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  1. I would like to see: Based on the guilds being able to have capitol ships, it would be awesome if two guilds: Imp one V. Rep one could have a space battle with their ships (to get more space combat in the game) and then after X time boarding parties are sent to each capitol ship allowing for "instanced" PvP but with a GvG (guild verse guild) feel. I think that this would control for server imbalance, it would promote better community, allow for true rivalries, fits the lore perfectly and best of all be truly unique in the mainstream MMO market.
  2. So there are some things that I would like to put forth that might clear the air a bit with regards to the current pvp situation: - if you use the proverbial example of WoW as your basis for functioning pvp reward system, then you must acknowledge that: In Warsong Gulch the winning team got 3 commendations and the losing team got 1. This was the system across the board for all the BG's. Thats a 300% difference in terms of reward. In SWTOR I seem to be getting about ~100 commendations for winning, given a 35 commendation losing reward the difference is ~280% - I am not going to lie that this sucks, but the problem is not the patch nor is it people leaving matches. The problem is that commendations are given SOLELY on the number of medals one earns. The logical fix to this is to have a fixed basis for being is a warzone, rolfstomped or not. - This was actually in response to the PVE'rs who found it pointless to run FP's when they could get their PVP and PVE gear from pvping. So the response was to make the new gear give up on things such as accuracy and power; in favor of expertise and crit. This would make PVP gear less effective in PVE and thus make getting the FP PVE gear more desirable for the raiding community. LASTLY: (couldnt find the OP): The change to dps making PVP tankers and healers crap and the rest a nuke fest. - This was in response to people saying that a dps'er couldn't out pace a healer of comparable gear. So the BW response to this (and a poorly thought out one) was to increase general DMG output while decreasing some of the healing mechanics (sages come to mind). Solutions: - Give a base WZ comm that is rewarded to the losers independant of medals earned - Have a "deserter" debuff that blocks one from entering a WZ for X time if the leave or are kicked out - Rather than up dps and nerf healing, change the mechanics to allow "lock-outs" where interrupts block heals from being casted for a few sec's (though this would require massive overhaul of the combat mechanics) - Change the resolve bar to: once it is full the player automatically is immune to stuns for X time (how ever long the time is currently). This would force players playing 1v1 to space out their stuns and be more tactful with their control mechanics There is plenty of hope for this game in the pvp department, but they need to rethink where they are leading the combat style and mechanics to. P.S. for those who care to know, I dont have any intentions on playing GW2 as of yet
  3. DISCLAIMER: Please if this topic is specifically discussed elsewhere, link the other thread. One this that I feel would add more to the pvp experience is making the game feel more like a war, as the story line intends. In a war ground is gained and lost, but each time it is lost or gained new areas become available for attack, this is seen in FPS games such as Planetside, Global agenda and (I think) AOC. - Persistent PvP Planet: This could be a planet with lets say 7 "zones", 3 imp, 3 rep and 1 "buffer" zone. The "war" would last a week or two, with a different zone being open to attack every day or so. depending on how many zones you control your faction can unlock a raid that is either attacking the Empire (for the republic players) or attacking the Republic (for imperial players). I think that this would be a nice addition to the game because it would give the feel of an "Epic" war that the game claims is going on. Though it would have the same problems as Ilum, so until those are fixed this idea would be meaningless. Notes: - As a side note I think that depending on how many warzones are won by any one side, that side gets an in zone buff. - Essentially this idea takes the Winters grasp from WoW and spreads the battle accross several zones and several days instead of one zone every few hours - The planet would have to have some built in reset, as to give the non controlling faction a chance to recapture
  4. I have read through most of this thread and have come to the conclusion that the OP is neglecting the key component of modern MMO's, which is progression. Its not only what keeps people coming back to the game, but also allows raiding to take place. - basis: Once you are lvl 50 you have a few areas in which to spend your time: - Raiding - PvPing - Achievement hunting (not comparable to WoW by far atm) - Affection Maxing in the end you are left with raiding or pvping, and I think that I am going to lump hard modes into raiding because they don't drop pvp gear so PvPers wouldn't focus on them. Now lets look at raiding: Why raid? - To progress to harder bosses, and get the best gear in the game that only a few people on each server would have. In order to have harder bosses in the game the bosses themselves need to do more dmg, and force raiders to try and survive longer. You need new gear in order to have this mechanic; because skill can only do so much (depending on the dmg mechanic). Therefore: new bosses demand better gear, which = more stats - progression implies getting something new, there is no point in downing a boss after wiping multiple times over the week if you don't get something for it, and a new skin aint going to justify the effort, so better gear is given. Now PvPers want some sense of progression too, and it is only fair, because they invest the same amount of time in PvPing as raiders do in Raiding (and as an seasoned WoW raider pvping takes longer to get gear than does raiding, assuming you've clear the place once). So just as new rading gear allows raiders to last longer against bosses, new pvp gear should allow the player to last longer in combat and dish out more dmg, which it does. Now concerning expertise: Rakata - 105 Endurance - 1050HP increase over base 112 Willpower - 22.4 damage bonus Battlemasters 98 Endurance - 980 HP increase over base 94 Willpower - 18.8 damage bonus 50 Expertise - 1.3% damage increase/reduction in PvP The OP's calculation was incorrect here: the dmg difference is 1.1 in dmg 22.4 dmg - 1.3 dmg = 21.1 18.8 dmg + 1.3 dmg = 20.0 - meaning these gear specs would be comparable with a slight favor to the raider - I think what the OP is forgetting is that the goal of raiding is long term battles where steady lvl dps is preferred to short term burst dps; what this means is that the PvPer's gear is meant to end the battle fast, and the raiders gear is meant to last long assuming the support of a grp (which the gear assumes). - So to sum everything up: To say that raiders should be allowed to progress in the sense or harder fights (which would imply an increase of stats) and that PvPer's should be stuck with one set of gear for the entire game is unfair. PvPers put in comperable time into PvP as raider do into raiding. and (using the OP's example) if the gear example above is any indication of the effects of expertise has on dmg out put then raiders should have a slight stat advantage in both HP and DMG; which would imply the reason a Rakata lvl raider is getting owned by a Battlemaster lvl pvp, is because the PvPer is has honed their skills to killing other players, where as the raider hasn't. Ergo PvP is still skill based. I hope that even if you don't agree, you can see the logic in the arguments.
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