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Posts posted by Warrgames

  1. If by "advance your character" you mean acquire weirdly shaped stat items that have no appearance to plug into a generic armor skin then no additional funds needed.


    If advancing your character means more to you than statistical gain then no...you will need to spend money on the market.


    Pretty much everything that drives my play longevity in other MMO(s) is removed from the SWTOR gameplay loop and has been placed on the Cartel Market. No running old content for gear skins, no running new content for gear skins/mounts/gadgets...


    I subscribe one month out of about every 6 maybe...I play through whatever trivial story content they manage to coble together and then I let my sub lapse...the only reason I do that is the SW IP... This game just doesn't compare to any other MMO on the market in my opinion...its just Star Wars.


    The only more monetized games I can think of have substantially more depth and appeal for a wide range of play styles...which is at least a reason to put up with the terrible money markets...SWToR is super basic in design and about to get worse it seems.


    Honestly I can'twait for this game to get canned and the license removed from EA so we can get a decent SW MMO...Bioware lost their touch a long time ago.


    So pretty power. Ok

  2. I'll re-explain a little differently: the presence of a 'free' grind doesn't erase the fact that these systems are still monetized; every level of Galactic Seasons has a button on it to pay cash, and skip the grind EA never intended us to complete.


    Same thing with Comp levels; you can grind it out, with even further monetized wait mechanics like gift-giving speed, or you can buy L50 for cash.


    Pay the cash, and you have an advantage you didn't before. When you do this, you are acting as intended by EA, because these systems are monetized for a reason. Our QoL is sabotaged to incentivize the financial transaction.


    As subscribers, our game mechanics shouldn't be monetized beyond our sub, and the clearly are.


    You keep saying it but are not providing any proof of it. That as sub I have to pay more money than my sub to advance my character. Where? Every convenience you list can be bought with in game currency that is earned by playing the game.

  3. "Less is more" has always been a problem in SWTOR. There are large numbers of clothing items that would look great if they didn't have asymetrical shoulder pads, large gadgets on the back, weird permanent colour choices, hooks, spikes, dangely bits, etc, etc.


    Butt flaps... Nothing says you are hero more then a butt flap hanging off the back of your armor. One of the dev's has a thing for butt flaps...

  4. If you go to the Youtube video of the stream where they talk about the Legacy of Sith. (


    17min mark there is a slide that says" Force Classes will have Dark/Light requirements to access their counterparts"

    17:24 The guy says you can't create a level 1 Jedi knight and have them shooting force lighting.


    They did say to access counterparts abilities (throwing pebbles or shooting lighting) there is alignment requirements. Not that alignment choose which abilities you can use.

  5. Back end? Like removing the horrid idea of RNG gearing in 5.0 Tait? Because going forward with that idea is going to hurt like hell...


    Silly Tux, you know they don't listen to us. They come up with bad idea and run it with it. Then come up with dumb saying to justify it.


    West market isn't a big RNG fan. Heavy RNG fail in it.

  6. Oh I know...every person I've talked to about this feels exactly the same way. This is so ridiculously stupid I can't believe they'd ever attempt it.


    New story would have brought back players. New Uprisings would have brought back players. New gear would have brought back players. RNG gear grinding ruins ALL of that.


    Enjoy the populations we have...they're about to drop again.


    This dev team always seem to take one step in direction of improving the game. Followed by two backwards into screwing up the improvement.

  7. How else can they keep people playing the same 5-yr old content for another year?


    Its not making me want to play more. I don't like heavy RNG games and I don't care for grinders. They are turning SWTOR into both. I can tell you what 95% of the boxes are going to contain. Non-set bracers and courting companion gift. Good luck trying to take part in harder aspect of the game.

  8. So command crates don't give gear with set bonus automatically it is random. Yet you are tuning veteran mode for tier 2 with some tier 3 gear, plus set bonus, plus augments, plus stim and adrenal.


    You forgot something. Veteran Mode is tune to a level 20 influence companion and the only way to get companion gifts is RNG or pay out the *** in credits for them. So good luck finding enough companion gifts to level one companion.


    I think they are going way to overboard with RNG.

  9. Haven't we had a stream on uprisings where nothing of much value was said?


    Haven't we had a stream on story vs vet difficulty where nothing of any value was said?


    I'm at a loss why now have a steam combining two things where the development team offer so little information the first time round.


    Because it has nothing to do with providing the community with information. Its a "Hey look we support fan base, We gave these content creators a chance to play."

  10. SWTOR has already gone full P2W. You have to pay for a sub to get the best gear in the game. You idea of SWTOR going P2W is stupid. By your statement SWTOR was always P2W since CM was introduced. They always sold EXP boost. Which means you leveled faster and were able to get end game faster. Therefore you got end gear faster. By your logic SWTOR has always been P2W.



    P2W is the only way to obtain the best gear in a game is through buying it.

  11. I'm looking forward to this change my only issue is with the RNG of it. When it comes RNG; RNGsus hates me. I wanted a varies specific just piece for my new trooper and it came from the heroic boxes. I open 14 boxes and got 14 of same bracers. I know Eric said we could sell unused gear from more points to unlock another crate. BUT with current system each boss drops something different. So you don't end up with same piece that you don't need always dropping.
  12. I wonder if the new employees I'm training during that time would mind watching this instead of listening to me lecture them on proper computer etiquette?


    Maybe your trainee plays SWTOR too? Few years ago my trainer played WoW and we spent many valuable hours of training talking WoW. If they don't play SWTOR make them stand with their nose in the corner till the stream is over.

  13. We are definitely planning livestreams and blogs to explain elements of KOTET. I believe we will start releasing them in the next week or two. Once I get exact timing I will post it.




    Thanks Eric

  14. So when can we expect to start seeing Dev blogs about coming expansion?


    Are you planning on do a blog about Play Your Way (choose your own difficulty)? I wondering if you are going for tedious or challenging with it.

  15. Riiiight.


    Born and raised in Western NY. Have at various times lived there, NY's North Country, Albany area, and Poughkeepsie area for... totalled up, over 30 years, plus lived in Manhattan for several years.


    The official name of the city is "New York" so saying "the Cantina tour is coming to New York" is precisely the same format as saying "the Cantina tour is coming to San Diego", in neither case did they list the State, and not listing the State doesn't somehow change the meaning in either instance.


    It can be confusing to not specify the city vs the State, but it's not incorrect.




    I'm done arguing with you because you have proven yourself a lair. Only time NYC is referred to as just NY is by stupid people that don't live here.


    Since you want to use Stitch as a reference point. Just look at http://stitchnyc.com/ website. Refers to it being in NYC. The only time it doesn't express its location as NYC is in the address where it is double New York.

  16. Except "New York" is the name of the city - see Stitch's address:

    247 W 37th St

    New York, NY 10018


    "New York City" is a fairly ubiquitous colloquialism, but it's "the City of New York". You can contrast that with Kansas City, for example, which is "the City of Kansas City".


    Please go look it up. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. The address is written New York, New York which is a refer to the city. One New York reference the state. Two New York refers to the city. Only ignorant people refer to the city as New York. You are trying to ague something you clearly have no one about with someone who was born and raised in New York. I know the history of this state better than you do.

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