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Posts posted by DustomaticGXC

  1. and queue the fanbois


    zomg this game is so much about skill and not gear.......lol ok whatever you say.


    Fanboi? You think this is isolated to SWTOR? It's any rpg that has pvp, baddie.


    I'm sorry you suck, but it's not my fault, not Bioware's fault, and not the fault of any other game or developer. It's your's (and maybe your parents').

  2. i'd love to see you beat a full bm geared merc with a commando in 50 greens


    even if the bm merc is so bad he just spams one button (tracer) you will still lose


    gear > everything else in this game.


    Obviously if the gear disparity is ridiculous, there will be not much chance of a player overcoming it regardless of skill level differential. But a full BM geared player SHOULD wipe out a fresh 50 in greens (which is bad gear even for a fresh 50).


    A full BM geared player, though, does not have such a severe advantage over someone in half BM/half Champion, or even someone in just full Champion. This kind of discrepancy can be overcome with skill.


    Now shut up and let the adults who don't suck at gaming talk.

  3. I would hope that once the novelty of "ZOMG SOMEONES HITTING ME I MUST FOLLOW HIM ALL GAME TO GET HIM BACK!!!" would wear off for most people after a while and that tunnel vision would stop.



    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a guildmade one day when I played WoW. I played a protection warrior, and he was telling me they were useless in PvP because you can't taunt in PvP. I told him "Sure you can. It's called /spit. Spam it on somebody for a few seconds and he'll engage you every time he sees you in a group for the rest of the battle."


    My point: Those people are common and that "tunnel vision" won't stop.

  4. Hi All,


    I consider the Guild to be one the main cpmonents of the Social aspects of the game as well as a way to accomplish various objectives. However, as we all know there has been a serious lack of a guild system; so below are some things Iwould like to see myself as well as many in the guild I'm in.


    • Guild Mission that consist of more than 4 player groups and that can have a mix of different level players.
    • Guild Hall or Ship {or both}
    • Guild Mail
    • Guild Banks
    • Guild vendors {maybe}
    • To have Guild members automatically added to your friends list.
    • Possible Shared XP from the guild to help players who can't play as often. {maybe}
    • Guild achievments
    • Guild Crafting and Gathering missions
    • Self defined Guild ranks or at least a choice.



    Anyhow, those are my thoughts.




    Why would you need guild mail? That's what forums are for.


    Shared xp? No. Please, no, never.


    Everything else is either coming because they said so in the panel or are at least interesting ideas.

  5. I had to leave in the middle of the guild bank discussion; up to that point every feature they told us about was a carbon copy of the WoW guild bank system. Did they ever reveal any features that WoW doesn't have?


    Edit: Guildmate just told me you'll be able to respec via the guild bank (which is weird, but alright, it's something). Anything else?

  6. the only problem with that is that everyone would do slicing and credits would get out of hand. AFKing slicing would be insane if you had your companion running non-stop


    Uh, no. No it wouldn't. The money you make from slicing isn't from credit return on missions. It's from slicing open-world boxes and selling missions... neither of which can be done without being online.

  7. They just need to make the schematics and Raid mats tradable so raiders can sell them on the auction hall to people who don't want to raid...


    Just make sure the drop rate on these items are low so the Auction Hall doesn't become flooded with them, otherwise they will lose there uniqueness really fast..


    Rofl? You say you want the drop rates low... but if their priced too high you're going to cry about that, too.

  8. Question is if this new gear will only be available to raiders with access with FP and OP crafting material. Would like to create decent gear on my Gunslinger without being forced to join a raiding guild.


    This is complete bull. You don't want to be able to create "decent gear", you want to be able to create "great" gear. You can already craft "decent" gear (quite good gear, actually) with the current crew skills, without any sort of raid/FP crafting materials.


    And if you don't want to do FP or OPs, why exactly do you need better gear anyway? Do you need a certain amount of Cunning to sit in the Fleet and cry about how worthless your tradeskills are?


    Remember, the issue here is that people are buying the OP's goods and reselling them at a profit, driving the prices up.


    Sellers don't control the market. Consumers do. It's the consumer who is driving the prices up. If the value wasn't there, the sales wouldn't be either.


    If you sell an item for exactly what you want to sell it for, why do you care who buys it or why they buy it? If it's only bothering you when you are trying to purchase items from the GTN, then what you're really complaining about is not being able to purchase goods for less than they are worth. Which is a ridiculous complaint.

  10. 100000x this.


    Do not force people to raid or PvP.


    Make all crafting materials available via missions/gathering. I don't really care about BoP, although I think some things should be changed (Cybertech mounts etc.) but whatever.


    Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. You choose to do things based on your goals. PvPers complaining that they have to PvE to get things they want is like me complaining that I shouldn't need to do PvP to get Warzone Commendations. After all, I pay for the content, amirite?

  11. i have it maxed it is over the last 24 hours that it has suddenly tanked again.. <had one day where i went through 10 fail then 1 successes followed by 5 fails>



    Don't you just love it when people make up ludicrous stories about their experiences so they can justify their whining? I know I do.


    I have max slicing on 2 different level 50s, and since release I've sent companions out on upwards of a thousand Slicing missions. While leveling up failures are somewhat common, I think I've failed about 10-12 times TOTAL at 400 slicing. In 2 months. And that's even with a few companions at under 1k affection.


    If you don't like Slicing, drop it. Crying about something that isn't broken just makes you look ridiculous.

  12. NO!


    It is too restrictive, too repetetive and feels too much like a single player game. Leveling the first character up to 50, exploring, doing all quests and flashpoints was a great experience, but after this I feel like having seen the credits and its game over.


    You just described every MMO there has ever been (and likely ever will be).

  13. This is a loaded question. There are things that need fixing. Period. But most of the problems are just bugs and polish issues. And the problems that are major (like crafting being out of whack) are things that you can't really anticipate pre-launch, so it's understandable that it'll take time to adjust.


    I just think people need to take a step back and stop raging. And that's saying something, considering I'm the biggest Blizzard fanboy you'll ever find.

  14. While there is some truth to that, people are also ignoring the fact that most people who are geared up now never experienced things to quite the same extent people are now. Hell, even rolling an alt isn't the same because your main can supply a lot to make your job easier.


    Refusing to acknowledge this as most are and instead claiming they did more work when its becoming the fresh 50s doing more work just isn't logical.


    Slicing helps too to buy everything, but come one, should all newbies have to roll slicing?


    There's no reason why a person can't have 500-750k credits by the time they hit 50. Spending some money on the GTN on level 50 blue+ quality gear for every slot you have would do wonders for many people. I can't tell you how often I see people in WZs with level 42 greens wondering why they can't compete.

  15. Before I hit 50, I did some research on the most efficient way to gear up when turning 50.


    I wrote a whole guide about... within days of hitting 50, I had no trouble competing against fully pvp geared opponents.


    Sure, I couldn't crush them, and in a 1vs1 they had a slight upper hand, but I never experienced the stomping most fresh 50s are describing because I took the time to use means given by the game to become a threat.


    May I add this guide link to my signature? It's amazing.

  16. This is a HUGE issue that plagues even the biggest MMO developers.


    Hypothetically. . .you're a developer, you wanna create more and more content for your subscribers, yet you also want to make the content more difficult to complete, as well as develop gear progression(everyone wants more gear).


    Over time your content will become very 'linear' because of the required gear progression. So essentially, you're developing new content JUST for the old subscribers(new subscribers have a crap ton of old content to grind before they're ready, gear wise, for the new stuff).


    You're gonna piss off a lot of new subscribers to the game if you're advertising this new content pack yet your new subscribers have to go through 3 years of grinding in order to be able to play that 'new' content.


    So you see developers start to 'give' the newer players this gear that the older players have been grinding all this time in order to get. Yes you're gonna piss off the older players since they had to work harder for it, but without the newer players the warzone queues could get longer and longer, as well as the people LFG for newer content.


    They want everyone to be able to enjoy all the content provided to them, if they so choose.


    While personally I dont think expertise is the end all be all of PvP, Bioware doesn't want newer subscribers to be felt like they shouldn't try to start PvPing simply because they're new to the game. This isn't good for current new players, or word of mouth when others are talking about PvP in the game.


    You do realize that to new players, old content IS new content. But that's just it. They don't want to experience content. They want gear. Which absolutely baffles me. If you could see everything in the game without using gear OR you were handed all the gear you wanted without doing any of the content, most people would take the free gear.


    I'll never understand the mindset of the average MMO player.

  17. What are you people smoking? I hit 50 with my second character two days ago. With gear I bought on the GTN, I do just fine in Warzones. Yeah, I get my *** handed to me sometimes. Usually when somebody who outgears me is also just plain better than I am or is playing a class I have trouble with.


    But all the whining about how gear is everything in pvp... it's coming from people who would suck at it regardless of the gear they had.

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