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Posts posted by LordAlset

  1. To me, it seemed as though we were being charged for repairing the armoring, not the item. This is not true. Thought being a cybertech might allow someone to make a new armor for cheaper than the cost of repairs (while levelling).. it is if you are < 20%, but sticking a new armoring in it won't repair it.
  2. As was said before, most people who are fighting near the bh nodes that are clickable are not to the 2nd stage. For some, killing that group will put them on it though. For instance, the group around the mission where you avoid detection on imp side. It's good to respect what other players are doing. Sometimes I get ninja looted as well (I click boxes first even) i challenge the looters to a duel because it'd be fun to stomp them. If they don't accept, call 'em out & /ignore
  3. I believe that it is awesome, combined with frustration. It is an easy way to PUG, as that is what it was designed for (random pick up groups). I came from a dead server, almost had to be in a guild to do a flashpoint that wasn't level 10. Group finder allowed me to do them. I did all story mode 50 fps day 1. It was great, 70% of the people that I was paired with did the same thing. It was good, all I had was daily mods. Server transfers allowed that (couldn' solo illum heroic). I found the wait times for story mode fps as a tank to range from 10 to 70 mins. So, next day I have mechanics down & start hard modes. 1st one was of course black talon. It was easier than I thought. I thought it was going to be hard. Yep, I had 3 people : oh, 5 bh comms for a random flashpoint. Vertex nice pug, queue time: rotating my eyes 60°. I did that a couple of times to get a feel, all just as easy. Queue times <1 sec. Of course I had to queue up for other hard mode fps! Queue time never lasted more than 10 sec. Was put into groups with people that were clueless about the mission, but most were cordial. Guess what I am saying is that the lfm tool is awesome. Does what it is supposed to do: create a random pick up group.
  4. BW should show who on the party gui hasn't reached the final part of a cut scene so that they can be kicked from the group. If player hasn't seen the cut scene he/she can run it by themselves at higher levels or make a group explicitly saying they aren't skipping the cut scenes. Why should three other people wait on one person if the group was formed with the intention of everyone skipping the cut scenes?


    Erm, I do not know how to respond to most of what you said. Seemed like "skip the story until you can solo it". Good luck getting me to do that.

    I can see peoples play styles not being the same as others. The real question is does the new group finder have a text field where you can type in notes of the group you want? Can you specify "speed run", etc? Hope so, otherwise it may cause a little bit of digruntleness.

  5. One of the things that I was looking forward to in this game was being able to be a jedi/ Sith assassin. I hoped that melee combat might be a little more exciting. As it is now, you attack something, do your strikes, then 'walk' around. We can use the force, it allows us to do summersaults, flips, tumbles, etc. Wish Bioware would allow us to perform those actions by holding down the shift key while moving. I suggest this: give us the ability to do flips, tumbles. In doing so one should get a 1.5x movement & maybe 10% armor. (You'll cover more distance & be harder to hit). This shouldwould scale withright armor. Personally I do not care if any bonus is involved, it would just be more exciting to play & watch. The mechanics already exist (cover mechanic) what do you all think? Should you be able to flips?
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