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Everything posted by EzFlyer

  1. dude i think that's exactly where it came from, when i got Blizz on hoth
  2. i still use it all the time at lvl 40. i use it on single targets as part of my rotation. also, functionally it is great at long range aggro, i find. i.e. if there are two turrets, and we dont' cc them, i lay into the one with a couple punches and it's never gonna leave me till it dies, and i stay right there starting my aggro cycle on the one i can't reach with unload, before rocket jumping to it
  3. you're exactly right. it's very buggy. have to relog to make it work, i think.
  4. same. all of the above, and the prior poster too
  5. no, it's just not used against them, not a bug? because it one-shots them
  6. nope... this is different. but as we are assessing a couple posts up.. it is probably a glitch in the game. it is a purple that is *IDENTICAL* to orange. no ifs ands or buts. its' identical. but it probably shouldn't be purple.
  7. i am *pretty* sure it's just a glitch, it should just be orange are there any non lvl 50 legendaries? (purples? again, purple, not violet hehe)
  8. yep, it's identical to every orange i have in every single way
  9. i think you're right, i just said same thing to my friend, that i think bioware miscoded it, it should be orange
  10. my point / question is to understand what the difference between purple and orange is. i think you and the other person answered it. the pistol that's purple is just low level, so it has no stats. but other than that, it is the same. it's not like the lvl 50 raidgear you can buy on the fleet, which has no "armor" slot, but built in stats to go along with mod & enhancement. this is a 100% identical purple / orange thing, and i was trying to understand why.
  11. perhaps that's the difference? i'm level 40, and the purple pistol shows no requirement, which means i meet the requirement at 40. that's all i can tell you about the item level. the purple also has no stats. zero. it is identical to every pistol in the game for me.
  12. so that means that i'm correct, then? purple = orange?
  13. no, i put the cheapest mods possible in to test it.. the mods are the most basic in game. like +2 endurance. the purple gun and the orange gun are identical. i can link them to you in game. Neverdawn on empire - hyperspace cannon
  14. i have a legendary blaster and an orange blaster and they are 100% identical in every way, except for the color of the item. i don't get it. they have same available slots. everything is identical. i put green barrel, gem, mod, and enhancement in both (the same ones). they are identical in every way. again, to clarify, this is purple, not violet.
  15. yep, you're echoing my exact feelings.. not a clue what hammerstation was about.
  16. lame! glad to see that there's more story in later instances, tho. prolly doin that one tonight.
  17. ya, that much is clear to me, i just wish they incorporated more dialogue. it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard... just re-write the text into a holo visual of an npc explaining things, etc...
  18. i hope creds are always hard to come by. i really do. i find it SO annoying in any game where i have too much $. the more scarce creds are, the more you appreciate them. you have to make decisions. you can't have everything.
  19. i'm 29, full shieldtech. i couldn't be happier. we shouldn't get heals. that's other people's job. if you're in a group, make sure one's a healer. if you're not, just bring mako or something. i could not be happier. my powertech tank is a dream come true.
  20. i don't think this thread is talking about the dps of a jugg tank, it's the jugg dps spec(s)..
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