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Everything posted by JonnyRay

  1. And they did... From the Game Update 3.1: Conflict On Rishi patch notes.
  2. If you feel ignored as a Synthweaver, imagine being an Amormech. What did they get? Armor models that look like people wearing robes just like the Synthweaver. At least your models align with the type of armor you'd expect to be making. As our friend Psandak has tried to educate us "Make credits, not stuff". It might be true that crafting augments is boring. But it pays the bills! Also as others have pointed out, look at the lower tiers of gear, not just "end game". On both my CT and Art, I find that I can sell prototype (blue) items at lower levels for the same price as a level 56 prototype. At a LOT less cost for the raw materials.
  3. I have to admit, I leveled my gathering skills up to the cap from my stronghold doing nothing but the gathering missions. For me, gathering on a planet surface is "bonus" material. Too time consuming to make that the primary acquisition method.
  4. Sorry, all I know I learned in Psandak's How to get Grade 31/72 schematics thread. And since he's already replied here, I don't have anything to add.
  5. According to the Game Update 3.1: Conflict On Rishi patch notes, they're fixing the material requirements on Dark Projects.
  6. As I recall, there is a gap in one of them (mods I think) at the lower levels. Something like where you'd expect there to be a set for level 23 and there isn't. Or something along those lines.
  7. Was playing in a couple of WZ's last night and realized how badly I need to bite the bullet and do the remapping work. Too many things that I need to click an ability with the mouse. And even things that are keybound I have to look to see which slot they're in.
  8. Maybe if this thread stays on the first page, Psandak won't have to keep replying with...
  9. The ONLY thing I miss from my WoW days ... my Auctioneer add-on. @OP : Yeah, I've tried to do something similar as well with some of the crafted items I make. Only to realize there's a reason my IT career has gone past the "data entry" stage.
  10. A possible tweak to RE'ing might be that the higher your skill is relative to the skill required to craft the item, the more likely that you'll be able to RE it. It does seem a bit daft that my 500 skill Cybertech has the same 20% chance to RE a level 56 armor mod as he does a level 8 armor mod.
  11. As others have said, it's "by design". So, it's lame, but not a bug. I really couldn't believe it when I was reading about the schematics.
  12. It is interesting, isn't it, that "on paper" SWTOR should be one of the MMO's that is easiest to balance if you're looking at Empire vs Republic. The mirrored classes make it nearly intrinsic to the class system. It demonstrates, however, that when player-verses-player combat comes into play, there are more factors involved than can be easily covered by a spreadsheet model. I'm convinced that MMO DEVs must watch the game being played after launch and go "Whoa! We never would have thought of that!"
  13. Turns out I also have an Assassin. She's level 12, but close enough. So I can try both of the primary suggestions. Thanks again. Will post some updates once I've spent enough time with each to have an informed newbie opinion.
  14. I can hardly believe it's been this long, but back in October of 2010, I wrote a blog article about The Balance Myth. It's a long observation on my part with many points; so I'll summarize. It is difficult to define what "balance" really means. Probably the best in an MMO setting is that any class that purports to fill a certain role (i.e. "Melee DPS", "Ranged Tank", "Healer", etc.) should be a viable choice for the player. This leads to a problem defining "viable" (especially at the top tiers of competition) when a percentage point here or there makes a difference to some players. It is difficult to obtain. Especially in team oriented situations. For example, if a DPS Juggernaut routinely defeats a DPS Sentinel in a warzone, is it because the classes are intrinsically unbalanced? Or does one have a greater synergy with the healers in their faction than the other? I'm not sure that MMO players REALLY want 100% balance. We tend to like the challenges of figuring out how to get the best out of our character choices. If we wanted a game where only skill mattered, we'd be playing first person shooters.
  15. Thanks for all of the suggestions, folks. As it happens, I have a level 10 Operative who has just been wasting away on Fleet anyway. May need to see about getting him some gear and queueing up.
  16. Hold the phone...as a 4-man squad your K to D ratio was 316:3??? Somewhere about the middle of that, your opponents had to be like "SH!!! Here they come again!!"
  17. So I read the excellent How to Become a Contender guide. I think I understand most of it. May need to re-read (a few times). But if one would like to get started with SWTOR PvP, what's the best class overall to learn? Not looking for the current Flavor-Of-The-Month. I've always figured FOTM == Next Nerf Target. Is there any particular class that is more useful? Easier to learn the PvP rotation? Etc? Or does it pretty much come down to a matter of preferences and choice?
  18. This is not the trader you're looking for. *waggles fingers* Sorry, nothing constructive to add. Just randomness.
  19. Can't tell you how often I've looked at clothing with a dye module attached and wished I could pull it into a modeling program to re-map the materials!
  20. The "trump card" when it comes to solo leveling, of course, is to over level your missions. If you're approaching a planet and you're already 2-3 levels higher than the minimum rating for that planet, you can take whomever you like with you.
  21. Easiest leveling time I had was my Rage Juggernaut with Jaesa as my companion. If we came across a set with a strong and some normal/weak adds, I'd send her to hit the strong, then wipe out the adds with the Rage AoE attacks. By the time I was done, she'd have the strong to half health and we'd finish it together. Use defensive cooldowns wisely and you shouldn't have a lot of downtime.
  22. I think there are some Quality of Life updates that *could* be done. Most with minimal developer effort, but since QoL updates are always prioritized below bug fixes and new stuff, these tend to be rare unless a particular Dev has a passion for that area and convinces his manager that it wouldn't be that difficult. Principal to me would be to make the mission selections consistent. The whole Tier 6 thing annoys the heck out of me. Except for when I'm trying to maximize affection with one of my companions. Then all those Rich Companion Gift missions are lovely. Second would be the drop-down list on the mission window listing the Tier of materials rather than level ranges. Nowhere on a material description does it say "Level 41-48". It says "Tier 5". Sure if I'm awake enough I can do the conversion by now. But I shouldn't have to. Third, while we're on the Mission window, make it either resizable or make the size big enough to list all 5 missions. Having to scroll to see if the last one is "Rich" or not is like having sand between your toes. Annoying for a short walk, but painful when you're hiking. Finally, add the Tier information to the crafting materials (the white stuff you get from the vendor). With Legacy Storage in particular, I'd like to run a single character to the Crew Skills vendor. But I have to either make a "shopping list" or login each alt to remember what the Tier 5 goop is that they need to make implants / enhancements / armor mods / etc.
  23. I wouldn't consider myself a "master" crafter like Scarlet and Psandak are, but I was in this boat as well. Tried to be a voice of reason here and there, but as is typical in online forums, reasonable discussions are typically drowned out by emotional ones. I finally gave up and was trying to encourage those who thought crafting was ruined to stop doing it. Figuring it would mean less competition for me in the end.
  24. I know the thread is over 2 years old now, but didn't make sense to start a new one, right? I ended up (technically) married to both. I romanced Risha all the way through getting married before I spoke with Akaavi. Then I romanced her to being married as well. At one point Risha came in and Akaavi almost ripped her throat out, but nothing really changed with how Risha acted when we were alone. Honestly, of the two, I think in some ways Akaavi is a bit more moving. Because of what a big deal it is for a Mandalorian. Besides, it's kind of like being mated to Neytiri (of Avatar). Having a mate you know will gut anyone who threatens you is kind of hot.
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