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Posts posted by Trebarian

  1. I was being sarcastic. My point was that one person saying it's ok to leave at 5-0 means someone else can say it's ok to leave at 4-0 and another ....1-0.


    It is never "OK" to quit. You kill the match for the 15 other people. I don't care about playing against premades or if your teammates stink, it's pure selfishness. This thread will be full of "reasons" why it's ok. Premades,imbalance, their gear is better etc




    You forgot to use the <sarcasm> tag in your post and some were confused. Those of us who like sarcasm recognized it right off the bat though :)

  2. I have absolutely no data whatsoever on server population changes so speculating is pointless. Server load descriptions on the selection screen do not necessarily have any relationship to population changes, as load caps can be adjusted independently. All I can say for sure is I'm still subscribed, along with every single one of my friends and guildmates who were playing before the 20th.
  3. Pre-patch 1.1: Level 50 players arrive in the starting area only to immediately drop group after seeing too many sub-50s for their taste in the group, and willingly wait in another queue.


    Post-patch 1.1: Those fail sub-50s are now out of the picture and level 50 players complain about long queue times.


    Pre-patch 1.1: Level 50 players tell sub-50s in /ops that they shouldn't queue up for War Zones until they level up. This only applies to their faction, however where sub-50s bring everybody down. Sub-50 players are blamed for losing War Zones.


    Post-patch 1.1: Level 50 players tell other 50s in /ops that they shouldn't queue up for War Zones until they gear up. This only applies to their faction, however. Enemy players with better gear are blamed for losing War Zones.


    Pre-patch 1.1: Players rush to get to level cap.


    Post-patch 1.1: Players rush to roll alts and contemplate ways to avoid/delay hitting cap.


    Anyone else see the irony here?

  4. that sounds wrong, so someone should say a faction for years they dont wanna be in because the game doesnt support cross server warzones?


    It's not the solution. As there is no real data available to use, I'll use a conservative estimate of ratios based on speculation I've seen thrown about in the forums. Imp:Rep ratio on Server A is 3:1, creating long queue times and too many Imp vs. Imp Huttball matches. This situation is mirrored across almost all servers, each with their own long queue times and too much Imp vs. Imp Huttball. Queues are combined across servers. Ratio remains 3:1, nothing changes.


    Edit: See the post directly above, too.

  5. Saw a Bounty Hunter do this several times today in Civil War at the wall extending from the southeast of the middle area. The player was repeatedly emerging from inside the wall, attacking enemy players, then going back inside the wall where he could not be attacked.
  6. I think queues will be shorter. My guess is many people quit queueing because of getting rolled by 50's.


    Some people quit queueing because of being rolled by 50s; some 50s immediately quit the WZ when seeing too many lower level players in the group. I've also seen several 50s complain that their Bolster is robbed by lower level players in the group. Seems to me that the majority would prefer a 50s only bracket, but only the metrics can tell how queue times will be affected.

  7. Using the argument presented by BioWare they may as well get rid of the General Discussion forum, too.


    This is extremely disappointing news and will prove to be a major hurdle in developing strong and vibrant server communities. Forums, especially server forums, are an element of the total game "package" that players pay for with a subscription and have come to expect. In fact, AB stated the company's position is that the players, using their own resources and time, create server forums elsewhere. It's concerning that BioWare has decided to not deliver on this commonly provided service to its subscribers, expecting instead that the players take on the burden.

  8. No problem here to wait a bit for it. For me dual spec is more of a convenience for end game and level capped PvP, and I'm taking my time. Will probably continue with Infiltrator Shadow until cap, which is fine to tank flashpoints and heroics. At 50 I'll reset points and go up the Kinetic tree. That's all the dual spec I need at the moment. When they implement it, great but I can live with the current system until then.
  9. The Galactic Warriors respectfully disagree with BioWare's motives for not including server forums in this forum. From a guild perspective, the lack of server forums causes:



    1. An inability to effectively recruit players who are un-guilded but already on our server.
    2. Difficulty communicating with (not to mention getting to know) other guilds on our server.
    3. Difficulty to organize same faction server-wide events and cross faction WPvP events in the future.


    We support building community and therefore we support server forums!

  10. Looks like at least they are closing posts and moving them. Just saw this posted in a complaint war:


    Greetings everyone,


    Early Game Access continues to be a hot topic with lots of people joining the discussion. In order to keep that discussion focused, we are asking that everyone post in one thread:




    We are closing this post now. Thank you for your cooperation!


    Parali| Community Representative

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    Thank you mods!

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