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Everything posted by tangsoo

  1. 28th of Oct here...pretty close to you guys and im still not in. My main complaint is mixing the yanks with us EU players....way to much drama and emo kid crap going on here. I hope we get seperate forums soon!
  2. No offence to anyone but I warn anyone from EU planning to roll on a US server:- 1) You will find that in general the attitudes of people is far less mature 2) You will find there is alot more drama 3) Also in general there is a lower understanding of things Im not being racist here just telling of my experiences on US servers previously. Thats not to say all players will be like this, just that in general this is what to expect from the majority. I have even found Americans playing on Eu servers because they are sick of all the sillyness.
  3. Haha cry more. Honestly some kids mothers just told them yes way to much and they become spoilt brats who cannot handle things in life.
  4. heh I agree with your initial thoughts but lets face it the majority of people will skip to quest cut scenes in swtor also.
  5. What a bunch of spoilt cry babies we have here! Grow up! This method is a very good one. First come first served and each wave is managed so that players let on will have the best launch experience. Those saying that they could of told people when they would get on in advance clearly havent read the "manage" part of how this works. As for those waiting for the email on their computers....set your smart phone to sound an alarm then you get an email! Anyone who is just sitting waiting just for this really needs to get a life! How sad!
  6. I think this method of bringing players into an mmo game launch is really good. It works on a 1st served basis and only lets people on when standards of service can be upheld. Sure there are alot of immature people waiting and they will not understand or will be tainted by their lack of patience. Think of it this way...remember the wow launch? Enough said!
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