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Everything posted by lord-angelus

  1. Pt is in great spot atm.high risk high reward and with latest nerfs it's not op. I wouldn't change anything.
  2. Then play them lol. AP has no heat menagement issues what so ever. You can finish the dummy between 5-8 rapid shots max. Pyro is the most filler used spec in the game but with flame dispustion tactical it lowers the rapid shots to 5 again and also performs as good as superheated fuel tactical if not better atm on dummy. Pt leaves for the damage. Its high risk high reward class. You need to live on edge with fight mechanics not play it safe. If you don't have this mindsst just swap to other classes.
  4. That was a thing actually affecting gameplay, combat. What is this? UI is a mess, they don't want to touch it. It's gonna stay
  5. Pvp doesn't have a population large enough to queue as solo or team option. If they do this you are gonna start crying again 'how it turned to dead game mode', 'Bioware should never done it', 'it was the only handful of player wanted that not us'. bla bla bla same excuses for over 8 years. Premades are here to stay, and it's a good thing. And really loving how no one is asking game in voice chat, trying to stop people playing with friends.
  6. Some might even say its not a cheese, it's mascorpone
  7. Grand moff 0 - 3 Grand Moff Sin tanks are more than fine. Let it go.
  8. And people are saying Since when TAKING A TAXI, SELLING A TRASH, RE ROLLİNG AMPS considered to be a content? You kill hardest boss in the game, 10k cq points, placing a deco relolling amps 10k cq points
  9. Dude, who are you seriously? What did you clear so far, except for your room maybe? Like seriously I know that you know nothing about the class or the game not even gonna ask but like how many cq achievment do you have since the topic is cq? Why the op or the others can't suggest or state something they don't like and we need to 'deal with it' Tell us why you are the expert on cq and we all should listen to you? Link your conqurer achievements if that is more than mine I'm not gonna say anything about cq anymore. If not you are just gonna shut up, deal? For other people, I got 500k+ points on leveling a toon for 1-75. On, one toon i finished a cq on 5 on total it finished 25+ toons which I don't even do anything special. Are you seriously suggesting that one toon should be able to cap small yield by his own on mere of three hours of leveling? People got capped with 60 toon in mere 3 days. That's also normal I guess? Don't worry bioware will keep listening you, so you can feel superior killing trash and getting rewards. You may even think that you are sooo good in this game. Keep on carrying. P.S. STILL THE BEST SUGGESTION IN THIS THREAD IS MAKING A BUTTON THAT SPAM CQ POINTS. I didnt see single valid argument that why is that bad thing?
  10. Not that I care what happens to the cq or anything but from what I can see people who are nobodies, can't kill nothing but trash, can't do anything but story because they are that bad really happy about these changes because now they feel rewarded. And people who actually wants this game to live to its potential disliked it. To the people who says 'uuuu mmo doesn't mean group content' yes it does, and numbers shows that heavily. Look at WoW, Ffxiv sub numbers and look at swtor. It's not even 100/1 it's more like 10.000/1. So just story isn't enough for an MMO. And both wow/ffxiv has much more story content in this game so jokes on you. I really agree with one comment tough, just put a button that spamming cq points. Problem solved. And again people will say 'it's my way of play, don't tox'. You are a joke. Keep killing trash in starter planets, that's the maximum you can kill in this game nothing more. Good changes, carry on, buff the trash selling, déco putting tough, it's my way of play, don't be elitist and don't be toxic.
  11. Didn't read the whole thread so don't know someone already suggested it but I think we can go with final fantasy option with it. If a fp or ops core story related you can make the cutscenes unskippable wıth GF ONLY. so a player finishes the oricon story and needs to df and dp to in order to finish to story. So he will she queue to the df in order to advance trough storyline just like final fantasy xiv. Otherwise, you won't be able to advance and skip. Some of you are saying but like why other players should queue to unskippable op's of fp ? Well, you need to give them rewards. If you below 75 big xp bonus like nothing else. If 75 crazy tech fragment rewards and gear crates. It works great for final fantasy. New players step into the endgame content very early, learning the game and mechanics (not like there is a mechanic on story mode on swtor. Final fantasy has some mechanics on sm but it's really forgiven) and not being shy about endgame later on. Old players gain rewards for their help. Helps everybody.
  12. Éric who ? 🤔 Like jokes aside he wasn't even posting when this was his job, not gonna do it now. Hope he and his family are well ^^
  13. Sorcs from 35 meters shouldnt even be close to pt or even anhi mara or io merc for that matter. Lighting should be nerfed at least 1k more, and io, hatred needs a desperate buff.
  14. I also do think pvp rewards gearing was unfair. But let us clarify few things. 1 - It was the pvp community that asked for removal of the mats from team rank 2 - They see it killed team ranked, and said 'we just said remove from solo rank not team' ranked and also get it removed from solo rank. 3 - It was the pvp community again removal of the pvp gear ' because they just didn't wanna carry two different sets'. You can see all of the topics I mentioned with an easy search. such as 'Remove expertise it has nothing to do with pvp' and so on. Now you are gonna say you didn't wanted all of this and it was some people, but I can assure you it was the majority of the pvp community. And in a game, without rewards, if player don't want to play it, let it die. Pvp at this point no better than gsf. Mostly bioware fault's (no cheat detection, desync, retarded elo system, worst matchmaking system in any game ever made etc. etc.) but also community played a big part too.
  15. Seriously really don't understand why are they complaining about sorc. You really thing doing pt numbers from 35 metre is balanced ? I understand its your main and wanna be op but like come on. Lighting even deserves more nerf imo
  16. This. If you have the budget buy a gpu as well, it's gonna matter. If not this parts is your best bet budget friendly and really good performance tbh.
  17. Pt is also doesn't have 2 stealth out, cc, dcd's, needs to kite, melting without a guard or a healer. Of course you won't do pt numbers are you kidding me? After the changes its a buff overall and deception is gonna be number on dummy parsing of these changes goes live. So they fixed the pvp without tanking the pve so job well done by bioware for once.
  18. Yea we are all bots, and everybody shouldn't even think about criticising the game. Just should be thankful mighty Bioware is looking to our direction. A great contribution to the topic. Keep it up.
  19. lord-angelus

    nerf ap pt

    DO YOU WANNA BALANCE GROUP RANKED OR REGS?! It is by design THE BEST DPS and WORST SURVIVAL Ok, nice trolling keep it up. Let's balance according to the dead content. How about H2+? Do you wanna balance that too?
  20. Well if you don't invest you don't get returns. I completely understand investors and ea on this point. This game was heavily founded, like the most coasted MMO to produce. And yet Biofail failed heavily on lunch. But FFXIV was much more a mess now people say shadowbringers is 'BEST MMO EXPANSION EVER'. Either Bioware needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat like that or pull the plug imo.
  21. This is my expectation if we ever see 7.0 We need to talk about elephant in the room which is this engine. It either needs a rework or complete overhaul. Delaying it cause only more problems. (e.g. More bugs, slower content production, outdated and tanked graphics and performance, unable to detect players cheats and more bugs) Dont create an empty, ********, lie slogan (e.g 'Choice's matter', 'play your way') Proper expansion content, big story, 2 raids, pvp maps and hopefully mods. Proper gearing. Getting BiS gear via farming 8-year old fp's is unacceptable. Seperation of pve and pvp class balance ( Either via a tree, instance, or expertise gear). Although 6.0 has good balance overall imo. But more frequent updates are needed. Complete making of the crafting system and conquest for that matter. More player-friendly and not cheatable/macro able/boring. What do you except from 7.0 ?
  22. lord-angelus

    nerf ap pt

    You are and this thread is beyond stupid. Least mobile class, worst dcd's ever, worst winning rate in solo ranked last season, first to target, melts under focus, first to die, needs to kite, needs to lso, needs a guard or a pocket healer to survive, but yea LET'S NERF THEM!!!! You are not going to get a class balance for team ranked or regs. It's just not gonna happen. With the latest adjustments to sins, sorcs and ops, this is the best balance we got so far for pve and pvp alike. Both spec's of pts needs to be no1 at dps even when they die before anyone else. If not the whole spec will be pointless again like in 5.X. Giving uninformed and biased comments like this and then crying for dev's not listening.....
  23. Deception seems to be (and should be) highest parsing spec at the next patch if everything stays the same. But would you still take it? that's a hard question still imo.
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