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Everything posted by verzin

  1. imo your argument is bullcrap OP. spending 40minutes spamming general looking for a group for a flashpoint and sending the desperate dps who pst'd you immediately to planets to spam is is not reasonable. I couldn't care less about the 'spirit of the community'. I just want to do the bloody flashpoints.
  2. very doubtful. I've had my fill of MMOs. Unless there is something for solo players to do end-game, I'm out of here. I may do a bit of PVP and some operations in the meantime, but I'm done with MMOs. I feel betrayed that bioware touted SWTOR as the sequal to the KOTORs. It's not. in no manner is is ANYTHING like the KOTORs beyond the themes of Star Wars and similar names.
  3. dear god the forums move fast. It's like a page a minute. (I know the self-bump is shameless. Shut up.)
  4. that makes me sad. OP. very very sad that such an amazing series had to end like this.
  5. I dunno about anyone else but I, for one, would like very much to know what players who enjoy solo content more than typical MMO end game content have to look forward to (if anything) in future patches. Personally, I think interesting system of apprenticeship, think a more advanced version of what was in Baldur's gate II for wizards (because, lets' face it, the apprentices you get as a inquisitor aren't really apprentices, just NPCs with the occasional apprenticeship oriented conversations) and\or other class-oriented content, think the keep that warriors and other classes got control over in Baldur's Gate II, could be quite viable for the Devs to make. I have no doubt that I will do the operations (raids), and I will probably get into PVP a bit when I'm terribly bored, but The developers have made certain assurances to the more single player audience they're trying to appeal to. assurances such as their claim that this would be KOTOR III and IV and V ect. well...I'm not seeing it. The MMO elements are pervasive enough (for me anyway) that while I do feel a certain connection to my character, I don't have the obsessive love of it and my crew that KOTOR II inspired, and quite frankly, I doubt I ever will, which makes me much sadder than most MMO players can imagine (I loved those games deeply, especially the second one, unfinished as it was). don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game: It's very well written and very well made, but if bioware wants to hold me and their single player audience, they don't just need more operations and PVP battlegrounds as end game content. They need to create things for the people who want more KOTOR. Now then, said single player content DOESN'T necessarily need to be super complicated plot design. That can wait for a MAJOR content patch. what I'm talking about is...something that makes you actually LIKE your companions. They're so mute, so unfeeling. They make no decisions on their own, don't react to your decisions in any MEANINGFUL way,and feel empty. There HAS to be a certain element of free will in the companions. If they don't like the choices your make, they need to get pissed off. If you do something that they think is monstrous, they need to have some kind of reaction. example of how static the companions are A light side oriented companion will just sit there and -2 affection will flash in the corner as you commit genocide. oooh that'll create immersion in the world. I can spend 200 credits for a gift and all is forgotten. Summing up for the forum trolling idiots (hehee notice It's in the middle) that skip "Walls of Text": I want more immersion solo content for end game. more dynamic companions, and some assurance that this game WON'T be a full-fledged MMO with a plot and nothing more. I don't want to be so bored with what I'm doing end-game that I have dual monitors and netflix pulled up while I'm doing the same dailies I've been doing for the last week and a half. k. I think that about sums up my fears for SWTOR. Bioware has been my favorite game-studio since baldur's gate, but it's been sliding downhill lately. Dragon age was a very fun RPG, but calling it the successor to Baldur's gate doesn't work. There simply wasn't enough content that wasn't the main quest. It fell into the whole Main quest>side quest thing because all the side quests do is give you XP for the main quest, and Dragon age II was an atrocity (though I blame EA, not bioware for that. That kind of rushing cash cow names is just like them, don't get me started the kind of things EA does to creative projects.) Hopefully, the 300 year gap between this game and the KOTORs will make it possible to actually make KOTOR III, and the series won't end like this. I can only hope though. for some reason, I think it will. Don't make SWTOR just another MMO. You promised us KOTOR III and beyond with it. Don't pander exclusively to the MMO playerbase (especially the elitist snobs. If wanted elitist snobbery, I go back to the old raiding guild I used to be in in WOW, before I became sane and uninstalled that horrid program for good.) hmm..I've gotten rather sidetracked. ah well. Thanks for reading There's still good in you bioware, I feel it. keep any comments productive.
  6. 1. Dunno. 2. No. 3. No skills as of yet, Bioware hasn't added that stuff in (though It'll probably be here in a month or so). 4. level 30 optimally. (though if you skip side quests and bonus series you'll be more in the range of 27-28 when you finish, or if you do EVERYTHING you may be 31-33).
  7. It's all but impossible to find a group for flashpoints on my server (which has ques, by the way) without spending more than 30 minutes spamming general chat at the fleet and sending the desperate DPS who pst'd you immediately to planets to spam THAT general chat. (this post it particularly made for the 30-50 level range, It didn't take quite as long in the 10-20ish) This is not just me. as I'm spamming at the fleet, I see two or three other prospective groups spamming for another flashpoint (that is usually out of my level range + or -) for a similar amount of time. I'm sick of it. I want to do the flashpoints. I don't care what Bioware does. Dungeon finder, cross world chat channel for flashpoint recruitment, a more sophisticated /who LFG function...f-ing ewok mercenaries that take the place of human party members..something, I don't care. I just want to do the damn flashpoints without wasting 30-40 mintues only to have the group disolve because someone gets sick of waiting or has to go wash the dishes or something. Help us here, Bioware. You made this content for us. Help us get into it in a fashion that doesn't take unreasonable amounts of time. I'm enjoying your game very much, but without flashpoints my tendency to rush my class story at the expense of bonus series is leaving me extremely underleveled. if you agree with me, bump the post so Maybe, just MAYBE, the Devs will read it and help us out. (I dunno if they read the forums to be honest. to garble a quote from vader "I find their lack of response on the forums disturbing)")
  8. Agreed. WE need something to help create groups. it takes WAAY too long to get one together. it's ridiculous. 30-40m spamming chat at the fleet and on planets.
  9. There is a great deal of truth here. I'm not sure that I like it, but I think that the Devs NEED to read this and take the OP's advice (at least some of it.) personally, I think it was a atrocity that KOTOR III became an MMO, and I truly wish that it was a single player game, but it's an MMO now, and if it wants to survive long term, it needs to act like one. on the other hand: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Bioware, don't neglect the RPG loving MMO antisocial player base. Give us more single player content for the love of god.
  10. They are Far too easy, and I feel that they could use something....more. they seem to lack interesting mechanics of ANY kind. Still fun though.
  11. I feel your pain OP. I also felt the pain of forced re-queing. I can't wait till things settle down.
  12. I'm buying an ASUS Nvidia GTX 560 for about $180 on newegg (I know I can get it for 20 cheaper, but I'm very fond of ASUS). That should fit your needs for quite a while. and when it doesn't cut it anymore, it'll probably be in the $50 range and you can just grab another and slap it into SLI.
  13. agreed. there are a lot of threads requesting a hood on/off function. and wearing helms under hoods would be a nice perk.
  14. lol. you were ripped off in a hardcore manner. I, or any one of a dozen people I know could have built you a significantly better computer for $1000 dollars. You need to do some research OP. ultimate gaming rig? that sir, is a BELOW AVERAGE gaming computer. The price was ultimate though.
  15. Meh. Graphics don't bother me much (or at all). then again, I'm one of those poor fools who wishes graphics never went past the infinity engine. (so we could have MOAR BALDURS GATE!) MOAAAR BALDURS GATE BIOWARE!! BRING US MOOAAR! /end nerdrage.
  16. not this one again, lol. I spent waaay too long reading the last ones ten billion posts. I should be playing, not posting on the forums!
  17. you can level from 1 to 50 on ONLY solo content. (you won't be able to do flashpoints or group quests until you outlevel them a bit, or a lot in the case of flashpoints, but you don't ever need to join a group.
  18. all the entertainment you'll ever need. nyan nyan nyan nyannyannyan
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