game with more skill, don't use them.

  7. Stop being lazy.


    Because it's not lazy to sit on your *** and play video games? Besides what gives you the right to tell people not be lazy, they are quite entitled to being lazy if they want to.


    Macros are fine. Needed? no, helpful? yes. They don't effect anyone but the person using them so if you don't like them, don't use them. I like they make you focus on hotbars less and more on the game at hand. With the massive bloat of abilities adding more action bars just creates a UI clusterfart. They can either streamline things or give us the tools to do it ourselves.

  8. The biggest reason for BioWare to support at least some class story development, and to also let players know that some is in the works.


    I really like this game, but the folks in charge of it do a piss poor job with interacting with this community in a way that promotes the longevity of the game.


    This is so true, and a big deal. Most other companies give regular state of the game reports telling what is coming next to keep people interested. The days of super secret development just doesn't work in today's saturated MMO market. Their forum activity is about the bare minimum I have seen in any MMO too. Some days the there are 0 posts on the dev tracker (and no not weekends). It really make a person think they are just phoning it in.

  9. Mentoring is a horrible idea. It was horrible when they wanted it in SWG and its horrible NOW.


    Thank for that informative and insightful reason why.


    But back in reality, mentoring is a great system that really needs to be added to the game. This game has allot of people leveling alts. Nothing is worse than not being able to join your friends in an MMO because you aren't close enough level to them. I was online with 6 friends recently and of my 13 toons I didn't have one close enough to play with any of them. That is a serious issue IMO. Also mentoring makes for faster queues for flashpoints. As long as it is an option, like in RIft and not forced then it is win win.


    People need to specialize and learn a character and their spec.. Allowing people to change specs does absolutely nothing for the game but diminish the number of skilled players the game has.. :rolleyes:


    People can't be skilled at more than 1 thing? How hard do you think this game is? Most people have many alts in this game and play them all well, so what is the difference to play 2+ specs well with the same toon. Skilled players will remain skilled players no mater how many specs they have. Why would you limit people desire to learn new builds? That sounds allot like book burning to me.

  11. Not everyone is a fan of tedious and uncaptivating end-game grinding? The game was pitched as story, so it attracted people who wanted just that.


    Story is only PART of the game. They said it was the 4th pillar, therefore story is only 25% of the game. There is more to it tan JUST story, allot more. And they have continued the story since launch, each operation has some story to it, each daily area has some story, makeb...... more story there. They just haven't continues the individual class stories. Why? because they don't have the resources to because they game wasn't as big a success as they hoped.

  12. The OP is right, other games have found ways to fix issues like resource nodes and mob tagging. You shouldn't have to play against the people around you in an MMO (assuming same faction and all that). Bioware really needs to bring the QOL features of this game to 2013. Yes we know Bioware, it's allot of work, but it's what you need to do to compete in today's saturated MMO market.
  13. I love new content, and they have done a great job of keeping it coming. But they need to take a step back and really work on quality of life features and remove allot of the obstacles in the game that take away from it's fun.


    The most important would some sort of mentor/level adjusting system. In a game where leveling alts is so abundant, it really sucks when you can't play with your friends because you are too high or too low level. They also need to add a dual/multi spec and gear loadout switching system. We can repsec free and all, but it's a clunky and cumbersome way to fill a role on the fly. And remove mob tagging and slow clicky respawns, nothing worse than waiting in line to finish your quest because there are other people playing the game too. It's an MMO, we need features that allow people to play together more, not less. You shouldn't always have to be in group to help the guy next to you.


    I am sure we could all come up with more quality of life and convenience features that would just make playing the game more fluid and fun for all. Content is great, but if unnecessary obstacles get in the way of playing that content then people aren't going to play it as much.

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