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Everything posted by WulfSolaris

  1. Not in the least bit true, sorry to tell you. Go smack your guildy.
  2. When will we see fixes and updates to features that aren't considered "high priority," such as missing/broken Codex entries and other small Quality of Life enhancements that help make the game feel more polished and complete?
  3. While I'd prefer to have more semi-concrete (concrete in the drying stage? ) information on how you plan to make other crafting skills more viable, I know that development schedules don't always lend themselves to absolutes so early in the process. Still, I imagine you have SOME blueprint you're working with on how to bring parity to these skills, so any light you could shed would be fantastic. Having said that, I have a few concerns on some of the things you said you plan on doing, namely making augment slots possible on orange crafted gear, and how it relates to end-game armor. Now, this has nothing to do with stats, as my understanding of the system will be that, just because we can craft orange armor, it doesn't mean it will automatically be on par with end-game gear. One will still have to farm raid gear for the proper mods to slot into the gear, so I see no balance issues there. My main concern is how this will effect raid gear in and of itself. It almost seems like, once this new system is in place, raid gear will be little more than temporary containers holding mods until you can rip them out and put them into orange gear. Unless there is a way to graft an augment slot onto raid gear, then it will always be inferior to whatever orange armor you can find, so long as the orange armor has an augment slot. This will lead to no one ever using the raid armor styles, because the only way to "max out" your character will be to butcher your raid gear for its mods. How do you plan on keeping end-game, unique looks/styles in the game? Will orange versions of these looks drop in raids for crafters to make? If not, why even have armor/weapons drop at all? Why not just make it so that unique mods drop in their place? __________________________________________ Finally, here are some recommendations on how to make each crafting skill unique. ARMSTECH +Can craft their array of orange weapons with the chance of augment slots. +New item added to the game: temporary weapon buffs. These buffs add limited procs to your weapon, perhaps giving them a chance to do more damage when you attack with the weapon, or giving you a chance to activate an effect when you cast a spell/ability while the weapon is equipped. These procs are limited use, and once they run out, you must apply the buff to your weapon again. +Make it so Armstech crafters can create BOP buffs for themselves (see above) that are the same effectiveness as BOE weapon buffs, but infinitely reusable. +Ability to craft BOP item that forces an augment slot onto any weapon (of the types they can create) that doesn't already have one. Doing so makes the item bound to the crafter. This will let an armstech crafter not have to worry about critting when crafting gear for themselves, only when dealing with gear they craft for other players. +More unique-looking items that are BOP, to help Armstech crafters stand out. +Ability to craft orange shotguns/vibroknives, with a chance of augments. ARTIFICE +See Armstech. The perks would be similar, though they would only apply to the items that Artificers can make, obviously. +More unique shades of readily available color crystals. While things like magenta/purple/white/black/etc. should still be unique and hard to come by, varying shades of the "normal" colors should be available to create. So you could have light blue, blue, dark blue, light red, red, crimson, etc. +Variety in the stats on crystals. Make it so some crystals could add more unique properties to a weapon that couldn't normally be found on a crystal from a world drop/raid. CYBERTECH +More unique mods with properties and stats that can only be found on crafted versions. +Greater variety in grenades. One grenade should be straight damage, another should apply a slow-ticking dot, another should blind and cause an accuracy debuff, another reduces armor, etc. This way, even though grenades share a cooldown, it makes sense to have a full set of them, because their uses will come in handy in different situations. ARMORMECH/SYNTHWEAVING +More unique styles. +Ability to craft a BOP item that will force an augment slot onto CHEST or LEG items ONLY, making them BOP to the crafter. This puts them on par with the weapon crafters being able to instantly augment their main/offhands. +Armor dyes. There's already a system in place to change the colors of armors (based on the chest piece) that was removed, and there are many different colored versions of armor already in the game. This would let people differentiate themselves a little more. I can't tell you the number of times I've found a cool looking piece of armor, but the only orange "moddable" version of that style was a horrible color. Being able to change it would be fantastic. These colors for these armors are already in the game, it's just that the armor that uses those colors isn't moddable, making them useless.
  4. As a casual PVPer that started late in the game (random matches early in levels, but most of my PVP started at 40), I know how difficult and daunting it can be to learn the "tactics" of a given map.when you're just thrown in and few people are talking. It's easy for an ops leader to say "two left, rest mid" and for you to kind of follow along, but it's so much better when you start picking up why certain strategies work best rather than just being told to do something. A good PVP OPs leader, when given time, should explain (briefly) why certain tactics are used. "Fight on the door/node!!!" helps a little, but seeing "Fight on the node. They're luring you away so that their stealthers can cap it without you being there" works better. Helping people understand why something is a bad idea makes them more likely to listen to you. It becomes less of an order from a faceless basement dweller, and more of a helpful tip from a fellow gamer. It's all about perception, sometimes. Of course, when people don't even read the dang chat, this is entirely useless. But some things can't be helped! I will say that Huttball was one of the hardest modes to learn, generally because one of three things happens: 1) New PVPer queues solo, gets placed on a team with 7 other PUGgers. They go against a premade, and get steamrolled. They learn nothing from it because a good premade can score six goals before you even get a chance to formulate a solid plan of defense against them. So, the match ends, and your new PVPer has learned very little of Huttball tactics. 2) New PVPer queues solo, gets placed on a team with a premade against 8 puggers.. The premade operates as a closed-off team all itself, doing what needs to be done to win and generally not involving their PUGging teammates because they have all the help they need within their premade. You win, but new PVPer learns very little because all they did was farm kills while the premade did all the work. 3) Average gamer PUGs, gets on a team with 7 other PUGs against a team of 8 PUGs. No one works together because it's a bit hard to coordinate solid tactics on the fly, like that, so the match degenerates into a killing spree until someone is lucky enough to sneak off with the ball and make a random goal. New PVPer fought a long match, but because no advanced tactics were used other than "kill everyone and pray to god you get a clean run to the goal," they don't learn much. I always hated Huttball for these reasons, until I got into a game with a premade-vs-premade. They were equally good and at a stalemate, so they HAD to include the rest of the team in their planning to pull out a win. The second a new PVPer gets the chance to experience how a well-managed team plays, they not only desire for the same kind of teamwork for themselves, but begin to learn what it means to truly be a on a team. This is why, no matter what warzone I'm in, I stick around to the end, even if we're getting slaughtered. I try to give helpful tips, explain strategies, and do what I can to make the game a bit more transparent. Sure, most won't listen. But when a few do, and you get into another game with those guys and you suddenly see that they're performing a lot better? It's an awesome feeling. So, my suggestion is, even if you don't consider yourself one of the "awesome" PVPers, give helpful advice whenever you can. Don't ragequit when people don't listen, or when your victory isn't 100% assured. I laugh my butt off when people like that leave a match within the first minute, and then we end up curbstomping the opposition. If your team is sucking, take a deep breath and stick it out with them. Because even if you just reach ONE person and inspire them to play a little better, your future odds of success go up. And that's the key word: inspire, not browbeat. Make your points, don't harp on it, and try to stay calm. That's the only way to consistently reach people.
  5. Bountiful and Rich missions don't exist in the top tier mission scale. There is one missions skill that has Rich Missions (I forget which one it is) in tha tier, but it's a bug and they're mislabeled -- they're actually normal yield missions. To reliably get purple quality Grade 6 materials, you'll need to acquire (through Slicing or the GTN) level 340 mission granting items for your mission skills. These will usually bring back the grade 6 purples you need. You can also get lucky and crit on the Moderate and Abundant top tier missions and get a purple, but don't count on that being a reliable source.
  6. It would have to be a bug, because the purple item you listed only has four stats, when, if it was REed from green-to-blue, it should have more variety. Can you screenshot the actual recipe so we can see what's going on with it? Because, as has been said, this is out of the norm and could be a bug.
  7. Please remember, people, that the ability delay affected people in several ways. Some may have had several issues causing the delay, while others may have only had a few or one (or even none, like in my case.) Why do I say this? Because so many people are calling BS on people saying they're fixed, and calling them trolls, when it's highly probable that these people in particular only had a few issues causing their delay, and this helped them immensely. Doesn't mean it's going to be fixed across the board for everyone, but if someone is saying it's fixed for them, why make a big deal out of it and call them into question? The fact is, if this problem is as complicated as it sounds, then the ability delay is caused by several different factors for people. Just because one person was entirely fixed due to this patch doesn't mean everyone was, nor does it mean that just because YOU didn't see a huge improvement doesn't mean other people aren't. Stop viewing the world through your limited range and maybe admit that just because you're seeing/not seeing something, it doesn't mean it's true/false. If you're still having problems, fine, it's okay to say so -- but stop trying to act like your experience is the only one that matters. If someone says their play was improved, take them at face value. All you can say is, "Awesome for you! I'm still seeing a delay, but hopefully they're on the right track, now, if other people are seeing improvements. Fingers crossed that whatever is causing MY delay is addressed soon, as well." Remember, we were told that this issue would take several patches and fixes to resolve. If this one didn't do it for you, that sucks, but it obviously did for others, so just hang in there and stop taking it as a personal offense every time someone else has a different outcome than you. As someone who has never had a problem with ability delay, I'm happy for everyone that saw some relief from this patch. Here's hoping those that didn't will also get their issues solved as soon as possible.
  8. Yeah, balancing the numbers would be interesting. You'd have to make it so that a little presence goes a long way. When I get home from work, I might go looking around to see if I can find a theoretical "max" for Presence based on available Leadership gear and the like.
  9. Currently, Presence is the least-desired stat. While it is intended to make your companion more effective, in the long run, it feels more like you're lowering your own character's efficiency for a slight increase in companion usefulness. What I propose is that, in addition to the negligible increase Presence gives to a Companion's stats, that is also affect your character's (and his/her companions') crafting ability. The intent is that, by stacking your Presence stat, you would gain assorted benefits that would greatly enhance your ability to craft. Some potential ideas include: +More Presence Equals Lower Mission Costs +More Presence Equals Lower Mission Times +More Presence Equals Higher Yield from Gathering Nodes +More Presence Equals Higher Critical Crafting/Mission Chances +More Presence Equals Greater Chance of Learning a Schematic through Research and Development By making this change to Presence, it goes from being a stat considered widely "useless" by the community to one that is sought after by crafters. Suddenly, items and armor that favor this stat will become hot ticket items for crafters looking to maximize their output, creating a new market for players to pursue on the GTN. This would also help cement crafting as a viable pastime, helping to curb some of the "randomness" of it by giving us more control over the outcome. Yes, the RNG would still play a huge factor, but giving serious crafters the ability to increase their odds would be great. If you support this idea, or have something to add, don't hesitate to respond! Thanks for reading!
  10. If this is true, I strongly suggest you edit your post and remove how to recreate this bug. If you want to bring it to the devs attention, send in a bug report. They kind of frown upon you helping people exploit, even if that wasn't your intent.
  11. 20 missiles will take out the antenna, and 30 will take out the bridge on those big-ol' ships in some of the other missions (like Makem Te Assault, you can take out the bridge on the ship with the turrets and shield generators at the end.)
  12. I was running a Flashpoint the other day, and my Scoundrel kept getting the Medpack proc and giggling every 30 seconds. Halfway through the FP, one of the guys stops and turns to me. Guy: are you using a macro or something Me: Nope! (Thinking he was talking about me casting SRM on the entire party every couple minutes) Guy: what is that sound Me: Oh, it's a skill, does it every time I use it. Guy: TURN IT OFF Me: I... can't. It's a talent, it's automatic. Guy: THIS IS WHY I HATE GROUPING WITH HUMAN CHARACTERS Took me a while to explain to him what was going on, heh. I wasn't TRYING to drive him insane... it just kind of happened that way.
  13. Is there any confirmation on this? Supposedly there was "proof" in the form of a screenshot someone made of a lightsbaer with an aug slot, but I haven't seen it, personally. Until its confirmed on wide-scale from reliable sources, though, I'm hesitant to believe it. EDIT: Ah, above poster seems to confirm. Well, that's nice, but still doesn't make Armstech a "go-to" crew skill.
  14. This is why I take all my clothes off when I go jogging. I'm able to run for an infinite amount of time because, without clothes weighing me down, I never get tired.
  15. If you put a skill point in the ability that causes your Sleep Dart to also reduce the damage of an enemy when it breaks, it will behave in this way.
  16. Don't worry just yet. My hope is that this will only apply to modifications you rip out of raid/specialty gear. That way, they force you to actually earn the entire set of gear throughout the length of an Operation, rather than letting you do the first boss over and over again just to harvest the mods you want to make ALL your gear "raid quality." If I had to guess how it would work, then certain mods on raid gear will say something like "Can only be placed into Chest Armor." Odds are, these same mods that have "slot requirements" will also have the set bonus attached to them. For example, Raid Boots of Awesome's armoring mod will say something like: Raid Boots of Awesome Armoring +60 Awesome +78 Intrinsic Coolness Grants Set Bonus - Awesomsauce (This armoring mod can only be slotted into boots.) So that any pair of boots you toss it into will get those stats, AND now count towards the "awesomesauce" set bonus. My guess is that regular mods/barrels/hilts/etc. will still have no particular "slot" requirement. The thing becomes, though, how "unique and distinctive" is it when everyone eventually has a full set? In one breath, you're saying how much we need an Appearance Tab, and in another, you're saying everyone should wear this set and look the same if they earn it because it's a status symbol. At the end of the day, those that want to "show off" will wear the armor and do so. Those that don't care about being idolized by low-level players will create their custom outfits and have fun. All in all, everyone wins, so what's the problem?
  17. Taris (Pre-Bombardment) is found in the tent where the alien settlers guarded by droids are, in the first map. Hard to explain -- it's the quest where the humans want you to go clean out the settlement of the droids so they can return, only to find that the aliens lay claim to that place as well, and you can try to make them work together, etc. Still no luck on the Cathar one, though!
  18. Just have to kill them, which can be tough, 'cause I think the Grazer one is usually "friendly" to you except for in one spot on the planet, so it took me a bit to find him.
  19. So, playing a Smuggler, I've gotten every possible codex entry on the planet, save two -- the Kel Dor and Mon Cal entries. Considering these two show up at the end of the Smuggler's time on the planet, I figured I'd unlock them at that point, but no dice. Have I missed a plaque somewhere? Has anyone else snagged these two entries? The completionist in me hates to see that little blue bar not filled to its max...
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