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Everything posted by dosadnik

  1. Actually they are available for every class, but your assumption is correct imo.
  2. Hey guys was just uploaded on the TOR Youtube channel. It gives some more insight on the restrictions that come with F2P and also i guess a peak at what the cartel shop will look like. What do you think? P.S. Party Jawa FTW!!!
  3. Exactly. It could be that or it could be a problem with the code or a problem with the graphics or any sort if thing.
  4. If it was as easy as you make it to be, they would've done it a long time ago. Apparently there is some reason why they aren't doing it.
  5. And you know this how? Are you a TOR dev or something? I totally agree with Blackavaar.
  6. I'm pretty sure they mean another item or just a removal of the cool down altogether, if you purchase it. I doubt they'll remove stuff from existing vendors just so that it can be added to the cartel shop.
  7. There is a less drastic solution. You just put them in your ignore list and they won't be able to invite you again.
  8. They have explained why here. Basically there are chest pieces out there that don't have any hoods and if they would implement hood up/down they'd have to change all of those and the way they make new gear in general. At least that's how I understand it.
  9. Are they whispering you asking to join a group or are they saying something like LFG Esseles?
  10. Yeah I know. Have 2450 right now so by the time it launches probably more like 3k. Party Jawa FTW!
  11. I believe what happened was that your account was changed to a trial account when they implemented it. If you don't know what that is, you can since, June I think, play the game up to level 15 for free. Try using general chat. Trial accounts have limitations that don't allow them to do that. You can be sure that that is what actually happened. Now I've heard that it takes some time for the game to recognize that you have renewed your subscription, but I would never the less suggest that you contact Customer Service. They will look at the logs etc and see what the problem is and help you fix it afterwards. Good luck!
  12. No it's not out yet. Probably a bit after 1.5 comes out. The guess that everyone is making is November but you never know. Don't worry, when it's out you'll know it. Will probably be all over the place.
  13. Well the heroic part is like that by default. When you shift+click it into the chat window it appears orange. Otherwise you can change the color that each type of message appears. For example General is white by default and group is purple, but you can change it to cyan and lime. To do that right click on the tab over the chat and you should get a drop down menu. Select chat settings and there you will see the list of chats. Click on the colored box to choose a color. Hope this helps.
  14. Oh, boy. A lot of changes. Honestly you should check the patch notes cause the list can go on forever. But just a few things, new flashpoints, new operations, new warzones, legacy, group finder, new gear, thousands of class changes, more pets and vehicles, HK-51 is coming soon and did I mention that all the servers were merged into bigger ones. So yeah, just small changes here and there, nothing major
  15. Nevermind aero. Most likely not the source of the problem.
  16. No problem. Also if you post this thread on the Customer Service Forum, you are more likely to get an answer than here. Good luck.
  17. I would suggest contacting Customer Service cause they are the ones who could really help you. Otherwise, do you meet the system requirements? Try closing all unneeded programs and processes from the Task Manager. Turn off Windows Aero if you're on Vista or 7, it might help. Hope you get this resolved.
  18. Unless it's a new feature, last I checked you cannot send files through in-game mails. That means no viruses. In-game mail is fictional. It does not exist anywhere else but the game. Stop being paranoid and stop calling people names. If you don't wan't help then don't listen to what people are saying, if you do however open the message. I promise you if you get a virus from that I'll pay you a month of subscription.
  19. Hey mate, Hardmode Flashpoints can actually be done with gear way lower than Black Hole. In fact it can even be done with Recruit gear (the first grade PvP gear) So if you are holding off on doing Hardmodes because of that don't.
  20. The first sentence made me laugh, but very well said.
  21. How about you report that so that it can be fixed. Irony doesn't help you know.
  22. The moment they announced Free to Play they said that there will be limitations for F2P players. So If you expected something else, it's your fault really. There have to be limitations otherwise Subscribers will be paying for nothing. The point of Free to Play is for you to choose what you want to pay for or not. You have the core game for free, story etc. Then you can choose to pay monthly for the whole game or pick what you want to pay for, probably as a once in a lifetime payment that unlocks it forever (just guessing there on the last part, nothing confirmed). So if you had different expectations than what was said you can't blame BioWare for it. See you at F2P launch.
  23. I just want to point out that there are two types of Black-Green crystals. The ones from the Razer peripherals is a bit lighter green, kinda yellowish, than the ones from the Rakghoul event. Also there used to be a white crystal, but it was removed with 1.2 Bioware has said that it might return at some point, but if it does it will be really hard to get and they still want it to be pretty rare.
  24. No problem. Also until you reach level 50, there won't really be any gear with expertise on it, apart from a few items that someone told me exist. So, don't sweat it. If you meet a higher level you are pretty much dead, unless they are total...ly new players. (noobs would seem like an insult here ) Just saying.
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