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Everything posted by Ldogg

  1. This is correct. you gotta wait for the attack to cooldown. unless you put your lightsaber attack(forget what it is called for the SI) that has no cooldown.
  2. you can also just left or right click the persons name in the chat box.
  3. Make sure you are right clicking them. Also you guys need to punch in your product registration code. Some companies have sent them out via email. Others will send them in with your game once it arrives in your mail. I haven't got mine and won't until Wednesday when my CE arrives. Hope this helps:).
  4. Lmfao As to the thread. Get off their back man. THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. You gotta realize they gotta figure the issue out. And that can take time. Plus the game looks pretty damn good without it. Not everything is going to be perfect at launch. This happens in every mmo launch. Just calm down and before you know it it will be fixed. And also I liked what Daffion said "this cost just as much as most other mmos".
  5. Yea there have been plenty of "dark side Jedi" within the order. Jorus C'baoth was pretty close to walking the dark side path. I mean his clone went dark. Most of them still serve the order and do what is good for the greater good. They just achieve it in means that aren't quite "light side". Plus even if another Jedi noticed that they were walking that fine line they wouldn't freak on them, they would just reprimand them and try to put them back on the right path. It's only when they have fully given themselves to the dark side is when action is taken against them.
  6. No way. Sith lords are just too powerful. In a grp he would stand a chance for sure, especially if Luke or another Jedi was with him. But on his own he doesn't stand a chance. Although I wouldn't say that he wouldn't put up a fight, after all he is a ******.
  7. lol When I saw they were playing the movies I thought the same thing.
  8. okay yeah that's what I was thinking with the code. They better give me all my extra crap. I paid $150 for it.
  9. I looked around and couldn't find a similar thread, so sry if its already been asked. So when do we get our bonus items for buying the CE or the digital box sets? The stuff like the flare gun and what not. I still haven't gotten mine. And also the CE comes with a security key, but I don't know were my code is. Do I need to wait until my box gets delivered or is this some error? Thx
  10. Alright if all this is true I'll be in tomorrow. Thanks for the posts guys.
  11. Yeah everyone can were masks of any kind. And I wish they would put the hood up and wearing a mask back in. My SI looked so ****** in beta.
  12. During Beta they had it off too. There is some issue with it, and I guess they are still working on it. hope this helps.
  13. I'd go with RotJ and RotS. The later has the best lightsaber fights out of all the movies.
  14. nope they were only doing 4 today. read the sticky in the general discussion forums, it'll give you more details than I did.
  15. How is that speculation? I just stated the facts. Never once did I say anything was confirmed. O and its pretty much a fact that every preorder will not be in before the 15th. Also they are done sending invites out for the day. Get your facts straight buddy.
  16. Launch is still on the 20th. And no not all the people who pre-ordered will be in by the 15th. You could get up to only a day in the game. It's all about when you pre-ordered.
  17. I agree with the op. I don't hate Jar Jar, I mean he isn't a character I particularly like and wouldn't miss him if he were to disappear. But I get what Lucas was trying to do with the character. Gungans as a race though are pretty cool. But there are a lot of other races I would much rather be in the game.
  18. Unknown at this time and Lucas plans to keep it that way. At least for the foreseeable future.
  19. How whiny Anakin seemed to be throughout the prequels. God I have to skip many of the scenes in the first three just because of his annoying attitude. It's like grow up man, your a freaking Jedi you don't see any of the others acting as childish as you. At least when he became Vader he wasn't a little *****.
  20. I loved SW as a kid. Then I played KOTOR as a teenager and it sparked that love for SW back up again. I am playing this game partly because of KOTOR and partly because it's a BioWare game. I have ran through that game so many times and played so many different styles and it never gets old. It is one of my most favorite games of all times. It showed me I had a passion for RPGs. Thank you BioWare for KOTOR and now TOR.
  21. I like it, I guess you could even say I love it. I've seen every episode and have all the seasons. But it does get a bit childish at times and can mess up already established canon in the EU. But crap like that happens all the time anyways.
  22. How are you not a nerd? You play *********** mmos. Only nerds do that. And this is an RPG on top of that. D&D is an RPG and so is this game. O and I have np with being called a nerd. Seems to me you have a problem with what you really are. lol and that's just sad. But it is understandable you might not like SW. I can't bring myself to fully watch LOTR. But at least I have tried. Maybe you should try to at least try to watch the movies before you discredit them. And why come to the SW discussion forum to ask this question? As you would say this is where all us SW nerds hangout to talk about SW.
  23. SWG was okay, it was a good mmo for its time. And it had some features that this game doesn't that I think needs to be implemented. But to call it a great SW game you sir have lost it. I found myself so many times being like what the hell does this have to do with SW. Now TOR actually feels like your in the SW universe. Not once while I was beta testing did I go how is that even SW. While I will miss playing SWG a bit, I mean I did play it for like 4 years, but I am kinda glad it's dieing.
  24. Simply it's Luke and Sidious. Why? 'cause GL said so and G-canon rules overall. But neither are my favorite. And their are some other ******es out there. Revan was considered the heart of the force. The Emperor in this game is pretty sick. I haven't read the Revan book that just came out yet, but I heard a little about it and the Emperor sounds like he is almost on par with Sidious. And like like someone else said Yoda was the greatest Jedi up until Luke.
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