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Everything posted by Poin_Dex_Tenobi

  1. It shows people new to the thread whats going on, so they can form their own opinion. Also, I see no harm in exhibiting some proof, do you?
  2. And another comparison shot i found... ./Poin_Dex_Tenobi gains 150 Dark Side Points.
  3. Actually, it looks like the first EQ had better textures back in 1999! Look at the fidelity on these pants and belt. The muddy crap that is SWTOR textures doesnt come close to it. http://blog.weflyspitfires.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/eq000005.jpg
  4. Actually, it looks like EQ had better textures back in 1999? Look at the fidelity on these pants and belt. The muddy crap that is SWTOR textures doesnt come close to it http://blog.weflyspitfires.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/eq000005.jpg
  5. Sorry, but I personally dont think there is much honesty in Stephen Reids answer at all. I think its a load of bullcrap. Instead of giving an honest answer they choose the PR answer that isnt fooling anyone. Hard to respect a company that flat out lies to its playerbase.
  6. Running all maxed @ capped (vsync) 60 fps without issues. 16xfsaa forced in ini files. Specs: i7-2600k 3.4 GHz @ 4.5Ghz 8GB Memory MSI OC'ed GTX 580 SSD 128GB for W7 x64 OS and SWTOR install.
  7. Focus Target: 1.Hit ESC to bring up the menu. 2.Click the PREFERENCES button. 3.Click the GAME tab at the botton of the PREFERENCES window (you should already be here). 4.Click the Controls option on the left side of the PREFERENCES window. 5.Check the "Enable Focus Target" check-box. 6.Click the KEY BINDINGS tab at the bottom of the PREFERENCES window. 7.Select Targeting option on the left. 8.Find the "Set Focus Target / Swap Focus Target" keybind. 9.Choose a new keybind if you want (I use the + key). 10.Scroll down further until you find the "Focus Target Modifier". 11.Choose a new keybind if you want (I use a mouse button). Now we're ready to actually use this functionality! 1.Target your companion, or anyone else that you need to heal frequently. 2.Press your "Set Focus Target" keybind. 3.Hold down your "Focus Target Modifier" keybind. 4.You should see that the mouse cursor turns blue. 5.Use a healing ability, and it should now be applied to your Focus target.
  8. Buy an SSD and put swtor and your system on it. Still loading screens but they load fast as hell.
  9. Same here, apart from running @ 1920x1200, with 16x FSAA.
  10. So the only cool looking gear for a sage is a PvP set? Thats a sad state of affairs. No sages wanting to show off their pimp outfits?
  11. I love playing the class, but the gear ive gotten so far (im lvl 30) is slowly starting to discourage me. Ive had some hats....omg! Are there higher level out there that are pleased with their look and can show it to us please? Thanks so much!
  12. Thank you very much for this guide, very insightfull! Bookmarked.
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