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Everything posted by Alloou

  1. It was mentioned in the live stream that the grind would average to around 1 crate per hour. Eric's words not mine.
  2. If you are talking about Harbinger, Tait acknowledged that there was a problem with the server and they were trying to fix it.
  3. So i will say again what i said in another thread. Keep the gear in the raids, keep the pvp commendations and keep GC also. Let the people choose how and from where to gear up. How many do you think will go for the 300 hour grind?
  4. See, the players are talking about the story with God companions. I haven't seen any complain that gear is too easy to get. And even if it was easy pre -5.0, now it's not hard to get the gear. It's pure grind. Grind as hell and then some. This is not hard to gear. This is a complete and utter waste of time. Gear is supposed to be means to an end, not the end.
  5. So lets give everyone a full set of BiS gear as soon as they hit 70. Including newcomers. How long do you think they will stay? Or much more than the people in these forums realize... See what i did there?
  6. Lets talk again in 2 months and 100 GC levels later when half the people will still have 3-4 items to show for... By the way, the bad luck protection was implemented since start of Wow expansion. Considering EA/BW are on vacation till mid Jan, they will start looking at it when you are already 100?
  7. As for January livestream and the group content, this is from the interview: “This time around we have things like Uprisings, which are four-player group content, that will eventually have three challenge modes,” Irving explained. “The hardest one being a really difficult challenge that we only expect the top tier of our players to be able to beat. We have the Dark-vs.-Light system with new world bosses that spawn that will require 8 to 16 players to defeat. [There are] things like repeatable chapters that let you relive some of your favorite moments as the Outlander. You can expect more of that stuff in between. We already have more Uprisings planned to come out in late January or early February as well as the harder difficulty modes that I mentioned before for things like Uprisings.”
  8. So,this system is good for all as per the OP because the raiders will sit and twiddle their fingers while everyone else reaches their gear? In the meantime keep rolling those RNG boxes? By definition this system outright excludes the raiders from upgrading their gear. So thats 1 category of people not included. How about a player who tries the game 2 months from now? When you are sitting at GC lvl 120? What exactly is the way for him to be on equal footing? He/she will always be 1 tier gear behind you. How is this system more inclusive? It's fantastic for your not raid alts to get gear. But the raider needs to raid. With his most geared char. He/she will not play an alt just because its undergeared to bring it to the same lvl as his 65 lvl main character. He will focus on his main character to be ready for raids. Which brings us back to what you said before: So grind away at those 90 GC levels ( 90 hours as per livestream) in order for you to really start getting RNG rolls for a chance at upgrades? You like the system? Perfectly fine with me. Give the raiders the old gearing system back, give the PVPers their old system of gearing and add this system as well. And let the people decide which system suits them. This will cater to the whole population correct?
  9. If the system is so great then keep it. Give back to Raiders their old system, PVPers the same and leave this also as a method of gearing. And let the new players choose how to gear up. How does that sound?
  10. You keep on repeating this statement... How do you know what the majority of the player base wants? Do you have some metrics? some polls? Inside information from BW? Or you are just speculating? And how do you know it's better for new players? When a new player comes he is by now 1 week behind the existing ones. 1 month from now he will be 30-50-100 command levels behind. So how come it's better? If the majority of the player base likes the new system, then why with the dozens of posts keep cropping up about hating the system and they are quitting? I have never seen such an uproar since the Contraband machine nerfs...
  11. You mean the ones we already ran to death 1 million times and we need something new? See, i thought this threat was not about you and it was about everyone ? You keep trying to make points that everyone should enjoy this, RNG is good for all,it will attract new players etc. But at the end of the day it's about you and what you like, no?
  12. I know the feeling. I miss the feeling of going around in a new planet exploring, getting those damn hidden datacrons, searching for easter eggs. That was the first thing i did when i reached 50 back at launch. And no new daily hubs either :( I don't understand why BW:A keeps saying, hey we got 2 new planets that you cannot do anything on them ever except that 1 hour in the storyline. That's not a new planet, thats a corridor that i will see once and be done with it. Also, they said at the NY cantina event (if i am not mistaken) that they would look at the missions from microbinoculars and the droid missions. Make the final H4s soloable and possibly add more ...Nothing happened on that front either...
  13. I was reading recently an article about games and why people stay/leave the game. And since the title is RNG is perfect, i urge you all to have a look at this article. I found it very interesting. http://www.gameanalytics.com/blog/16-reasons-players-leaving-game.html EDIT: for those too bored, go to point number 10 and onwards.
  14. At least half a million players(that's ~30% of the game population) had reached max level and engaged in End game content within the first month. I will just leave this here. http://www.pcgamer.com/bioware-gdc-panel-star-wars-the-old-republic/ And CXP boosts are not the same as XP boosts... It's not exaclty pay 2 win but it's a slap in the face of subs asking them to fork out even more money to make the eternal grind go faster. (after they nerfed the gold elites to make sure no one can reach 100 in a week..
  15. No it is not. That's why people are raging. That's why even Dulfy was forced to take a stance against it for the first time in 5 years... RNG is never a guarantee for anything, so you might or might not get the top end gear. i gave a much better solution on my post above... EDIT: Not to mention that in order to have a chance to get to the top end gear you need to reach first GC level 180... So 180 hours for reaching the point of getting a chance at that elite gear ( 1h per crate as per livestream).
  16. But this is the problem with this system. The currently implemented system. You can never predict when you will have your gear ready to do that content. Can you guarantee a raider or a pvper that they will have their full gear in 2 weeks?1 month? 2 months? That is the problem with RNG, there will never be a guarantee for any gear EVER. Why don't you see that? This is what people are raging about ... Simple solution would be to bring back the old system, for pvp make everything cost 4x more commendations... For OPs, reduce the number of drops per boss so that you artificially extend the old content again. For rest of players, add yellow crystals and put vendors that sell them for 1000 a piece and adjust your H2s, story modes etc to make it equal to raiding and pvp gearing... And even more, add a weekly limit to tokens, commendations and yellow crystals to everyone so they wont farm like idiots for 15 hours a day. Reward the effort through the content, not reward luck and sheer grind...
  17. Simple, as people mentioned before, HM content requires a baseline 230 set gear... And my question still stands... The best solution to the current gearing system is to not go through it? Doesn't that strike you as odd? And how are people supposed to run HM/ NiM/ Master content? With 228 non set gear? Not gonna happen with the dps and healing requirements for that content. There is something called Enrage Timer which one-shots everyone when you reach it ...
  18. Why he is whiteknighting such a bad system when the solution is already in game... Remove gear completely from GC, let the schematics be at the vendors and the content to drop only mats. Everyone will buy their own gear, with the set bonuses from GTN, amirite? But then again, people will come to the forums and complain that now they need to farm credits Bottom line, solution is simple. Make GC only for vanity items and find other ways to distribute the gear to everyone through other means... Hell, mail everyone a full set of 244 and be done with it...
  19. So your perfect solution to GC RNGfest is to buy and craft your gear???? Your glorious solution to the current gearing system is to not go through it and craft your own gear? Amazing ... Simply amazing ... As for KristianBurke, please enlighten me, if you are currenlty going through KoTFE, where did you get all the mats to craft and augment a full 228 set? Did you manage in 1 day to get all the schematics/mats you needed to craft the appropriate gear? Because if you did, then you are probably the luckiest person i know. Not to mention you probably spent millions to buy 14 augments to put on your gear.
  20. i would start with moving to a populated server, people have given you options above. My recommendation is to take a class that you like and go through all the story content, KoTET included. That should give you an idea of the entire game till now. If you like it, then you can continue with other class stories. As story gets unified eventually i would recommend that you finish all the class stories before bringing a 2nd character through KoTFE/KoTET. P.S. If you care about end game gear, better brace yourself for some hard RNG as OPs/FPs/PvP doesn't drop gear anymore. You can only get gear from Galactic Command crates.
  21. There is no quick and easy fix for RNG. Even WoW went with RNG for legendary gear with bad luck protection ( the more you play the higher chances you get to obtaining a legendary, eventually reaching 100% chance). They still get blasted to the moon and back for the RNG part This is exactly why GC and RNG were brought in. To hide the nearly non-existent new content. No it is not ok. Again in WoW, the only RNG in gear is which 4 -5 of the 14 pieces of gear will the boss drop this week, having 2 items per armor specialization,2 cloaks, 2 rings and 2 trinkets (relics), essentially having a minimum of 4-6 items suitable for each class per boss.And each raid has 3-13 bosses as per the last 4 expansions. See above for the legendary RNG part. GC is not implemented to prevent the people for running the same OPs. We have the same PVP maps, the same H2s and the same planets that we had 2 ,3,4 years ago. GC is simply implemented to put everyone on the gear treadmill and stay there for months on end. And of course to hide the lack of new content. EDIT: 1 additional point. Progression means i go from easy to hard to harder content. To do that i need to upgrade my gear accordingly. You don't progress from HM OP and then do a story chapter. The "intent" for GC was that story players will also get to have full OP gear eventually. and H2+ players will also have a chance at that gear. It was not put in place so that PVPers will raid and Raiders will do GSF. If the raiders and pvpers wanted to do that, they would have done it years ago...
  22. Unfortunately you can't whilst having other means to gear. ( --Wall of text inc--) I have been thinking about this for some time now (since they announced the RNGrind and the GC Boxes).Few points below( more like food for thought): Point #1. One of the ideas behind the GC is the unification of gear. So in order to make this work they will need to maintain separate loot tables and reward the players based on the activity they are performing. Otherwise how will you measure and reward a player who pvps? With OPs it's easy because there are bosses. So each boss drops tokens to be used. But how to you do that in pvp? Based on warzone completion? Valor level?Valor points earned? They will have to come up with a new system to compare the time it takes to kill a boss with the amount of warzones you play or something equivalent. Point #2. While the idea of GC can work as a side system, for raiders and pvpers (assuming point #1) it will be an excellent way to supplement their gear. For example, TUX runs an OP with his guild and gets 3 pieces tonight. He also got 3-4 GC levels so these boxes will have a chance to get him maybe an extra piece till he gets the next round of loot. Same goes for pvp, Alloou runs 2-3 WZs and gets 2 pieces and via the GC he opens 2 boxes for a chance at extra loot. Point #3. Assuming point 1 and 2, this creates a major issue with Story players and GSF players.Again we will need a system to reward them for doing their H2s and story chapters with guaranteed drops. Otherwise, PVP and OPs will drop gear and story will give boxes which may or may not have gear ( our current craptastic RNGrind). This will lead to either 1. more drama because raiders/pvpers get gear and i get RNG 2. more drama because the story players will have to either do OPs for the guaranteed drops or PVPs and will come to forums and shout about doing things they dont want to get gear. So,tl:dr, while GC is around, you cannot have guaranteed gear drop from any activity because this will make the whole GC obsolete and will force players to do activities they don't want for that guaranteed gear just to avoid grinding for 6-9 months for a chance at getting everything/something/nothing at the end.
  23. Friendly advise. Uninstall,take a long break and let the dust settle. I uninstalled after nearly 3 years, cancelled my sub which expires on 18th. I will check the live stream in January to see this group content (which i have a feeling will be another 4-8 uprisings...). I will check regularly the forums and Dulfy when/if next expansion will have anything noteworthy and then decide whether i will come back for next expansion. I did 2 uprisings, and did the story on my warrior, reached lvl 7 on Galactic and have 1 mainhand to show for it. I decided that the RNGrind is not my cup of tea,got no time for such lame system so i pretty much did all the content of this expansion.
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