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Everything posted by Tetarean

  1. If you are looking for something entretaining and really "light" to read... then I would recommend Death Troopers. It´s like watching a terrible B rated horror movie. Also, as it has been written in this thread before the Thrawn trillogy is a must!
  2. I'm bumping this awesome post by: Aneu "Dean" Lewis.
  3. Tetarean

    50 Bracket Sucks

    In my book of wins for today, you are in 1st place.
  4. *insert wow guy from south park as a response here*
  5. That would be an awesome idea. Make 6 to 8 hours missions with great comeback resources.
  6. I think that the guys designing the shadow looks got the era wrong. Jedis on the empire era, had a low profile, nothing luxurious, no bright colours or anything that would stand out: rags and old cloaks. But in the Old republic Era (at least from the vision of the comic books http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_(comics)) there could be wealthy and rich Jedi. I know they are monks and luxury and possetion is something they don´t look for, but it was certanly a different era the old republic. (sorry for bad english)
  7. +1 I was more than once kicked out of the queue after more than 45mins. Really frustrating.
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