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Posts posted by Stavroz

  1. Even though the tool tip says 100 % doesn't shroud actually grant 200 % resistance? Therefore, arguments over accuracy rating are irrelevant. And if as that dev stated, everything always has a 5 % chance to hit then why aren't sorcs getting hit 5 % of the time with force barrier up?


    Not sure about force barrier, need to look at the tool tip when the servers come back up.


    But again when the servers come all PLEASE scroll over your force/tech accuracy rating and read the tool tip.


    It explains it very very well.

    There is no bug/exploit with getting stuned/flashed etc through Resilence/shroud.

    It is an intended part of the game as evident in the tool tip.


    I know its ******** b/c i have 102% Resistance when resilience is up due to talents in the tank tree on my shadow (2% base 100% from resilience) and i rage hard when i get stunned/pulled or knocked back while glowing yellow.

  2. hoodrat, the one who flashbanged me, doesn't run accuracy enhancements on his scoundrel healer.


    Because, y'know. He's a scoundrel healer.


    Hood rat has max affection companions. So he has 102% accuracy on tech powers.


    Force Shroud tooltip:

    Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth.


    100% resist means there is no chance a force or tech move hits you. that is the design behind Shroud and Resilience. someone above mentioned accuracy. accuracy has no influence whatsoever if you have full immunity to the move. 100% means 100%. Please fix this.


    The Tech/Force accuracy tool tip explains it.


    Any % point after 100% decreases an opponents resistences (TRUST ME MOUSE OVER THE TOOL TIP IT EXPLAINS IT)


    It works exactly the same as weopon accururacy vs defences




    I am not saying i like it, i am just saying it is working as intended.

  3. While I normally make walls of text, give detailed examples and use thorough reasoning in my forum posts, I am going to be straight here.


    Force shroud is not resisting abilities in key moments of warzones. This is not working as intended and creates a huge imbalance in a CC-dominated metagame.




    A dev post was brought to my attention while I was streaming this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6467203#post6467203


    The developer response makes no sense. Here's why:


    Defense dictates your ability to dodge/parry abilities. Force shroud gives you a 100% resist. No tooltip indicates that defense and resist are the same statistic.


    I can pop shroud in a big mid fight and resist literally dozens of different damaging abilities/dotsover the course of three seconds. I refuse to believe that I got exceptionally lucky during the hundreds of times this has happened, but I often get CC'd via grenades, flashbangs and saps with horrific frequency.


    Either change the tooltip to reflect how the ability works properly or fix the ability, because this is just embarrassing.


    The PvP community puts up with a lot of crap: no content updates, balance changes that worsen the game, a terrible backend that causes rampant D/Cs and archaic warzone design.


    At least make our abilities work properly.


    Its not a bug its working as intended. Weather we like it or not is a different story.


    Accuracy decreases ppls defenses



    If I have 105% accuracy and hit someone with 20% defense the target has effectively 15% defense (read the tool tip)


    the same with force tech accuracy. If i have 105% Force accuracy and someone hits shroud they have 100% resist so their EFFECTIVE resist is 95%.


    thats the 5% chance to bypass shroud

  4. When buying relics, consider taking just 1 Conqueror relic (Serendipitous Assault in this case) and stick a Matrix Cube in your second relic slot.


    Do not exchange Ranked comms for Regular comms.


    Alternatively buy level 54 purple crafted implants and earpiece and work on 4 piece first.


    Good advice


    If you choose to buy implants, ear and Relics don't bother with Partisan.


    U don't have to exchange them for conq so you go straight to conq.

  5. Sorry to go against you on this but I think the list is to help people see who they can verse in a ranked match right now(or close to present time)


    Not to be used as an archive of 'has been' teams, future ranked teams or teams that are on a break and getting their **** together... A list of 20+ teams when we know only 6-10 que just doesn't seem right.


    For eg: bashed by gimps constantly have 20+ members on most nights but they don't que... I havent been keeping track over the last 5 days(been playing LoL) but just trying to use it as an example of someone who shouldn't be on the list. (No offense)



    I had a baby 6 weeks ago so have not been able to lead the Elite in Ranked.

    Today was the first time We played ranked in as long.

    We got 4 solid games in b4 i had to log b/c had to take care of the baby.


    If i can lead the team more in the close future then we should be queing consistently on the weekends.


    We are also suffering from a couple of our core players not being active.


    We don't have a Gaurdian tank (Zimas has not longed in for a while, and I tanked it as a shadow today) and we are missing 1 of our Core DPS.


    Thanx to both Axel of Don't Panic and Jiryia of Synergy for stepping in today to help us.

  6. The short answer is the game was released 3-6 months too early.




    The game at release and for 6 months after release lacked "polish"


    -FPS slide show on many computer systems.

    -Lack of basic features that should be standard in MMO created today, :

    like PvE group finder

    Cross server BG's

    Ranked wz/arenas

    Complete Operations/raids Not just 1 boss in Karagahs palace and ppl have to wait months for it to be finished, as well as EV to be introduced.


    Ppl can say all they like about Oh but WOW did not have all that at release and that's right, but when i buy a car today I expect ABS, Air bags, Sat Nav, Stability control full electrics, blue tooth etc as standard features. I don't say, HEY 10 Years ago when "X" car was released it did not have any of that. U demand today's technology and standard, not yesterday's.


    If a developer puts out a game in today's market it has to conform with today's standards not yesterday's standards.


    Other major problems


    - Lack of faction balance.

    Some of the faction mirrors classes were badly imbalanced.

    Mortar volley vs Death from above, Project vs Shock, Heat vs ammo. **** pl forget about snow vs grass in Civil war WZ. If the snow and grass was capped at exactly the same time then the Snow turret hit the PUB ship b4 the grass turret hit the Imp ship giving imps an advantage.


    Then we had terrible class balance at the beginning which i think can be forgiven b/c its going to be inevitable in any other game but the problem was that BW went so crazy on the nerf stick that they killed classes entirely.

    So too heavy handed on nerfs and buffs. BW did not learn from other mmos mistakes.


    Class balance should be a gradual think, make small steps and fix things ina controled manner don't jsut rape classes and make then close to usless. OP/scoundral dps and Merc/Commando DPS and later Sage/Sorc (although they over buffed them with bubbles stun later)



    To top it all off, the TERRIBLE RNG pvp centurion, champion and Battlemaster bags. These were an epic fail to the max.


    All this in the first 3-6 months of live and BW lost close to 1 million subs.


    The game should not have been released until patch 1.6 imo. It currently in fairly good state, but the problem is once you lose your subscribers a very small % actually return.


    I had a guild of 40 active members at release and of those 40 only 4 of us still are subbed. I hear similar stories from other guilds and large guilds have vanished over time.


    Now all MMO have a turn over of subs and users no doubt but you can not take arguably the biggest scifi/fantasy franchise in the world create a game get close to 2 mil subs from day 1 then lose most of them in a very quick amount of time. You obviously have done something wrong.

  7. I admit i am excited for arenas.


    I would only like to say that I hope BW restricts doubling up on classes.


    Balancing b/c of OP and Underpowered classes happens b/c ppl stack unbeatable combos (eg ppl aniticpate the 3 sins 1 op combo).

    If they eliminated the doubling up of classes it would make for a more diverse competition and then there would not be AS MANY balancing issues.

  8. Arenas didnt kill WoW. I was there from the beginning. Arenas came with TBC, and they were amazing. Not only did arenas not kill WoW, but by the time Wrath came out, WoW's subscription count had tripled. What killed WoW was poor content and outrageous balance issues.


    But then again ppl think that raising subs = fail.... what can I say.


    As for class balance. It will always be an issue with every MMO.


    If 3 sins 1 op is the way to to go then **** start rerolling. End of the day is the best 3 sin 1 Op team will win and thats that.


    Personally i don't think this will be the case BUT...


    there is a very very simple solution that BW can implement imo:

    A 4 man team can not have a repeat of any class.

    1 sin 1 op and 2 other different classes.

    its hard to say what 4 man will be best if every class has to be different.

  9. Sorry, I forgot. Balance is great cause great pro players like you tell us so. People who disagree with you are bad and should refrain from posting here cause they're wasting your time. Sorry again. Won't happen again. Can I still have my pocket money, please?


    The real metric for what is OP and what is underpowered is measured by what works in a ranked game.


    Most TOP ranked teams run

    sage/sorc heals

    Scoundral/Op heals

    Gaurdian tank

    and 4 DPS in a combination of.






    Some teams will double up on snipers or marauders and not take one of the above classes but these 4 DPS are what ppl choose from.


    then the node guarder is a shadow/assassin


    Different node guarders spec in different ways. Some for tanking others for DPS. DPS ensures you can kill anyone challenging you, Tank ensures you can hold anyone off till help arrives. Its a matter of preference, but the real delaying skill is using CC from stealth to delay as long as possible till help arrives rather then relying on tanking to survive.


    So out of a team of 8 there is only 1 real tank and 2 healers.


    Does not sound OP to me all the whole team would be 4 tanks 4 healers. But they are not.


    Tanks are not OP in competitive scenarios. Good tanks are OP in the hands of good players facing nubs, but then again you can say that about anyone.

  10. Don't embarrass yourself and your guildies, even some of them know that Duhkat is a better player.


    Zimas is your PR officer right? I hope he will give you a lecture on not acting like an arrogant douche in a public forum.


    Lol fugue Zimas being the PR officer is an inside Joke.

    Zimas is so hated on Bastion by randoms that they create threads about him on the server forum.

    But u right Dukhat is a beast


    To Luc

    ELite's core players from Mdn are






    Mathis (aythia, mah'keth)


    Other MDN players that are regs are



    mapps (allogovna)





    victoria secret (dear) *not sure if she will stay with and join core or u guys* ,

    community (same as vic not sure if he will stay with or join core or u guys),



    Then we have recruited some US guys that u won't know.

  11. Like people said dont be afraid to que up. There has been more variety of teams queing in the last week and a half


    Yep this

    We (the Elite) are fairly new on the scene.


    My rated record is 10 wins 26 losses but despite losing more often then winning we keep queuing when ever we can and we keep improving.


    Chances are u are going to come up against MVP, synergy, strictly business and Don't panic which r the 4 top teams. So get used to losing but it's worth it if u want to improve.

  12. 1 million in a 20 minute civil war? you go son real competitive


    It's very easy to criticise and make some whity remarks and not back the them up.

    Taking into consideration many variables in the game any experienced rated player that is not trolling will conclude that the DMg was good. Maybe not out of this world but def good.


    First variable is deaths. Elite died 7 times which creates down time. He was out of the fight for significant amounts of time but managed to deal good DMg.


    Second variable. Protection. 45k prot from a dps shadow and 71k from a dps guardian.

    These are taunt protection figures so they are not a simple matter of redirecting DMg. Taunt protection erases DMg.

    U can bet that as elite was the main dps most of the taunts would have been directed his way.


    Then we have the guard component of the main tank which it's hard to tell how much of that was attributed to taunts.


    So as I said no the DMg is not out of this world but it is a decent effort when considering he circumstances.


    For the record my current win/loss ratio on the bastion is 10 wins 26 losses.

    In comparison to my MDN toons I am 60 wins 30 losses.

    It's safe to say the comp is harder on the bastion but we still manage to get wins And even in defeat we are competitive.

  13. High endurance and absorption over defence.


    With shields now shielding tech and force powers as well as better % return per absorption point compared to defence it's the stat to invest more in.


    As far as relics. 1 partisan absorb proc relic and 1 conquer absorb relic.

    Why u ask? Bc ATM they boh proc independent of each other. That is the 20sec limit on the proc is not effected between the 2 tiers of gear so both can proc every 20secs giving u amazing absorption.


    Remember shadows have the worst armour out of all the tank classes by far. In fact high end commandos and dps vanguards and guardians have similar armour.


    A shadows defence is its Hp which is better then all classes and its superior shield absorbtion due to kinetic ward.


    U need to exploit these strengths.


    Sadly no matter what u do though your spot a the Main tank in PvP is taken up by guardians In a ranked environment.


    Not to say shadows are not good. They make the best secondary tanks for node defence in civil war and nover coast as well as voidstar defence round and back up tank in hutball.

  14. I would QFE this post, if bolster actually worked as intended.


    Since it doesn't, for the 3rd or 4th failed attempt at lolfixing it, perhaps we should move on until they actually know wt.h they're doing. I agree the idea behind it would be fine, I have 0 issues with closing the gap for equal footing, but the simple truth is EA Development has no clue what they're doing with it and we're left with a halfassed attempt at trying to rush something that could be good. Releasing good concepts to live without any clue how to make it work = fail. Rankeds atm have guilds totally exploiting the Mod factor, so even then...meh.


    Just my opinion.



    The bolster system does not work.

    Wasting recourses time and money internally to implement a system that does not work is ridiculous.


    Make a recruit set that is 5% less effective then partisan make it cost bugger all like 50k for a whole set and the issue is closed.

    There is no major gear gap to speak of, let the hardcore pvpers min max and grind for additional minimal gains end of story every one is happy.

    Then the devs can move on and concentrate their recourses and time to more content tha ppl actually want.

  15. Imperial Agent - Sniper


    This class is testament to Bioware seeing a problem with a class, and fixing it making it have at least one (three imo) ranked acceptable specs. I will not least the reasons as to why this class is acceptable for ranked.


    1.) Utility All-Star. Need a 20% AOE damage reduction? Need someone who can see stealth players a mile away? Need some one who can root anyone at a moments notice? Need a class with lots of AOE damage but when needed can pull out single target burst? If you said yes to any of these you need a sniper. It's the king of utility and this is a support DPS class that helps the team in so many ways. Ballistic Shield - Spotter - Leg Shot - Orbital Strike/Plasma Probe/Buffed Grenade/ Than for Burst Cluster Bombs/Series of Shots.


    2.) Ability to adapt to the situation. This class has 3 very different specs that all have their use in ranked. Attack phase of voidstar - Leathilty Sniper can perma slow entire team and keep healers busy cleansing DoT's rather than healing focus targets. Voidstar Defense - Engineering has an 18 second refreshable AOE they can plant on the door, making it impossible for attackers to plant. Huttball they can go MM and have a shorter legshot, incredible burst, and longer entrench and able to get entrench via roll. Name a warzone and there is a spec for it.


    3.) What it comes down to is Ranked requires more than just damage. It requires a class that can adapt to maps, bring in group utility abilities and buffs, and have a definite roll to feel. A sniper feels the roll of support DPS, objective based play, and group utility. This class is fully viable to ranked because of these reasons.


    For a second compare this class to a mercenary. It's laughable, its not that the Sniper is OP, its that the sniper has a definite roll.


    What is a mercenary's roll? The first to die, the one who has no utility, the one who doesn't have a burst damage spec, the one who cannot adapt to its environment.


    It's a joke when comparing


    There was never anything wrong with the sniper in 1.7.

    Case in point 3 of the top 4 rated teams on the bastion ran sniper/gunslingers in there A team. MVP, Synergy and Strictly business. Not sure if Don't panic ran one.


    Snipers/gunslingers are now stupid imo

  16. sorry, let me turn off my lag hacks and huttball macros


    But weapons, name calling and cheating are all encouraged.


    As long as your don't kick the ball though of course thats the only rule.


    Did you guys kick the ball?? hmmmm dirty exploiters!!

  17. I am all for ranked normals with bracketed groups instead of raw rating. Will make pvp far more enjoyable and competitive for everyone.

    But to make it work as good as possible you would need to implement cross server wzs to increase the population or during off peak times u risk mismatches.

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