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Posts posted by Warrgames

  1. Wow... people actually report for something as simple as a disagreement? That's.... sad...


    Not really. Its normal in MMO. Its why it takes so long to take action against offense things because people use report for all the wrong reason; hoping some mod doesn't look into it and blindly takes action against someone. Mods have to sort though all of it to find the real stuff.

  2. Why would that be? I wonder...

    Newer players never got group to kill them because it was waste of time for high level players.

    Nobody got in groups to kill one because of most players just weren't interested on doing stuff at lower levels (aka race to max level!).

    Level 60s were the ones who killed most of the WBs during 3.x because most of them could easily be killed solo.


    How do I know this? Well, I did it so I have first hand experience. I would rather drink molten lead than do that again.


    Here we after level sync. No one still does WB. So what did level sync do to solve this problem? NOTHING.


    Shorty after 4.0 a bunch of groups were made and that was for Qyzen.

  3. Not going to happen. The studio has commented multiple times that the playerships are a hard-coded squirrels nest of code that is not really suitable for expanding features.


    Now... I do think at some point they may offer us a path to alternative ships (essentially mobile personal strongholds). No idea when, or how though.


    I don't think we will ever see it. The dev can barely produce 30min of content a month. Anything more than that and they release broken content or delay it months on end.

  4. Okay, I think I just figured it out. So, Revan has been dealt with. Vitiate is on his way out. The galaxy is in shambles. A rogue droid is pulling strings, based on some nebulous super power of old, but is being dealt with I assume soon. That leaves one more entity, the most devious and cunning of all; Leontyne Saresh. The true puppet master. We must deal with her, before she places a holostation on every world imploring us to Work together, together we can rebuild the galaxy. Let's get to work, together.


    Revan will back.

    Vitiate still has one big secret to share.



    There is going to be a big fight between Revan and Vitiate. Where right before Revan deliver the finial blow to Vitiate. Vitiate says "Revan I am your father."



    World bosses. You have group forming to kill WB, lone lvl65 comes in and starts attacking the WB. Group has only two choices: either wait for respawn (very long) or try to find WB in second instance (most planets only have one instance especially on lower population servers).


    Stupidest argument ever for level sync. There is no difference if a max level person kills it or a guild group kills it. Other groups have to do the same things wait or find another instance. Prior to level stink, I had no issue finding WB up outside of the conquest ones and when I go to conquest one I run into a guild group there.


    All you are doing is making up some BS thing that level sync fixes when in reality it does NOTHING to solve the issue.

  6. 1. It's your opinion that it's a semi-decent designed story, I think it's awesome.

    2. Haven't you seen the end credits? There are many people working on the project and the budget must be quite high, because VA is very expensive in itself, and there are MANY dialogues in Kotfe.


    Stop stating BS as facts, at least put a "in my opinion" there.


    Stop stating BS as facts? ROFL Telling someone to stop stating BS as facts when you are stating BS as facts.


    There are many people working on the project and the budget must be quite high, because VA is very expensive in itself, and there are MANY dialogues in Kotfe.


    Dev have state before VA isn't expensive.

  7. No... no... no... sorry ... but most of the player base will catch onto what their doing if they do that. What they really need to do is just call it DVL instead of LVD, and then we can go through another content filled repetitious cycle, this time using all 8 advanced classes.


    Most player drank the Kool-Aid and will keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Some of us saw this event for what it is. Filler because there is nothing else for us do till next expansion comes out. How much you want to bet after the next expansion we get another DvL event with new achievement that can only be done on a freshly created after the start of the event. They could have easily had event include players main but it would mean people would have finished it way too fast. They need to drag the event out for as long as they can since there is nothing else going on in game.

  8. Isn't that technically the DVL event?



    Sounds like the LvD event.


    Edit: Ninja'd by peter! :p


    They side we were getting a new event about DvL and instead we got reply 5yrs worth of the game again. So what is stopping them from doing it with new expansion?

  9. I'm not sure, but I believe earlier in this thread I signed over my rights to speak for myself to Thoronmir, which might mean that by declaring me able to speak for you, you may have inadvertently signed over your rights to Thronmir as well...see...this is how those damn lawyers get ya! "No fees unless we win" "free* consultation"...:mad:


    So what you saying is when someone say they are speaking for the community they real are since we all give the right to speak for us to someone else and than they give their rights to someone else..........

  10. EXACTLY! KOTFE was the first time we got nothing but a crappy story.


    As for more levels? HELL NO! That's fake grind content. It would take someone what, maybe a week tops to level 14 toons from 65 to 70? Come on lol...we need REPEATABLE content, not fake content.


    Fake content takes less work. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pass a reset all character to lvl 1 as content.

  11. since most of my character are maxed out and im done with most of the quests and there is a new story line coming in the fall we need to bump up the max level from 65 because it would give all the maxed player a chance to grind on more powerful enemies not to mention is would create a market for high level gear and to help keep the players busy in the mean while waiting for the new question you could have a sory arcs on each core and outer rim world tracking your old companions back by doing a bunch of quests and adding new story mini-quest to each world for players whos level is 65+ to help them grind and get good stuff in the process


    So you want them to add more content? The dev barely can produce 30mins of content a month. If they tried to produce any more we end up with broken content that takes months to fix. Look at Ch 16 they delayed it to make sure it was polished for launch and than had to patch it less than 24hrs later because it was broken.

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