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Everything posted by Idaho-D

  1. LoL. I searched this and this was a unique question. I am just curious since open pvp servers are so different from one game to the next. Just wondering if I need stealth just to get around while leveling in PvE questing.
  2. I am leveling an Operative on an open PvP server. Is it possible to do this as a lone Sniper or is it just a continual gang-up beat down? Or level 50's crushing you every few minutes? Bioware always shows 1v1 duels like the Bounty Hunter vs the Jedi Knight, etc. But all I see on youtube is 4v4s in various gauntlet styled areas. Are random 1v1 duels common on an open PvP server or is that just hype?
  3. If it's not competitive I will just solo and avoid player interactions. Just saying, it's up to Bioware to make the stuff playable, not for me to find a cushy class as you say.
  4. This sounds like the discussions about the Smuggler/Scoundrel. These classes are basically Assassins/Rogues without the classic Assassin Strike, or even close. Backblast on the Scoundrel is pathetic and when I fight a level Boss my companion Tanker always gets the kill credit. And I mean always, because their big attack does so much more damage even with green and blue gear. They are a little more upbeat on the Scoundrel forums, but the complaints are identical. So, BW, when are you going to give these Rogues an actual Rogue attack instead of the fake Rogue attacks of Back-blast and Back-Stab?
  5. But you can't get copies of it to your Legacy through your Collections? I can't find it there.
  6. I bought the Blaster from them for collecting 12 bounty contracts and it said it was bound to my Legacy. Where is that? I can find Treek in a few spots in my Legacy, but no Bounty Broker Assoc. items.
  7. I think they mean they don't want to level as a turret. I was Saboteur before the update wiped my spec.. which I liked at level 25 for good mobility and good damage and I like throwing grenades as a filler... sometimes that's all you needed. How is 2.7 Saboteur changed?
  8. I am a crafter in all crafts with some alts, all are near or past level 400 and I am selling stuff just fine. My prices are low, but profitable to be sure. Leave the Cartel Market as is, making it for level 50 players only is harsh and would drive players, including myself, away from SWToR. However, it has been a long time since any new craftable items were added at levels 1-40, maybe 50, so this could be done.
  9. I like the top half of the Darth Scion chest piece, that is very cool, but the lower half doesn't seem to fit the character of any of my avatars. Could you please make a Classic version in the same way you have made the Despot set (and others) in Classic and Original versions. Classic usually removes the items below the belt-line.
  10. Yes make Black Dye craftable or more available. I have been a loyal subscriber since Star Wars-ToR came out and I have found Black Dye to be totally inaccessable to any of my characters. Why is that?
  11. hrrrm... glad I read this> I have a level 12 agent pondering Sniper or Operative. I really wanted to be convinced to go Operative and I don't like the turret-play of Marksman, I like to move occasionally. Looks like Sniper/Engineer. I hardly ever PvP, but I always want that option to be good.
  12. I have at least one of every other Class played to at least level 18-32. Sith Inquisitor was last. I rolled a Cathar grey tabby who looks a little like Christopher Plummer's Kang character. Wears black of course. Best part was getting Khem Val. Only Khem Val could turn me to the dark side, all the other dark companions were happier with Light side responses. The character acting is great and coming from a giant grey tabby, even better. I think I found my level 55!
  13. http://latimesherocomplex.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/l50_sith_juggernaut-2.png%3Fw%3D600 Same here, just spent yesterday making a Sith Juggernaut believing this was the style of the upper level armor. Waste of time now. At least I spent no resources on it.
  14. What about now? A quick scan of topics in Juggernaut shows alot of complaints about Update 2.
  15. So, where do I get the Juggernaut's final set of armor from the progression video, or something like it. I just created a Sith Warrior and chose Juggernaut because I thought the armors would generally look like the one being "advertised" in the progression video. Then I find this thread saying this is basically false advertising for the Juggernaut.
  16. So I do play some alts on one server and my highest one is lvl 31. Subscribed since the game went Live. Why no access to things like the Gree event? Who knows, by next year I might get to level 50, but I may just move on to a new game. Obviously I am a casual player, but a subscriber too. I don't expect an answer. Just stating the facts.
  17. Too bad then. If I had played much into Scoundrel in the closed beta I would have hounded them on that. I think we convinced them to give Smugglers Quick Shot early rather than at level 15 where it was originally. I am such a feeble player of Alts I may never get a character to level 36. Been playing SWToR since it went Live and my highest character is 31. At level 24 the Scoundrel is the most awkward gameplay of any Class. It doesn't have rogue-style damage, but it's clearly that type of Class, nor does it have a huge bag of tricks that it's hyped too have, and only mediocre healing ability. It also lacks the defense needed for melee combat. But, as you say, perhaps the real flaw is in leveling progression since everyone here seems happy with their high level Scoundrels. edit: switched to Sawbones. That does seem better at lvl 24.
  18. At level 24 Scoundrel is not so good. Maybe because Blaster Whip is only Upper Hand ability. Should be doing better damage with the close range attacks simply because Scoundrel is not a Tank and heals don't keep up with the damage from any boss.
  19. I cancelled my subscription last July because I don't like PvP in SWToR (just doesn't look realistic, too gimicky), I was getting booted from PvE group quests because I wanted to talk to the NPCs and they wanted me to hit SPACEBAR, and my male characters all looked like characitures, very cartoony. To my amazement, BW kept billing me for a subscription, even though I have verification of my cancellation back in July, so that left me with a a stack of Cartel Coins that had accumulated from July to February while I thought I was un-subbed. I bought a few costume items with the coins that disguised the cartoony-ness of my avatars, made them look human, and made them look a little unique and now I plan to re-sub in April and keep playing. If not for the Cartel market and the few meager items I bought, I would not even be writing this response, let alone playing SWToR. SWToRs killing weakness is it's lack of indivduality in player avatars. Everything else is great. So if there is an upsurge in the player base and returning players it is because of the Cartel Market items. You want them to go bye-bye? I would see your point if any of the items were truly special in SWToR that are on the Cartel Market, but it all looks like it's just some fluff. Founder and Closed Beta Tester.
  20. I just like the RP value of being able to go to a contact in a cantina or other and be offered a few randomly rotated smuggling missions. It wouldn't interfere with leveling, it would keep things interesting while leveling. And of course there could be similar class oriented assignment/missions, although every class has a starship, so could do smuggling missions as well. As I work on my 12th partially completed character I start to feel boxed in by the same mission chains over and over. At some point BW needs to add something like this to keep things new and interesting for longtime players.
  21. I have two Smugglers, but they never make any money, Cartel influence, etc. from Smuggling. They need too for obvious RP reasons. They should be able to go to various Hutts and gangtser groups and get work. I see all the end-game Hutt and Cartel related content, so why can't my Smuggler and other classes get work from them outside the end-game group challenge content? Something like a job-board as you are leveling up. You take the item(s) from one planet to another and the story unfolds. It could be great. Finally something to use that XS Freighter for. Not more space battle missions, rather space travel missions between destinations. And you use your Starship to get there.
  22. ah, good. I am a founder and closed beta tester so I will reach those levels in 2015 at my current rate of play.
  23. So, does this mean I will no longer be able to craft level 10-45 purple gear? I worked very hard for years for that ability. Or is this just a change to level 50 and above gear?
  24. Are there any alternate worlds to go to tolevel new characters? I find myself dreading missions on Taris and Dromund Kas. I found them boring for some reason. Would be nice to have an alternate progression world to go too.
  25. Explain, please. What's your style, build, etc.? What do you know to do that's good? I just came here for info.
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