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Posts posted by Trebarian

  1. ^ bumped again :)


    I ventured a little further past the "lv 30 valor 60" (seriously what the hell is that) but stopped when I noticed the QQ about 31/31/31 inquisitors that also are dual-AC.


    This proves that BioWare loves Inquisitors more by letting them dual spec and put 93 points into their talent trees. Nerf them now or you will loose my business!

  2. I take it you're not familiar with the field of economics?


    And the phrase is "don't hate the player, hate the game". There's a reason it's cliche: it's true.


    It's just common sense. Like all physical systems, people follow the path of least resistance. It's just the way of evolution. Things are refined and tweaked through trial and error over and over and over until the most efficient method is achieved. This is how it should be.




    I'm sorry but the OP and those in agreement with him are wrong. This isn't a matter of opinion...it's just science.




    I take it you're not familiar with the field of Evolution, or even science for that matter.

  3. <snip> But when a Shad/Sin turns on Combat Technique they are just as durable as a trooper now yet retain the resolve advantages of a light/medium armor squishy. Is this intentional?


    TL;DR version = Sin/Shad Tanks generate as much resolve as a squishy still even though they have the same mitigation (in tank form) as a Vanguard/PT. Working as intended or?<snip>


    Not quite as durable as a Trooper by any means, who is gaining a higher defensibility through armor rating in and of itself. You also need to consider that most Shad/Sin in Combat Technique are not using a shield generator in PvP, thus losing one primary form of defense through Shield/Absorb (and even if they do, the consensus is that it provides little advantage in PvP anyway). Overall durability is far more comparable to that of Guardian/Jugg. Mitigations between the classes can't be considered "the same" either. Some, such as Internal and Elemental damage mitigation are higher on Shad/Sin, while others are not. Bottom line is that a tank speced Shad/Sin in Combat Technique is going to be squishier than a Vanguard/Merc in most situations.

  4. I play a Kinetic Shadow and absolutely love it in WZs. It's true that you need a lot of keybinds, but that's something that can make the class really fun and add more depth/utility to your role.


    You should accept your role as a harasser, controller and de-buffer. Don't worry about scoring high on the damage charts, although you will be doing great damage when played correctly if paying attention to your procs. After an initial attack from stealth I like to concentrate on the appropriate de-buffs and AOEs first, single-target damage second, if in the midst of a group. These include (every time they are up) Slow Time, Mind Control and Mass Mind Control, Force Slow and Stun, and Force Breach. I use Force Wave judiciously and only in the appropriate situations (clearing a platform, for example). Guard is up at all times, either on my healer or primary DPS. With a good, guarded healer on your back you can be close to invincible sometimes.


    As to a few other class benefits you have superior reduction of Internal and Elemental damage, a decent self-heal with Harnessed Shadows, and an Oh ****! button that you can trait for a 2-minute CD. Stealth goes without mention.

  5. Back pedal... U bad


    I've backpedaled, slowed and de-buffed so many people who were completely tunnel visioned on killing me straight into a group of my waiting teammates just to see who was really bad.


    The three things I see far too often:


    1. When attacking, non-stealth players drawing enemies toward an undefended door in Voidstar when they can easily see there are stealthies there working to plant.


    2. Players getting suckered away from guarding a turret and allowing someone to come in and ninja cap.


    3. 4-5 players chasing/fighting 1 person anywhere away from an objective or ball carrier.

  6. has anyone else been killed by an operative coming out of stealth and stunning you then killing you in less that 5 seconds? Does anyone else think that stealth should only be given to healers to get out of trouble?


    I am interested in what others think.


    Perhaps the worst post in Rotworm history.

  7. I blame the devs for putting three turrets in the game. It's just too confusing to discern left from right (mom always helps with my shoes) or east from west without a GPS :)


    Seriously, in Civil War right/left is always from the perspective of your back to the spawn point. It changes for Rep/Imp. Left is always the easier side to cap for your faction. In Voidstar it's essentially the same, with your back to the doors while defending, facing the doors when you're attacking. East/west are shown clearly on the maps.


    Grass, snow, sausage? Does this really need to be so difficult?

  8. I agree with what you stated in the first section that the review was a rant. Your several valid points were unfortunately overshadowed by your overt negativity, making the review not very objective at all. I'm curious to know to what level did you play on your characters?
  9. I'd rather leave a Voidstar than trying to heal a group that has no concept about how to defend a couple of doors, or any idea about the objectives of Voidstar at all. Better to leave than start whining in ops. Dammit, now I'm whining on the forums. /leavegroup
  10. This is one of the unfortunate things that can happen more often when an account is allowed to have characters in both factions on the same server. Spies and ringers always appear when this is permitted by the game company. I haven't seen anything like this, and I hope that you can stop it, but have been consistently seeing people making bogus calls for help and incs in Civil War. Gotta wonder about those.


    Your best option though, is to just leave the WZ when you see the person in the group.

  11. Pretty good synopsis on how commendations work in this article. People should also realize that you can purchase your level 20 and 40 PvP gear before you hit the required level, you just can't equip it. On my main and each of my alts I've had full 40 gear (including weapon, ear and implants) in the bank long before I dinged 40. Once that gear set was obtained all of my regular commendations went into Merc commendations prepare for hitting 50.
  12. I have no problem with a dual spec option in general but I don't see it as a real solution to some of the problems stated by the OP. In WZs players will play best at the role they like and will obviously tend to play that role more. With so much emphasis on earning medals in WZs it would be difficult to get a player who normally plays DPS (potential for lots of medals) to switch to a healing role (potential for few medals) unless that person really wants to heal. I realize that there are exceptions but what you will frequently end up with is a healer with little WZ healing experience who would rather be DPSing, even further gimping the group. To really solve the problem of lack of healers in WZs they should be given more opportunities for medals gained from healing. Additionally, teammates should pay attention to ensure that the healer is always protected (I can't count the WZs where I received not a single bubble). You'd see a lot more dedicated healers this way.


    tl;dr People will still play more and play better at the role they enjoy, especially (in WZs) if it tends to award more medals.

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