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Posts posted by Verg

  1. Agent is far and away the best story, although its less "epic" and more "OMG WAT". It doesn't really pick up till the end of chapter 1 though.... but chapter 2 is the best chapter of any class in the game, imo. Best played Grey leaning light (my opinion of coarse, and yes i have played through it three times, dark/light/grey). Starting out as a super idealistic dude, and slipping farther and farther into a hate/rage works too.


    The sith war is pretty epic, in the same way a Hulk movie is epic. Many things go smash.


    Consular story is awesome. Oh wait, i meant bland. While I liked playing it as a lightsider (as a jedi should be >_>), it sort of lead me to resent the jedi council by the end of chapter 1.


    Trooper story is fairly epic, in a Mass Effect sort of way. The tag for it could be "Build a squad; Kill some dudes.....and then kill some more dudes."


    I forgot the SI, which is a pretty ballar story. Mainly because Talos is a bro. The broest of bros. I actually miss him when I play other characters, not something I do for other companions.

  2. I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


    Seriously, this.


    I enjoy the game greatly, and I have with each character I've taken to 50 (which is, counting beta characters..... 8 or 9 at this point). Game's down for a day or two? It's not as if its the end of the world, or even a serious problem in my book. Bioware is still figuring it all out, and besides I have more to do than sit and whine on forums about it.


    Also, lightsabers are awesome. This cannot be stated enough.



    1: do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?

    2: do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?

    3: do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?

    4: do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?

    5: do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?

    6: do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?

    7: do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?

    8: do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



    For reference, i have 4 50's: Operative, Sage, Maruader, Vanguard. I took a break from the day 1.1 came out to about 2 weeks ago. Average time from 1-50 is ~4days, 2 hours played. (my op was faster since i had JUST leveled 2 back to back in beta builds, so the optimal path was fresh in my mind).


    1: I tunnel vision level, that is i got 1-50 on each character, back to back. No jumping around nonsense.....

    2: My Op is definitly my favorite, but I play whatever character i happen to be into at the time.

    3: I don't do green quests, unless they are a class quest or main planet storyline quest.

    4: I don't alt tab them, but i have a fairly solid of whats going to get said, so i do space spam the ones i don't find entertaining.

    5: Not sure how to answer this.... story and leveling go hand in hand? Its not as if they are mutually exclusive.

    6: I rarely pvp when leveling.

    7: I quest, do flashpoints if I see a group looking for people, and always do space missions. SPace missions are boss for xp/hour

    8: Don't think I've ever had someone else do my class missions with me. No point, really.

  4. I attribute this to the increased prevalence of griefing, not the ability of the engines or development teams.


    Yeah, Guild Wars 1 has collision detection, and it was annoying as all hell if the other other team in pvp knew what they were doing (kurz in aspenwood for example)


    An i know absolutly nothing about programming, but have they tried really, really hard?

  5. I'm pretty sure Qui-Gon got his butt kicked when pathing issues caused his companion to get stuck on the other side of a door.


    Joking aside at 50 in end game gear there isn't much you wouldn't be able to do solo.


    That made me giggle quite a bit.


    But really, why wouldn't you want a companion? Makes things faster if dps, basically a mobile hot if a healer, and can tank if you cannot. There is literally no downside.


    If they are aggroing pats or mobs, its not the companions fault. Its YOUR fault for not controlling them better. Companion pulling aggro? Your fault, as a tank, for not generating enough threat, and/or not targeting them properly.


    I think a lot of these people would be better served playing tic-tac-toe. That is about as much as their attention span can handle.


    But.... having to get 3 in a row takes to long! And nerf X, its not fair that it gets to go first.


    In all seriousness though, This is by far one of the greatest leveling experiences in a modern mmo. Easy questing, more difficult heroics for a challenge/group, and best of all.... starfox that gives insane xp/hour.

  7. Specifically with the Jedi Council title, plus the other end-game titles, it would probably look a bit odd. There is supposed to be one "Emperor's Wrath", and the Jedi Council is only a small number (what is it, 8 seats in the Council chamber?).


    So the possibility of having 150 Jedi Council members wandering around Republic Fleet trying to find a group for HM Flashpoints might put a dent in some peoples' immersion :)


    But the very existence of titles like "Barsen'thor" renders that point moot. There have only been THREE Barsen'thors in the history of the Jedi Order, including the pc. And yet today alone i ran past 7 or so, including myself.


    It seems like a bad idea to to reduce content that has already been coded and tested, especially in a game that badly needs diversity. Which is not to say it lacks available titles, but rather that it is young, and any diversity is welcome at this point.

  8. i'll see your surname vs legacy and raise you adding the ability to have a prefix and suffix title active at the same time. So I can be Darth Violentus the Loathsome.


    Definitely agree with this. I want to be Master Vion Atreides Barsen'thor so bad.


    Overall, 1.2 is looking fantastic, can't wait to get my hands on it in live, and definitely looking forward to other patches. And to all the people naysaying.... games only been out 3 months, and it takes time for MMOs to mature.

  9. Are we viable in higher levels as a pure main Healer?


    We are not only viable, but are far and away the best tank healer for Ops. We can "handle" raid healing, but sorc's are much better at it. Its not about viability at this point; its about personal skill and appropriate class usage in a group.

  10. I continue to find it bizarre that:


    1. I am a melee/close combat class

    2. I have a rifle type weapon out during all close combat

    3. In my cut scenes I have a blaster pistol on my hip, which movie-me uses often

    4. Said blaster pistol is never visible or used at any other time

    5. Most of my skills are now melee, but my knife appears nowhere at any time except when using the skills.


    In conflusion:


    I like the weapon on my back and want to keep it. As a stat stick. I would then like to also be bristling with knives at all times. Or at least like, one knife. Just one?


    And what's with the blaster again? :p


    I like everything you just said, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


    Seriously, what IS with that kriffing blaster pistol? WHERE DOES IT GO WHEN THE CUTSCENE IS OVER?!

  11. Never had an issue on either of my concel op's with TA not proc'ing off shiv on world bosses. I want to say its a bug, but without more information we can't test it to replicate and confirm.


    How long was the fight?

    how many shivs?

    whats your accuracy %?

    was there a level discrepancy between you and the boss?


    ^That would be a good place to start so we can do some testing.

  12. I'm not sure how i feel about going 17 deep into leth for a definitly sub-par snare. Its only a 6 sec length snare, on a CD that's at least double that. We have Sever tendon for snaring, and it can be kept up 100% of the time.


    If you really wanted a more mobile healing pvp build, i would go:




    going down concel nets you a 15% run speed buff ALL the time, and a 2 sec root on the front end of ST. IN addition it adds a hot to stim boost, increase to stealth detection (cruical IMO), increased heals both outgoing and incoming, and laceration if you just need something to drop a solid KB with. I also picked up Tox screen at the cost of 5% healing on hots, 3% on Surge Probe.


    If only i could find a single point somewhere for cloaking screen, consider dropping that 1 point in Med Therapy for it, but idk.

  13. I leveled 5+ a dk 1-80 (although 3 of them were 1-70, back in tbc) in WoW.


    I leveled 3 toons to cap in beta, plus my current one in TOR.


    Just some background info so that when i say your wrong, people might pay attention:


    He's wrong.


    edit: this was the two parts that truely irked me in the OP:

    - Your Class' story gets put on the backburner at level 10, and becomes less and less of a focal point, as you get higher

    ^ That's just blantant lies.... if anything, the class story only gets MORE important as you level.



    - You have to either Solo your way from 1-50, or halt leveling entirely, to spam various chats, in the hope you get a group — not at all like WoW's leveling, which can be done with others, at will, with LFD


    And seriously? Its called friends, get some...

  14. if you interrupt his casts, he does almost no damage.


    Consider this training for when you want to dps in more difficult flashpoints. Interrupting is vitally important.


    ^, in general as a dps op if you want to solo golds, you gotta learn to set up and effectively use a CC/interupt rotation. And as mentioned, not being able to interupt and cc properly will get you some serious heat from your groupmates in later FP's.

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