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Everything posted by THorsblood

  1. I'v always sported my Founders title, but then i'v also always helped every person that's every asked The Harbinger sever Lilium Legacy Jen,Jenn,Jenny,Jennifer all with -krath are my Rep toons and Jenna,Jena,Jennie, and Jennifur with -krath are my Imp toons Jen,Jena, and Jennifur are tanks Jenn,Jenny, and Jennifer are Healers Jenna and Jennie are DPS I craft, I teach, I help destroy mob's, I DO NOT PvP it hasn't ever been fun to get killed over and over again by Warhero's... Sincerely ~ You guessd it, Jenn:D
  2. These guys are great! i'm in full (or at least close to) Raka gear now, and made quite a few new friends! I'm on normally from 2am-8pm can be on from 8am-10pm but only for a reason lol. Any way, join us and have some fun! P.S. I can make you free Adept Enhancements 27 grade with provided matt's, that's always nice right? P.S.S i'm going to stop typing now ty for reading <3
  3. hey just saw this forum, thought i'd pop in. Currently i have 1 of each class type split across Imp and rep factions so i don't repeat story content. If your looking at rolling as a healer (my current fav) then there are a few things to consider: Would you prefer stealth? (scoundrel, Operative) Light saber just to cool to pass up? (sage, Sorcerer) Maybe you like heavy armor? (commando,Mercenary) Healing wise the questions are Area healing, Heal's over time, or single target healing. now also keep in mind that all 3 healing specs have all 3 of those, however each spec shine's more then the others in some of those categories. Sage's use mostly channel heal's , an instant self heal(free), the best AoE heal and can bubble shield other players to prevent damage, light armor. Scoundrel's have 2 heal over time skills one of which is an AoE, 2 free heal's 1 weak channel and 1 mild instant (requires proc), can use stealth, Medium armor. Commando's can use their weak attk on teammates to heal them, mild instant AoE heal (slow's enemy's for 3 seconds, increases healing by 3% for a short duration on friendly targets) a reactionary heal (if you place it on some one and there attk'd they get healed a small amount up to 10 times) a free MAJOR heal instant cast single target, small heal add's armor and a small heal over time, normal heal is a channel is cheaper if you use small heal, as it make's next normal heal 33% cheaper, Heavy armor. If you'd like more info just let me know, and sorry for long post
  4. Hi my name's Jenn and I currently have 8 *toons* on the Harbinger server. most are only 20-30, but my main is a lvl 50 sage healer. I'm posting this just in case any of you reading this are thinking about playing the game and subbing for it, or maybe just wanna try out the game (though its free now any way, so maybe you get near-sub lvl of play?). Any way, both me and whoever I *refer* get an extra amount of free cartel coins when you sub! as well as a small bonus every month you stay subbed. That's just part 1. Part 2 is if you actually do sub, (and choose the Harbinger server) I can help you with pretty much everything From Flashpoints to Operations, class quests or even good gear I can help Just don't expect to much PvP wise lol i'm not geared for PvP and probably never will be:cool: any way sorry for the long post here on the forums Hope to meet some new people and hopefully have more people playing this great game! ~ sincerely Jenn
  5. You are so damn lucky i'm going to need you to open my future packs for me lol... played 6 hours today (yes, i don't have a job atm...find me one i'll take it lol) i'v seen 1 White crystal, 0 thrones, a crap-ton of the nightshade mounts (got 1 myself actually) a good mix of pets, and to many people throwing balls around... yet in your 2 packs you got the 2 rare'st things you could get....you have more luck then my entire server
  6. Female Consular: /farewell = "May the force be with you" I know this because I say it to every person I pass
  7. I still like my compromise idea, let us freeze our unwanted companions in Carbonite. That way people who wanted them dead get a neat trophy, and people who later realize they needed said NPC can thaw them out. Just need a few line's bla bla bla *freeze NPC, or never mind?* then later for thawing *Thaw or never mind?* bla bla bla I need you bla bla . I'm not a writer so i'd think they would come up with something better then bla bla bla lol. (Or at least i'd hope so ) P.S. with 1.5 we can freeze OURSELVES in Carbonite, so I don't really think Lore counts against this
  8. Crafting Adept 27 Enhancement, free with matt's *tips are awesome* just mail my sage Jenn-krath, and i'll have it sent to you ASAP!
  9. I'd love to be able to use the *Special* abilities that the other race's have, I love the Meditate and shadowboxing non-combat heal's but traditionally I only play humans, and I don't like being green/yellow/super pale, I'd play the chiss, but I LOATH their red bug like eyes. Anyway just a suggestion, maybe make it cartel only if you want idc i'd buy it lol.
  10. cool idea! Housing is always a Plus when it comes to MMO's
  11. Nerco'ing is fun lol, but fun for a good cause just make's it better! /Sign
  12. /SIGN TAKE MY MONEY!!!! I need to fix my agents hair SOOOOOO bad, but refuse to re-roll due to hairstyle
  13. Make ships custom....BAM we now have houses...that would be awesome!
  14. We have chat filters.... I should be able to say "truck" as many times as I want, if it offends you, then put filters on so you see **** instead? Now if there being inventive then I get why they ban people lol. P.S. I couldn't put the real word due to filters and being inventive would have been dumb since I just said they should ban that instead rofl. Plus i'm sure you get what it was supposed to be:rolleyes:
  15. When are we getting SGR's? I'v been waiting since they announced it was coming post launch! That was last year!?!?
  16. Bump, BUMP, B U M P P.S. Wrote a long reply but accidently hit refresh, so I gave up and typed this!
  17. I love Annihilation spec lol (sith counterpart to watchmen) the healing is great, and the 31 point skill make's me smile when it crits:p
  18. Some people like map fade when questing, so either my seeth is going to be a pain, or getting place's is going to be a pain...i'd rather not have to choose...I don't get why people are calling name's and seemingly getting mad over suggestions...that's all they are... suggestions, more specifically to change the animations OR fix the animation issue's.
  19. Oh and just a side note Focus is much easier to play then Vigilance and can hit multiple people which is a +, HOWEVER vigilance is much funner once you get a feel for it, though I'll never leave my awesome tank spec
  20. Well 1st of WELCOME TO YOUR 1st MMO! Ok so the main difference between PvP (Player VS player) specs and PvE (Player VS environment) specs, is that in PvP you want skills that do high amounts of damage quickly, along with the max amount of stuns, and defensive cooldowns, Fights normally don't last more than 30 seconds so you need to deal your damage faster than your opponent. In PvE fights can last up to 5 minutes (more or less), so you have to be more careful about your resource's (focus as a Knight) so you don't go completely empty, (not much of a big deal for Knights as much as it is for the other 3 class's) Damage over time has more use, as you almost always have it run its full timer, stuns are worth much less ESPECIALLY on boss's who can't be stunned, and debuffs and party buffs become more useful especially when coordinated. Luckily PvE builds will do fine in PvP, as well as PvP doing ok in PvE, though playing the *wrong* spec can make life a little harder, but like i said not much. As for Beating a Sentinel in DPS good luck, you may be able to match them, but i doubt you could ever beat them (similarly skilled of course, everyone can out DPS someone who doesn't know how to play lol) My guardian is a hybrid tank spec built for PvP/PvE however most people pick at it, but i love it lol. (built for lasting longer, or giving healers breathing room, not killing people) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GrGdzzRzZfMrMM0zZ0M.2
  21. Thread #Billion come on put it in the game already D:
  22. Basically I just want to know what the title asks All I know is Agent before consular. (Agent is the cause of Zenith's hate for the empire) Knight before Warrior. (Killing of the Emperor, But not really) So what's the order story wise 1.___ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___5.___ 6.___ 7.___ 8.___ ?
  23. This has an Easy fix too, just give us the NPC's Meditation (similar to Knights but purple and still has the Darkside red color body)
  24. Just joined the guild 2 nights ago these guys (and gals) are fun to play with, THEY EVEN PUT UP WITH MY NEWBIE MISTAKES IN OPS. been in my 1st 2 ops ever did them both start to finish was fun, even got 5 new pieces of gear, looking forward to more ops (have the stuck on load screen at 1/4th bar bug...was basically told by a mod *your screwed* with much more pleasant wording lol) WTB 1.3 back...
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