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Everything posted by Guen

  1. Slicing may have needed to be nerfed, yes, but the nerf was too much. The real problem here is not slicing, rather that the other crew skills are too expensive. With all the training costs for new recipes plus the gathering missions I had to send my guys on because most of the archaeology nodes were broken, it would be cheaper to not be a crafter and just buy from crafters. Crew Skills need a serious look at. My level 32 character has almost no money (my slicing husband had to give me the money for speeder training) and my alt with cybertech and scavenging has twice as much money as my main because scavenging nodes are every two feet and all of them work so I haven't once had to send her on a scavenging quest. Crew skills are supposed to help you make money not be a huge credit sink because otherwise, what's the point of crafting? You can just not craft and buy stuff from the vendors for cheaper than it is to craft a similar item. Buff slicing a tiny bit. Fix all the other crew skills so that sending them on missions is cheaper and buying recipes is cheaper, because right now, without slicing, it is impossible to make any money on crafting.
  2. As someone who was really wanting an appearance tab, after playing I've decided I really like the mod system better, and am enjoying it immensely, however it does need a few tweaks. We do need a dye system (or color match to chest piece) so that while we are searching for the other orange pieces we need, we don't look so silly. Especially since the odds are we won't be able to find a full matching set for a very long time, or without looking it up on a 3rd party site (which I haven't found one yet with really accurate and full information). Also I was under the impression that Underworld Trading was the skill that gives orange recipes but my husband has leveled it to 180 and only gotten 1 recipe, so a possible slight increase in chance to get an orange recipe might be nice. Other than that I am really really liking the mod system and am holding off my wanting an appearance tab until I really see that the mod system won't work. And right now it has potential. I got a matching orange chest and pants from Athiss the other night and I think it looks pretty awesome so for now that is what I plan on leveling with til I find something better. I am saving all the other orange gear I get just incase. It's a surprisingly fun part of the game for me.
  3. I agree with this. They don't need to add more servers yet, they don't even necessarily need to raise the server cap (although that would help). All they need to do is allow free character transfers for a limited time. I think many people would gladly change servers. What most people don't want to do is start over.
  4. All they need to do is allow free character transfers and I bet many many people would be happy to switch to a lower pop server. What people won't be happy with is having to start over. I guess I don't understand why they haven't done this yet. Rift had pretty bad queues the first couple of days (not this bad though) and it didn't take them long to add free character transfers. Unfortunately their mistake was adding too many servers. All Bioware would have to do at this point is let people transfer off the high pop servers and it would solve alot of the problems.
  5. I don't think anyone at Bioware has ever played another MMO. This game is missing a ton of simple features that make life a lot easier for the players. Including this one. I agree they should add this feature. Even Rift had it on launch day.
  6. It depends, if you just DC for a sec then it usually lets you right back on, but there is a current log in error that sometimes happens that makes you completely exit the game and wait in queue again. It happened to me when I was 3 people away from getting into the game. Needless to say I was very mad.
  7. Why hasn't this happened yet. This needs to be their top priority. I wouldn't mind waiting in queue as bad if I was guaranteed a chance to play. But getting DCed and having to wait 3 hours again is bound to make anyone mad.
  8. Agreed. There is a simple solution to this. Give us free character transfers for the first week until people get settled. My guild would be glad to move to a lower pop server. But are not all going to start over. Most people really won't stand for this after the first week.
  9. This exact thing happened to me. I just thought the name of the server was cool, didn't find out til much later it was the official Aussie server. Now I spend all night waiting in queue just to get disconnected when I was just 3 people away from getting on . . . They really need to fix this. I don't care which server I'm on, they just need to allow free transfers for a few days, or increase the server cap, since most of the west coast servers are full anyways.
  10. Yeah, and then go back to your computer a few hours later to see that your internet has hiccuped when you were only 3 people away from getting into the game, only to have to start over in the 3 hour queue. (yes this just happened to me) It's not acceptable. I don't mind logging in a little early then going and getting some things done while I wait, but the fact that there is no feature to save your place in line when you log back in within a few minutes of getting kicked from the server is ridiculous. If at all possible they need to raise the server caps. If there were shorter queues then people wouldn't worry so much about staying logged in as long as possible, which would make the queues move faster and then eventually there wouldn't be any at all. Right now, not only are the queues super long, but they aren't moving very fast because people aren't logging out. I tried to log in at 7 oclock, and at 10 oclock i still wasn't in. When I was 3 people away I received an error and had to completely start over, which there is no way I was going to wait another 3 hours to even start playing. They need to either allow free server transfers, or increase the server capacity. Like now.
  11. I put my code in on the 24th of July, so either they are going out of order contrary to what they said, or you are mistaken. Cause I'm still not playing.
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