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Everything posted by Khaleijo

  1. Nein, nicht zwingend ein Jedi, du musst mit mit irgendeinem Charakter (Klasse egal) Hellstufe 5 erreicht haben. Dann wird freigeschaltet dass du Chars mit Jedikampfstilen auf Imperiumsseite erstellen kannst.
  2. Hast du den nötigen Erfolg für die das erreichen der ich glaube 5. Ausrichtungsstufe (oder war es die 3...) für die Helle Seite? Das ist Voraussetzung dafür dass man bei neuen Charakteren die Kampfstile der anderen Gesinnung auswählen kann, genauso wie man für die dunklen Kampfstile auf Repseite im Vermächtnis den Dunkel 5 Erfolg erreicht haben muss um das freizuschalten.
  3. Es gibt Reihen da kriegst du die Fähigkeiten die da sind einfach, sei es als passive oder aktive Fähigkeiten, vor allem in den Reihen mit 3 Fähigkeiten musst du dich dann entscheiden. Bin gerade nicht sicher, ob es irgendwo mal eine Entscheidung zwischen zwei Optionen gibt.
  4. Das wurde wohl auf 7.1 verschoben. Kommt also voraussichtlich in 4-6 Wochen.
  5. There is no skip option in place. As JackieKo answered in this forum, players have to play the whole story since Ossus throughout all 6.0 story quests to be able to start the 7.0 story quest. Quote from the Dev tracker:
  6. Das System hat sich mit 7.0 geändert du verteilst keine Punkte mehr, sondern auf bestimmten Levelstufen werden die neuen Fähigkeiten automatisch verfügbar, aber du musst dich wenn da drei auf einer Stufe /in einer Reihe sind entscheiden welche der Fähigkeiten du nutzen willst und kannst explizit nicht alle haben. Das heißt das man hier und da Fähigkeiten die man vor 7.0 einfach so hatte nun nur Situationsbedingt skillen kann. Beispiel sind da zu Bsp die Hardstuns der Klassen. Auf der anderen Seite sind da auch neue Verbesserungen der alten Fähigkeiten dabei, beim Sabo Heiler zum Bsp entweder durch Koltoinfusion noch mehr Gruppenheilung oder ein 10 Sekunden Buff für Schadenreduktion nach einer bestimmten Heilung. Damit kann man sich dann besser auf bestimmte Begegnungen spezialisieren. Resetten in dem Sinne geht also nicht aber du kannst in jeder Ruhezone bzw mit Vermächtnisfreischaltung überall umskillen.
  7. It's probably simply a technical reason, the patch becomes active at the time of the weekly server reset, the weekly conquest rewards though are given several hours (7 I think?) later, meaning the new rules of 7.0 are already in place when the rewards of the last week of 6.3 are calculated.
  8. Wenn man die Geheimnisse der Enklave spielt ist man bereits mit Onslaught durch. Nach dem ganzen Fallen Empire Eternal Throne, Zakuul und Iokath Kram geht die 'neue' Geschichte ja dann mit Ossus under Jedi Under Siege los, das ist das Vorgeplänkel so wie die Story um die FPs Angriff auf Korriban/Tython und Manaan ja die Hinführung zu Schatten von Revan war. Danach geht es dann weiter mit der eigentlichen 6.0 Story Onslaught, die einen nach Onderon und Mek-sha führt, den Mandalorianer Strang ein- und weiter führt mit den Gesprächen und Spirit of Vengeance FP, kurzer Abstecher zum alten Imperator mit Echos of Oblivion, bis wir wieder beim Hinterherjagen eines gewissen altbekannten Darth sind und in der Dantooine Enklave stehen. Da man nach Ossus nichts der Story überspringen kann, muss man automatisch Onslaught spielen, hat es damit also bereits abgeschlossen wenn man mit der Enklave durch ist und kann es nicht wiederholen. Das geht nur bei den Kapiteln von KOTFE/TET, wobei auch da gilt an irgendwelchen Storyentscheidungen ändert sich bei Wiederholung nichts, man kann nur die einzelnen Kapitel für sich nochmal machen aus Spaß an der Freude.
  9. Es ist im Moment tatsächlich eher schwierig das hinzubekommen, man müsste ständig zwischen der allgemeinen Unterstützung der Hellen und der Dunklen Seite umschalten um zwischen hell/dunkel 1 zu bleiben. Die gute Nachricht ist allerdings, dass das aktuelle System mit 7.0 welches am 15. Februar kommt wieder abgeschafft wird. Dann werden wieder so wie früher die Entscheidungen in der Story und in Questgesprächen direkt die Ausrichtung festlegen und nicht mehr alles was man tut ohne eine konkrete Entscheidung. Also wieder langsamerer Fortschritt der Ausrichtung, aber eben auch wieder wirklich die Möglichkeit wirklich neutral zu bleiben.
  10. Aren't all gear pieces legacy bound though and the 'set' bonus on implants with 7.0? What's stopping you to use a so to speak generic dps , tank or healer armor set that you share between your characters of the same role? Only weapons, implants and tacticals would be individual for the specs. Except maybe for the inconvenience to have to put in and pull the pieces from the legacy bank or mail, which I readily admit is a bother, but at least at first it's a viable option until you reach the item rating limit of your play style and get spare pieces you can use on other characters.
  11. It's still a skewed or biased perspective to imply everyone hates 7.0 just because there are some very loud screamers, who post their displeasure and doom-saying everywhere. Because they did not make a neutral poll and actually ask players of all niche interests and counted hard numbers to prove their point. They just say they represent a majority and anyone disagreeing is a shill, elitist raider, 0.0x percent minority or what ever classification is used to declare another opinion worthless. In general, those who are content with what's there or is coming usually just play the game and don't make the effort to sing praises on the forums or anywhere else. Many of the newer players probably don't even know there is a forum at all. What players around you say about 7.0 also depends heavily of what kind of players you interact with, usually they have the same interest as you yourself so likely are affected by changes the same way too, or share your opinions in the first place. A bit like the algorithm bubble in social media, you have to make an effort to escape that effect of only knowing/reading/seeing opinions similar to your own. As an example why I rarely bother to join 'discussions' as someone who looks forward to 7.0, even if someone here merely asks a question about 7.0, instead of just answering it with simple facts so that the player asking can make up their own mind, there is answered doom DOOM, you will not be able to play as you like any more, DOOM! because that screamer posting is displeased with the changes, not even caring whether the player asking actually is affected at all. What sense is there to discuss with people who compare their relation to the game with a marriage or argue with how much money they invested over the years? It's a game not a live long commitment, when issues are argued like that, emotions run high but objectivity is hard to find. There are some (mostly long term) posters who do point out valid and constructive criticism, sadly that too is mostly drowned in the doom-saying though. The issue with accuracy comes to mind. The reaction of Bioware might not be what is wanted but the issue itself at least was heard and acknowledged. As for the yelling for mod vendors because of the delayed weapon designer, in my opinion it's quite optimistic to think Bioware would be able to just scrap a big part of their 7.0 gearing philosophy just like that when they are already scrambling to get 7.0 working at all. There will be mods in the future, yes, that doesn't mean that those are in any way ready to be 'just put on a vendor' right now. Personally I never bothered with modding my favourite weapon during the gearing phase anyway, too much a hassle to rip out mods every few steps. This time I might have to wait a bit longer to have my beloved Gree lightsaber back, not great but neither a huge drama as long as I'll get it back in the foreseeable future. Is 7.0 all what I want to see, am I happy about the smaller and smaller chunks of content, the delays or that the weapon designer isn't coming in two weeks? No, but I'm still looking forward to 7.0 because there are changes that I agree with or look forward to see how they work out. If for example they freshen up the classes that for the most part didn't really change over several expansions now (more than one 4.0 or 5.0 class guide isn't wholly outdated for someone not interested in high endgame stuff). Looking at other games or at my WoW years from its beginning until the end of Cataclysm, massive changes to classes are not unusual at all, players either learn the class anew or try another. Usually the idea behind the changes does have merits and valid reasons even if they might not apply to the niche you play. And in some way it keeps things interesting too. For the gearing I'm mostly neutral, in general though I do prefer slower gearing because there is less pressure to reach the end and for me more sense of an achievement too. In the end I'll do what is fun to me anyway, no matter if that is the most effective way or not. Juggling mods vs juggling gear pieces now isn't that much of a difference to me either even though I always liked the principle. In the end only a tiny fraction of the players does the thinking there themselves, most will wait for the soon to be coming guides of what pieces to combine and just follow that. If the changes don't work out and I have no fun with the game any longer, I'll stop playing as I did for a time when 5.0 hit. After all, experience with Bioware says, for any major course change to happen a big part of the players have to vote with their wallets. Just like with the axing of the third part of KOTFE/TET/?? and the changing to the initial command system in 5.0, both were caused by a massive loss of players. Personal opinion here, nothing in the changes coming in 7.0 is on that level, not even close. If at all the issue will rather be bugs and bugs over bugs. Just remember back to 6.0, the tenor on the forums also was 'should never be released like that' and by now it's the 'best expansion SWTOR ever had'.
  12. Das dürften alles Lichschwerterbaupläne von vor der Berufsüberarbeitung zu 4.0 sein. Leute die zu dem Zeitpunkt die Baupläne schon konnten haben sie damals nicht verloren als die sonst aus dem Spiel genommen wurden, sondern eine Kategorie 'Archiv' in ihr Bauplanbuch bekommen in dem die alten Pläne sind. Herstellbar sind die auch weiterhin, genau wie die alten Lichtschwertkristalle die man früher noch durch zerlegen lernen konnte. Zumindest bei Synthfertigung und Rüstungsbau gibt es aber weiterhin die Baupläne für modbare Rüstungen die wie früher schon durch Missionsberufe gefunden werden können, also bei kritischen Erfolgen von Unterwelthandel, Ermittlung und Hacken dabei sind. Da gab es es auch Pläne für einfache modbare Lichtschwerter, bzw müsste es auch immer noch geben. Allerdings landen die vermutlich bei den meisten Spielern beim NPC Händler, weil im Handelsnetz da kaum Interesse für besteht.
  13. Nur das 76+ Gear wird nicht mehr modbar sein, an den Leveln und Rüstungen die jetzt schon im Spiel sind ändert sich nichts. Da gibt es also von 1-70 weiter Mods und Modbare Rüstungen (mit der vorhandenen Verteilung von Vermächtnis und Chargebunden), von 71-75 auch weiter schon das jetzt schon komplett Vermächtnisgebundene Zeug (inklusive Relikte Implantate usw). Das verschwindet nicht mit 7.0, nur Setboni verlieren ihre Wirkung wenn man das vorgesehene Level überschreitet, aber das war mit den Sachen von 5.0 ja auch so, nur dass da die Boni noch bis einschließlich Level 74 funktionierten und erst auf 75 deaktiviert waren. Was das Zeug 76-80 angeht, ja, das ist auch wieder Vermächtnis gebunden, kann also zwischen den verschiedenen Charakteren geteilt werden. Im Grunde sogar besser als jetzt, da das was aktuell als Setbonus für die Klassen auf den Rüstungsteilen ist dann auf die beiden Implantate wandert. Mehr oder weniger das was jetzt als 4er oder 6er Bonus auf den verschiedenen Klassensets ist wird dann einzeln auf je einem Implantat sitzen Zum Teil wohl ähnliche Boni wie jetzt, zum Teil anders oder neu. Das heißt man kann tatsächlich quasi eine Heiler, DD und Tankrüstung machen und die auch mit verschiedenen Klassen nutzen und braucht nur bei den Implantaten nach dem passenden Bonus schauen. (spezialcaps für bestimmte Werte mal außen vorgelassen, für das meiste wird ein allgemeines Set reichen) Bezüglich Levelphase für Neulinge, naja, jemand Neues kennt es ja auch einfach nicht anders und wird es wahrscheinlich als ganz normal empfinden. Die sind bisher ja auch erstmal ohne die ganzen Vermäcjtnisboni und Freischaltungen unterwegs. Ich persönlich fand es auf dem PTS eigentlich sehr angenehm dass man nicht mehr so mit (Eroberungs)XP zugeschüttet wurde, weil man dann mehr Zeit hat das Spiel und die Planeten zu erkunden und sich in die Klasse reinzufinden bevor man schon auf Maxlevel ist. Für Leute die schneller leveln wollen gibt es immer noch die Vermächtnis und Verbrauchs XP Boosts, damit ging das dann auch auf dem PTS wieder ziemlich fix.
  14. Ich wüsste von keiner Ankündigung seitens Bioware, dass sich daran irgend etwas geändert hat, das Limit ist ja in dem Sinn ein technisches Limit aufgrund der Programmierung/ Zahllänge die im Hintergrund zur Verfügung steht. Ist ja alles in dem von dir verlinkten Thread erklärt. Würde also davon ausgehen dass sich da nichts geändert hat und die dort genannten Zahlen weiterhin gelten. Persönlicher Rucksack/Inventar hat eine 32 bit integer Zahl also 2^32-1 = 4.294.967.295 Credits. Vermächtnisbank Limit liegt höher, bei 104.294.817.294 Credits. Gildenbank hat wie das persönliche Inventar ebenfalls ein Limit von 4.294.967.295 Credits Post dürfte da auch nicht drüber hinausgehen da man ja eh nicht mehr in die Post packen/ annehmen kann als das was man im persönlichen Inventar tragen kann und GTN geht ja auch nicht über eine Mrd rüber, also vermutlich ebenfalls maximal 4.294.967.295 Credits, wenn nicht sogar weniger. Wenn man irgendwo mehr als das Limit rein packt/bekommt verschwindet der Überschuss im Nirvana, also zum Bsp 5 Mrd versuchen abzuheben oder 1 Mrd aus der Post nehmen wenn man schon 3,9 mit sich rum trägt, man kriegt das was bis zum Limit geht, der Rest ist dann futsch.
  15. Hard is a relative term in my opinion. Conquest wasn't really different for me when I was on the PTS, did 400+k points in half a week just playing what I did anyway to play around with the new levelling and combat styles, without stronghold or guild bonus. Though I have to admit, while I look at my characters who hasn't finished conquest yet when the guild asks for a tank, dps or healer for some group stuff, if I'm not in the mood to log into another character I just gather several hundred thousand points on one instead of spreading them out, without any regret or feeling of missing out on something. Others are more invested in that, which is all good too. The thing that makes me wonder through in these discussions is, how many players have criticised the changes on behalf of their army of alts and that in their own words it is no fun to grind conquest. Honestly what else than grinding out conquest are those players already doing right now? Taking those many alts through conquest is nothing but grinding it. If the only fun left in this game for you is to rinse and repeat stuff that you don't even really enjoy (again, their own words) but still do for the reward, maybe the game really isn't for you any longer and it's time to take a break or leave forever. Don't take me wrong I don't really want the game to lose players, but if the criticism is that the current grind is only barely bearable because of the easy and quick reward, it just feels wrong to me. Fun playing the game should be why we log in, not the felt 'need' to grind system A or grind system B. The criticism should be, hey devs, there is nothing fun left to do in the game, do something about that! Concerning credits: Back when I started this game ten years ago, I couldn't afford speeder or the piloting skill either until way past Tattooine, even though there was a mail around level 20 telling you to hold your credits together for being able to get motorized around level 35. When the Cartel market still was relatively new I farmed the daily areas, Ilum, Belsavis and Section X and took every penny from all of my characters to finally buy the second Command throne mount for incredible 5 million credits and I was broke for weeks afterwards. So not being able to afford everything right away from the start is pretty normal. Players playing longer usually being richer is also normal since they already spent the time to accumulate wealth the new player still has in front of them. While Inflation has gotten worse over the recent years, options to earn credits have increased too. But you have to put at least some effort into it. A lot of the older and richer players don't bother with going out and gather crafting materials but rather pay others to do so via the GTN, that is a great opportunity for newer players to get their fortune started by investing the time to gather and simply sell the materials. Granted the bugged nodes put a dent in that right now, but looking back at 6.0 and the many many post about how the crew skills cost too much when at the same time simply selling the gathered materials to the players rushing their crafting up earned hundreds of millions of credits is symptomatic, people want to have things, but not really do anything for that. Personally I make most of my money with selling crafted armor for style outfits, while I do have the advantage of still having a lot of the old and nor longer available schematics, about half of what I regularly sell are pieces everyone taking the effort to collect/research the schematics could craft and sell. Yet I have next to no competition in that field. I guess It's because it's not fast money but rather a constant income of a few millions every day. Yet once having the schematics, all it needs are 15 min per day to log through the characters send comps to work and put things into the GTN. That's faster and way easier than farming H2 or daily areas, and out of principle no armor I sell costs more than what F2P can afford too. Decorations are another point of income, personally I use them myself but looking at how much credits the pieces from the Enclave FP or Spirit of Vengeance go and actually really sell for too, that are millions of credits waiting for pickup if you put the effort into that. Especially since most solo mode FPs actually have a guaranteed decoration reward, while playing those in a group you need to have luck and win the piece. In general there is pretty little you need to play the game that you have to buy on the GTN anyway. You also just could put in the effort to learn the schematics yourself and be self sufficient. (Emphasis on NEED here, not WANT, you don't need that platinum lightsaber, you want it) Being smart a new player is easily able to afford pretty much everything they need and most of what they want too.
  16. The thing is though many of these defensive abilities were not always in the game, they were introduced at some point and before that players had to make things work without them and it worked just as well. A lot of these def CDs currently are used to avoid certain (PvE) mechanics completely, with 7.0 more often we will have to deal with this or that again, meaning going back to older tactics used before said def CDs were available or finding new tactics to deal with the mechanics without them. Can't speak for PvP since I don't play that but as an example for PvE just take Asation second boss, Ciphas' Doom in NIM. The void mechanic initially was pretty certain intended to be played until the end, requiring the raid to be aware of their positioning all the time, but since so many def CDs by now allow almost all classes to simply avoid having to pick up the green pools in P2, players changed tactics to have a certain class/spec setup and just get 12 green pools on the field in order to not having to deal with the red version in the last phase. That wouldn't have been possible before and yet people were able to kill the boss. Another example is the force speed def from 5.0 assassin, of course that was pretty strong, yet it had such a short cool-down that it was often a 'just use it on CD' ability, depending on where you were, you could use only force speed and not bother much with the other CDs at all. With 6.0 it was taken away and assassin still could tank everything there is, they just had to adapt and change how they used their def CDs for best effect again. People don't just drop dead because they might not have this or that any longer, they just have to play a different tactic and be more careful about what they do when and where they stand and walk.That's not a bad thing at all.
  17. MM FPs are only available for level 70+ or in case of the newest ones only for 75 , so no low level characters in there. Gear usually isn't the issue anyway but rather standing in stupid and ignoring mechanics or just not knowing how to play. Gear or Tactical requirements won't solve that. Explain mechanics to PUGs or group with friends only if you can't deal with random players and varying level of skill.
  18. For years the respawn timer was already reduced to half an hour, during the feast of prosperity it is down to just 5 minutes. same for Snowbild and the other 'long' respawn world bosses that are included in the feat missions. Unless the phase isn't bugged the way to stop the Destroyer from respawning at all until server reset, it's really not an issue to get the feast quests done.
  19. Because otherwise we end up with higher and higher numbers without them really meaning anything. I experienced that in Wow a few years back where they didn't cut back with expansions but let the values increase and increase. Health numbers of players were going into millions, bosses got so much that they had to shorten them to xxxxk because the health bars were too short to display the numbers any more. At one point they had no choice than to rigidly cut the numbers down. In the end the actual numbers don't mean anything anyway, except for maybe the impression of power it makes no difference if we are running around with 1500 health doing 500 damage or if it's 15000 health and 5000 damage, the relation is what matters and that doesn't really change (if the game is properly balanced). Also it's not that we have no power creep at all in Swtor, it's just slower than for example the mentioned WoW, because they cut back a bit with each expansion instead of suddenly big time once the numbers couldn't be handled any more. I don't know if mathematically the fact that the stat values or rather the effects from them have curved functions rather than straight lines is a problem too. They are curves that grow and then flatten at some point to end up closing against a plateau without reaching it (I unfortunately lack the proper English terminology, hope what I mean comes across). So the farther we are on the curve(or higher x-axis wise) the more stat points (y-axis) we need to get any effect. With my mathematical understanding unchecked that could lead to either the exact problem there is with accuracy on PTS right now that it is more and more difficult to reach important thresholds or the necessity to put even higher numbers on the gear. So in my eyes it's better to adjust the whole function to a lower level in the first place again, (to a point where the curve isn't as flat yet). before it comes to that. By the way, the content getting easier was a thing before level sync was introduced, the whole point of that system is that you don't really outgrow content.
  20. Woah, slow down the horses no need to panic. 7.0 won't get rid of alts, you have them, you can still play and have fun with them as you like. What's coming is combat styles. That sort of works like merging together into one character where currently you'd need two. Like now, you have an assassin to tank and mdps and another character that is sorc to heal and rdps. If you want with 7.0 you can give the assassin sorc as second combat style and would be able to switch between 6 skills sets/sub specs instead of three. There are some limitations to switching similar to how currently it isn't possible to change spec while being in a queue for PVP. It won't be possible to change within a FP or operation. If you don't want that, you can just keep playing your current assassin character as assassin and the sorc character. as a sorc. It's your choice to use a second combat style on your higher level characters or not. Non subcribers only get access to one combat style anyway. So new player probably will have less alts because of that but it is a choice. What might interest you, you can add the skill set of the opposite alignment too, like initially being assassin then adding shadow as second combat style because secretly being a light side heretic A new character chooses the first combat style at creation just like you currently choose the class on live, the difference will be that the story will be independent of the chosen style. The choice for second style opens up in or after chapter 3 from the former class/now origin story What currently is called class story will then be origin story and you can play it with another 'class' so to speak. Inquisitor origin story but the 'class'/combat style can be any of the force users(given you have the necessary light/dark-side achievements if not you are restricted to your faction. I played the warrior origin story as a assassin combat style on PTS, once I got over the lack of hearing Harkun call me slave at every occasion it was quite fun the voice and story is still from the warrior, the character just has the gameplay abilities of an assassin. The changes for FPs are only for GF as far as I know, so walking to the entrance and start it manually should still be possible, I didn't try it though. Whether you are going to be able to do Veteran on your own though I can't tell, 7.0 will bring new scaling of the content and new gear, you might have to work up to succeeding there on your own again. The GF will not have all FP available but only a certain number each day, I suspect it is to avoid what happened with HS in the 6.0 cycle, that people ticking only MM HS pulled those who wanted to do random MM FP into HS constantly. On PTS the side effect for Veteran was that there often was no FP available for lower level players since like currently on live the VET FPs are level locked to not spoil the story nor throw too low level characters into the harder FPs they lack the skills for. If all of the FPs available for that day were too high level the GF would show nothing. Not sure if that really is intended though or rather unfinished or just buggy on PTS Conquest will change so that instead of 50k points the personal goal is 100k points. That's more but when I was on PTS I still got about 400k points without really trying, so that won't be that big an issue. If you got a lot of character through conquest on live though, you might have to plan on which character to get your points better with 7.0 or you just play as before and take what you get. The guild target doesn't change as far as I know, so going for the small yield should be the same only instead of 8 (or ten? not sure if its 400.000 or 500.000 points right now ) characters you'd need to reach the personal goal on 4 (5?) . That will have you end up with less rewards than now, but you are still able to get them in general. The new gearing system though has 4 paths with each their own currency, conquest, FPs, operations and PvP. The amount of currencies that can be earned per week will be limited, per legacy as far as I've seen, not per character. There are vendors then who sell gear against the currencies and also upgrades of gear that comes from doing weekly quests of said content niche. Set bonus is taken from the armour and moved to implants, not sure if that is something you would prefer or not, at least in theory it would allow to mix and match bonuses that would require two different sets on live now A change that might affect you is that repeatable but unfinished daily and weekly quest will be automatically abandoned with the daily/weekly reset, there is no taking over a 3/5 Veteran FPs into the next week. But some of the weekly quest like PVP demand less wins for example to soften that change. Quests that are finished but not brought back to a terminal or quest giver are counted as completed though and you'll still get the rewards as if you'd gone back to the quest giver/terminal yourself. The issue with loadout is just that it doesn't work properly yet and hopefully does when 7.0 comes on live. Hope that helped you further and calmed some of your fears.
  21. But you need to keep in mind, on live, you are at the end of a content cycle while on PTS you are at the start. Each and every expansion of SWTOR did have this cut from usually being vastly over-geared for most content, to being at the bottoms of the stairs once more, the higher the content you played before an expansion the bigger the difference to the new gear. Keeping the old gear until the new gets better is in no way something new either. Reducing stats generally is necessary to counter power creep too. So what you describe is to be expected to a certain degree. The issue with accuracy is real though, but I still hope there will be a solution when 7.0 starts. While I can see the appeal 6.0 gearing has for a lot of people, that's ignoring a lot of issues that system has. So to add someone else who likes the changes coming, I didn't feel rewarded for doing stuff in-game with 6.0 at all either. Showering me with useless trash to vendor or disintegrate is not motivating at all. It's an annoyance to constantly have to clear up you inventory. Getting so much made getting anything useful at all totally meaningless. I'd rather have some long-term goal to work for at a steady pace than too much RNG and pseudo rewards of useless stuff. Add all the ways people found to shorten the already quite short path to 6.0 gear that affected my playing too, like nothing than HS MM popping in GF. and everything being counted in techfragments/time instead of having fun. The main reasons why I kept playing was that I'm a guild leader and no one else wanted to take over and playing with my friends and ops group is the main source of my fun anyway. 6.0 though managed what no other expansion managed for me before, to almost completely stop me doing stuff with random groups. I used to enjoy random GF MM FPs a great deal. In 6.0 it was either HS, people leaving instantly when it was something else or having some vastly over-geared dps player speed running and doing the tanking/healing because due to the easy 306 gear and 30 stacks it was possible in most FPs. Might be old school but I like a true trinity group where every role is needed and I see no sense in speed running/skipping. if you don't even like to actually play FPs and think them a waste of your time, just don't run them. Admitted, this over geared issue occurred before in earlier expansions too, but usually only towards the end of a cycle when the highest gear became accessible to more players, during 6.0 it happened far far earlier and really spoiled my enjoyment of doing random MM FPs as well as SM Ops. The easy conquest points only exacerbated that by bringing people into the low difficulty content to get fast points who normally wouldn't play that content at all. We had returning players from 3.0 cycle who never had been in any MM FP but had all NIM achievements from back then, without the gearing working as it is with 6.0 and conquest, they never would have set foot in there nor run SM Ops at all, far too boring to them. Of course not all NIM players are toxic, far from it, a lot are arrogant or just too bored in lower difficulty content though and have no patience for others when they run content they wouldn't do out of their own choice were there nothing to gain for them. And before I'm added to the supposedly minuscule NIM population, starting into 6.0 my raid group was a chill and only HC oriented operations group. But with the quick 306 gear and the 30 stacks, HC lost pretty much all appeal since with the exception of Dxun, it lost the challenge it posed to us. So we eventually went into NIM because there simply was nothing else interesting to do in form of raiding. Mixed success, but well, we didn't really expect to come far and had fun. Goal achieved. In other content cycles it would have taken us more time to gear up and get to that point of 'and now?' if we reached it at all. So I look forward to a slower pace of gearing and really hope the balance between the difficulties is better again with 7.0, I'm content just doing HC. Gear, titles or mounts didn't bring me into NIM before, but boredom with HC probably will again.
  22. Make sure that you haven't joined an operations/raid group yet, since there is a small conversation sequence involved with getting the quest that only works if you are not grouped at all or at most in a normal 4-player group that can do quests together. Just like you can't enter quest phases while being in an operations group, the conversation is blocked.
  23. Verschlafen oder vielleicht falsch eingeschätzt hat Bioware da einiges, aber das anzukreiden ändert ja leider wenig an der Situation, die wir jetzt haben. Und ja, Neulinge werden betroffen sein, genau wie alle anderen Spieler, dass die, die länger dabei sind einen Vorsprung gegenüber Neulingen haben ist grundsätzlich erst mal völlig normal und liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass sie eben länger dabei sind. Was würdest du denn tun um den Problem entgegenzuwirken? Denn das Ding ist halt, abgesehen von Credits wegnehmen, was eine sehr sehr drastische Maßnahme wäre, kriegt man außer mit Creditsinks die für Veteranen/Milliardäre interessante Sachen bringen oder eben alle mit Kosten belegen das Geld aus den gut gefüllten Vermächtisbanken einfach nicht weg. Nur wie würde das Geld wegnehmen überhaupt fair funktionieren? Leute die seit 10 Jahren spielen und das Vermögen durch zum Bsp Handel ehrlich verdient haben oder sich für echtes Geld Kartellkram zum verkaufen für Credits geholt haben, wären sicherlich nicht begeistert wenn da einfach was weggenommen wird. Denn Exploits und Credits vom Chinafarmer kaufen sind das eine, das andere aber die völlig legitime Methoden und eben einfach auch der Unterschied, dass jemand der seit 5 oder10 Jahren spielt schon allein dadurch einfach mehr hat als wer der letzten Monat angefangen hat. Da wird Bioware sicher nicht riskieren diese Spieler zu verprellen. Mit etwas Zeiteinsatz in den Handel mit Craftingmaterial kann übrigens auch jeder neue Spieler recht schnell zu bequem viel Credits kommen, denn je mehr Credits Leute haben desto eher sind sie im Allgemeinen bereit andere dafür zu bezahlen statt selbst Material sammeln zu gehen. Vielleicht nicht direkt genug um sich sofort jedes Platinitem leisten zu können, aber genug um bequem das Spiel spielen zu können, Festungen usw zu kaufen und auch nicht pleite zu gehen, selbst wenn da mit 7.0 die Kosten etwas steigen bzw die Quest/Eroberungs-Einnahmen sinken. Nur man muss dafür halt was tun, so wie alle anderen legitim reichen Spieler vorher es auch getan haben. Der oft gebrachte Vorschlag grundsätzlich allen X% Credtis weg zunehmen würde ja außer an der Anzahl der Nullen auch rein gar nichts an der Situation an sich ändern, die Milliardäre hätten im Verhältnis immer noch genauso viel mehr und auch wenn dann zwar nominell die Preise sinken würden, könnte sich jemand neueres immer noch kaum was leisten, denn er hat dann ja auch immer noch im Verhältnis genauso viel weniger. Volle Banken/Gegenstandsverstecke mit Kartellitems sind dabei noch ganz außen vorgelassen. Versierte GHN Händler hätten wahrscheinlich ihr Geld dann auch recht schnell wieder, einfach weil sie wissen wie der Handel in SWTOR funktioniert. Von daher ist der Ansatz von Bioware schon richtig vor allem die Einkommenseite anzugehen. Was beim Ausgeben dann noch kommt, muss was sein was entweder wirklich benötigt wird oder speziell Veteranen zum Ausgeben von Credits animiert. Da was zu finden ist aber schwierig, denn Beschwerden von Neulingen, dass sie sich das dann nicht leisten können sind quasi vorprogrammiert, wenn es was wirklich teures und besonderes ist, andererseits muss es eben Veteranen/Milliardäre auch dazu bringen Geld auszugeben, dieses 150mio Gold Dings vom Dantooine Event ist ja eigentlich sowas gewesen, aber wie viele hat das wirklich interessiert? Verstärker waren an sich mit genau dem gleichen Hintergedanken Geld aus dem Spiel zu nehmen konzipiert, was aber war die Reaktion der Spieler? Großer Aufschrei der Community und erstmal Wege finden wie man durch zigfachen Zurückverkauf/Neukauf beim Setbonihändler da bloß keine Credits ausgeben muss, bis Bioware die Erstattung der Techfragmente in dem Fall weg gepatcht hat. Dabei war das wirklich etwas was für wenn überhaupt nur einen sehr kleinen Teil der Spieler wirklich ein relevanter Bonus war und sonst vor allem teure Spielerei. Mit entsprechend Geduld hat man durch das überschüttet werden mit Loot über kurz oder lang ohnehin genügend Mods mit den goldenen Verstärkern bekommen die man brauchte, ich hatte zeitweise 3 Bankfächer voll damit für jede möglich Klasse. Und gerade das überschüttet werden mit Mods, generischen Rüstungen und Kram was keiner gebraucht und angezogen hat, war ja auch neben der Eroberung mit ein Grund warum mit 6.0 die Inflation noch mehr angezogen hat. Credits aus H2 sind da nichts dagegen im Vergleich was ein Inventar voll von nutzlosen lila/goldenen Mods und Rüstungen an den Händler zu verkaufen gebracht hat statt es zu zerlegen. Andererseits ist genau das ja auch Grundbestandteil des so gepriesenen 6.0 Gearings gewesen, konnten sie also nicht wirklich mal eben durch einen Patch ändern. Also so viel Kritik man an den Plänen für 7.0 da üben kann, zum Glück rückt Bioware von diesem Überfluss an Loot wieder ab. Am effektivsten wäre es wohl den Spieler zu Spieler Handelsnetzhandel anzukurbeln, denn dort werden die Credits ja nur umverteilt und durch die GHN Gebühr auch gleichzeitig immer tatsächlich verringert. Dazu müsste dann aber der aktuell mögliche Spieler zu Spieler Direkthandel erschwert oder auch mit Gebühren belegt werden, damit man dort die GHN Kosten nicht einfach umgehen kann. Alle bisherigen Änderungen in der Richtung sind aber immer auf recht wenig Gegenliebe seitens der Spielerschaft gestoßen, ob es nun war dass man zum Crafting noch Material anderer Berufe dazu braucht oder eben Zeug was nur in bestimmten Kontent erspielbar ist/ war, Kritik gab es da immer viel, es wurden Wege gesucht und gefordert das dann wieder zu umgehen und das Spiel macht es einem ja grundsätzlich auch einfach reiner Selbstversorger zu sein, nur, das vernichtet halt kaum die durchs Spielen generierten Credits. In jedem Fall löst sich das Problem nicht von heute auf morgen, genauso wie die Inflation mit der Zeit kam, brauchen auch die Gegenmaßnahmen Zeit um zu wirken. Also irgendeine Erwartung Bioware legt mal kurz einen Schalter um und alles ist tiptop ist unrealistisch.
  24. Wenn es Klassengefährten sind, also die ursprünglichen Crewmitglieder die man in der Story von Level 1-50 gesammelt hat, sollte man die in der Odessen Basis an einem Terminal wiederbekommen können. Storytechnisch bleiben sie zwar tot aber zum Crafting, H2 usw hätte man sie dann trotzdem noch. Zumindest gilt das für die Gefährten die man während der KOTFE/TET Story tötet, wie zum Bsp potentiell Scorpio oder Kaliyo, ob das auch für die Gefährten der Allianzalarme gilt, habe ich noch nie selber ausprobiert. Für die Zukunft ist es in jedem Fall sinnvoll den Finger auf der Escapetaste zu haben wenn du die Gespräche führst um im Zweifelsfall noch abbrechen zu können und von vorn zu beginnen. In wie weit man die Allianzalarmquests ganz zurücksetzen und nochmal neu starten kann, habe ich auch noch nie ausprobiert.
  25. Dass es da Kartellmünzen gab wäre mir neu aber die Items gibt es weiterhin, zumindest haben meine neuen Chars die immer noch in der Post , falls du die richtige CE hast und nicht nur die digitale Variante solltest du außerdem in den VIP Bereich der Flotte kommen können, in der Mitte die Aufzüge in der Kantina nach oben nehmen. Dort steht auch ein CE Händler der nur an CE Inhaber verkauft, unter anderem Färbemodule und die Imperiale Soldatenrüstung, so kannst du auch testen ob die CE auf dem Account aktiv ist oder nicht. Digitale CE kriegte glaub auch den Zugang zum Vip Bereich aber kann sich die Soldatenrüstung nicht kaufen. Hattest du eventuell mehrere Accounts damals und evtl den falschen reaktiviert?
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