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Posts posted by Mozivicus

  1. I know for a fact you don't need to be leveled up to progress past 435. I have a smuggler who is level 25 with 450 armstech. Just buy the orange and/or yellow schematics off of your crew skill trainer and craft those wares. Then go back and buy the 440 schematics from your trainer to finish off towards 450.


    Good luck!!

  2. I just want to express my gratitude for the 10+ millions earned by crafting over the past week and a half.


    That is just the amount I managed to keep after getting all of my crafting skills leveled to 450 and obtaining nearly all of the purple schematics for augs, armor, mods, barrels and hilts now available outside of the gear drops. Plus, I still managed a couple of augments and related kits for my main in the process.


    I still have some work to do on enhancements and another 10 million would be nice. So keep buying! Also, I would appreciate it if some would buy my MK-7 and MK-8 slot components as I will not be using them.


    Welcome to the club???? Not sure what your point is, but we're all pretty apt crafters here, and as such we're ALL millionaires many times over.


    Also, as a general inverse law to the real world....the squeaky wheel does not get oiled here at Swtor, it gets nerfed. So....going forward, lets cry poor, not rich. Mmmk?

  3. Don't know all of the names off the top of my head yet, but it's the same green Bioanalysis mats, plus a purple diplomacy mat and a grade 10 exotic crafting material.


    I'm having no problem getting the purple diplomacy mat on rich diplomacy missions. Green mats are here and there on crew skill missions....trying NOT to crit is the problem. I think the exotic grade 10 drops in HM FPs. Not totally for sure, I bought a couple off of guild mates for my biochem reuseables

  4. Has this been fixed already? I didn't see anything on the patch notes about it and it's not on the known issues either.


    Why would it be? It's only crafting. Now...if it were a real problem, like say....jugg smash not criting for 9k....then ya, I'd expect THAT to be handled expeditiously.


    Crafting? Pffffft.

  5. Changes have been made to the alacrity skill. It now reduces the global cooldown and increases ammo/force regeneration rate proportional to the amount of alacrity you stack.


    It will be personal preference as to how much mitigation a tank will want to give up so that he/she can stack some alacrity.

  6. If this is only for pve I'd drop sweltering heat cause there isn't much value in snaring mobs in a raid. Parallactic stims I always go back and forth on myself. When you do get stunned or whatever it sure is nice to get a boost of ammo but if you are rotating well it shouldn't be needed and I don't think knockbacks trigger it. Would put the sweltering heat into soldiers endurance at least. Stims are kind of personal preference though and not like nightvision scope or electro shield does much for you in pve.


    Would definitely drop static field as well and put the two points into burnout and possibly drop one from overcharged cell cap into max burnout as well. With crit chance being nerfed those static bonuses are worth even more now and your job is to dps as much as humanly possible and let the tanks and healers worry about inc damage. Solo pve'ing I could see a point in that though.


    An assault heavy spec I'd go with this and nothing else personally.




    Great points, thanks.


    I suppose burnout is useful for boss fights since their 30% health is still going to leave plenty of time for me to work through many more rotations.


    Sweltering heat, ya, you're probably right.


    I like the idea of more HP too :)


    Very similar builds. I'll try yours out, thanks a lot.

  7. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GMhZMsMMoZfhrbzRrc.3


    I've been running that. Still in basically min/maxed 63, except for a 28 aim barrel and 28 armorings in my belt and bracer.


    I feel weaker than before the xpac. Seems I'm pretty much topping out about 1600 or so. Finished first boss if S&V at that mark last night also.


    Couple points on the build....

    Like gut for an additional DOT, since our burst is gone

    Didn't go for AP (loved it before) because I think the points spent to get up to AP effect only specific situations in PvE...situations that I don't see arising often in a boss fight.

    Took the rebuff on ion pulse as literally my last 2 points because it seemed to be the most useful way to help the raid, instead of taking a damage buff somewhere, for what appears to be situational at best abilities.

    Kinda torn between electro shield and paralytic combat stim. Opted for combat stims since there are some knockbacks in the new OP, and shield is on a 2 minute useless cooldown. So, maybe more use out of combat stims???


    Any feedback would be appreciated. If I can't figure this out, I'm gonna have to raid with my sentinel.

  8. Ran Lost Island lvl50HM and Mandalorian Raiders lvl55HM yesterday and parsed my combat logs.


    Threat generation from Neural Jolt (single target taunt) is all over the place.

    It generates 3K-60K threat on bosses it does work on, and 2 threat (not a typo, just TWO threat) on the ones it seems to be broken on.


    It seems to me like Neural Jolt is generating different amount of threat for each boss, with no consistency or pattern yet. At this rate, I'd have to run each HM FP several times to try to get any useful data.


    But at a glance, I'd guess that threat generated from Vanguard taunts is broken right now. I don't know if the same is true for other Tanks.


    Thanks for posting

  9. It's usually the people that are bad at countering something that come into these threads and applaud nerfs....I call em mouthbreathers.


    Anyways, the assault and tactics nerfs were too much. I understand that they were trying to get rid of a 3k DPS hybrid spec on the PTS, by this is not the way to do it. There is no reason to take away our burst and NOT give a melee class more defensive cooldowns...like other melee classes. They still have burst as well as survivability. Why vanguards are treated differently is beyond me.


    I haven't seen anything like this since BW appeased the mouthbreathers by neutering operatives.

  10. No burst. Useless shield for DPS (unlike other classes). No self heals. No sprint.


    Why would you take a DPS or tank ac and MAKE them choose tank? Why can we DPS anymore? I can't even DPS in PvE anymore. I'm full 63 BiS everything and my DPS went from 1a/1b to 4th. And that's not even a close race anymore. C'mon, really? There's no way that this can fly.....not when you let other classes literally do 8k hits still. Why did you single vanguards out?

  11. I wanted to try to kick start this thread and get some serious discussion going for PvE DPS. Here's a build I'm toying around with. It doesn't feel like it has excellent burst, but I'm still trying to figure out how best to use shoulder cannon.


    Please provide feedback off of first glance and/or testing on a training dummy.



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