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Everything posted by Cythereal

  1. The Imperial Agent learns at the end of their story that quite a lot of characters scattered throughout planet and class stories, Imperial and Republic alike, are involved in something together. Beyond that, a few companions mention or even briefly talk to companions from other classes.
  2. It's too late. If you pass over the point of starting a romance with them, it will never come up again.
  3. I hope not. The Phantom is a lovely ship and I'd be loathe to part with it.
  4. Cry, and not actually do anything because that would involve effort.
  5. Eh... I like Theron okay, but there are other characters I'd rather see promoted to companion, like Lemda Avesta, Lord Cytharat, and Aristocra Sajanu.
  6. Hmmm. Legend of Korra by Disney had the main character in a lesbian relationship and true love, and walked off into the sunset with her. No one shat a brick. People are far more okay with homosexuality than Fox news would have you believe.
  7. If it's an existing character who's not the Sith Emperor, I'd put my money on Darth Jadus: * No one has the faintest idea what Jadus looks like, so he could well be not messed up like Marr. * Jadus survives the Imperial Agent story one way or another. If he's defeated, he is explicitly not killed and leaves for destinations unknown, which could be where the Eternal Empire comes from. * Jadus is stated to be the most powerful of the Dark Council in raw Force ability, second only to the Emperor. * There's a well established precedent of Jadus using false flag attacks to inflict massive destruction on the Empire in order to create openings for Jadus to mold the Empire into his vision - the destruction of the Dominator, the Eagle's network, the Eradicators, and so on and so forth. * Jadus is known for working outside the traditional Sith and Imperial power structures, bringing in outside experts and forces loyal to him alone. * Valkorion's treatment of his sons fits Jadus' treatment of Zhorrid: cold control. Jadus at one point states that he cannot sense Zhorrid through the Force, as that would require an emotional attachment to or strong feelings for Zhorrid, neither of which Jadus has. Valkorion's known personality and tactics all match up very well to Jadus, and while I'm 99.99% certain Valkorion isn't actually Jadus, he does fit the profile and it's fun to consider.
  8. Going lightside is funny because you end up making four or five Jedi fall to the dark side just by standing there and calmly talking to them with words of peace and there being no need for violence. This breaks their brains so hard they go berserk.
  9. I can get behind this. Hardcore raiding and PvP are enjoyed by only a small percentage of the game's population, so let's take those right out and use the resources for other things.
  10. Juhani was in KOTOR and she was a lesbian. Also, nice try pinning your own arguments and failings on me but it's not working. Square dance this time?
  11. "I can rape a woman as a Trooper on Tatooine, torture my personal slave as a Sith Warrior, and murder a man then present his severed head to his wife as a Bounty Hunter, but God forbid two adult, consenting women fall in love in an emotionally healthy relationship." Don't like SGRs in TOR? Don't click on the explicitly labeled [Flirt] prompt.
  12. Ah, so now we get to the heart of it. You don't like the romance stuff at all and don't want Bioware to spend time on it to begin with, straight or gay. There's been no controversy, either, just the usual panic-mongering from the people who make their living on making others frightened and angry. Alas for you, different people enjoy different things.
  13. To see the story? Homosexual woman here and I've played a few romances in TOR - both male and female, and necessarily heterosexual.
  14. The Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to meet, and their stories will probably never even acknowledge the existence of the other. Stop the dick measuring contest.
  15. Why is this dick waving still going on? The Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to meet in the story, much less fight each other. They're different people whose skills, motivations, and paths in life are all very different.
  16. The Chiss aren't supposed to be discovered for another few thousand years, either. A trip to Naboo could be interesting if it's during the planet's settlement by humans. According to the movies gungans used to eat people, so they could fill in as enemies for everyone. I'd really like to see an underwater-based world without horrible controls. Naboo, expanded Manaan (surely there are actual Selkath cities underwater), Kamino, and Mon Calamari could all be good.
  17. The only character I can think of who comments much on that is Aric, who directly tells you that he had never considered the idea of finding a non-cathar attractive, much less falling in love with one, and it bothers him a little that they won't be able to start a family the old-fashioned way because your species and cathar can't have children. Unfortunately, Bioware did not change that conversation after they added the possibility to be cathar yourself.
  18. Also she'd be at minimum bisexual. She's a romance option for a male character, and talks about a past boyfriend. Play a lady bounty hunter at some point. A big, strong, ***-kicking woman with more balls than most men in the galaxy is the Mandalorian ideal of feminine beauty and charm.
  19. Yeah, I know my idea is 99.99% likely to be ********, it's just something I started wondering while I was bored.
  20. All this conspiracy theory stuff has me wondering... I'd put even money on Emperor Valkorion in the expansion being Darth Jadus. Jadus is a complete cipher of a character, no one knows a damn thing about him and he survives the Imperial Agent's story one way or another. A false flag operation against the Empire to pave the way for reconstructing an/the Empire to suit his vision is something he's already done, and again we already know that he cares nothing for his offspring. Especially if Jadus was canonically defeated in the Agent story, we know he went into exile, so... what if he found an empire, out in the unexplored parts of the galaxy? Jadus knows almost everything about the Empire and Republic, their strengths and weaknesses. If he had the chance to wipe the slate clean and remake the galaxy in his image...
  21. Also, remember: Thanaton flat out killed the Inquisitor. She survived by deus ex machina, but the game makes it very clear that Thanaton genuinely one-shotted the Inquisitor, and it seems likely that the only reason she survives round two with Thanaton is all the Force entities she's bound and harnessed (and probably the events of Belsavis). All it would take is undoing the Inquisitor's bindings - you know, like the Warrior did to Baras - to make her very mortal again, assuming she didn't release that power of her own will. Realistically, the Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to fight of course. They're PCs, their stories are never going to directly intersect. The Warrior is one of the most powerful Sith of her time, and the expansion is very likely going to reflect that even if she's not interested in political power.
  22. He's a vague and terribly written villain with no identifiable motivations, limitations, or weaknesses who does whatever the plot decrees he do.
  23. Only if the Dark Council has the political will to oppose such a prominent Sith Lord, which may not be the case even if they technically have the authority. The de facto ruler of the Empire trusts the Warrior, so it seems highly unlikely they would come into conflict. I'm guessing the expansion will see the Warrior develop a set of skills, allies, and power beyond "Has killed absolutely everyone who thought they could take her in a fight," and I won't be at all surprised if the Warrior joins the Dark Council herself in the expansion. As it is, the Warrior feels to me very safe and secure in her power and influence, built largely on the mountain of corpses that thought they could stop her. That's a warning sign few Sith are likely to ignore.
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