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Posts posted by Stavroz

  1. My guild has found that the strongest comp depends less on what the classes are, but who the players are.


    That's true but i would like to see MVP take on a Don't Panic team of Fusebox in his Scoundrel, Tarowar on his Sent, Ant on his Sent and Wrucks On his guardian, While running Merc heal, Sin tank, and double OP dps (not hybrid heal lol spec to go to the sudden death)


    I am sure it would not go down so well.


    Having said that you guys are good enough to get away with this set up against 95% of teams but when playing against similar skill opponents your team makeup is going to make a difference.


    IMO there is not one BEST team make up but the double mara jug tank op healer is the easiest and most straight forward make up.


    Imo other good make ups are


    Dong cleave set up

    Healer :OP

    Tank: AP PT with Ion cell (is a dps that can tank)

    DPS: AP PT

    DPS: AP PT


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: AP PT

    DPS: Mara


    Healer :OP

    Tank: AP PT with Ion cell (is a dps that can tank)

    DPS: Mara

    DPS: Mara


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Mara

    DPS: Sniper


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Mara

    DPS: Sniper


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Mara

    DPS: Jug


    Then we have team makeups that work but have a higher skill cap (ei great players can get great results out of these classes but being "good" at these dps classes in not good enough for these setup)


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Merc

    DPS: Mara



    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Sorc

    DPS: Mara


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Sniper

    DPS: Sniper


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Sorc

    DPS: Sniper


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Sniper

    DPS: Merc


    Healer :OP

    Tank: Jug

    DPS: Mara

    DPS: Sin



    Just my opinion

  2. To be fair, I think it was a decent job on the questions. They're not meant to be a buff wishlist (sorcs did that, boy were they happy when they didn't get their Christmas list waved through), they're to get an idea of the devs' thinking about aspects the class.


    And I think they probably succeeded in that aim. And the devs' thinking is that there are no great problems with Scrapper DPS or survivability; they might give a little buff to a pointless attack ability (Quick Shot); something that doesn't make sense to me because it sounded like a defensive buff we already had and vague talk about moving a defensive ability over form the OP healing tree at some future point. The general impression was that of a lack of understanding of how the class plays.


    Which tells me that the devs' view of Scrapper is way off that of mine, and that of every experienced Scrapper or Concealment Operative I know.


    I've been a sub since early access, and played Scrapper in PvP since 1.2, got Elite Warlord on him in November 2012 - I've played it a lot. I parse and analyse my own logs and gear (I'm a statistician in real life). I'm not the best player in the world, but I don't think there's much people can tell me about how the class plays.


    After hanging on for months in the hope matters would improve, I now have the prospect of PvP losing the extra layers of interest that reward smart play and allow underpowered specs some room, and turning into brute-power deathmatch instead, while there's no prospect of the class I want to play ever being fixed. It will be unusable in arenas (I've played on PTS a bit too). Which means I've cancelled and am working off some of my irritation during the remaining time on my sub.


    Bright side for non-scrappers/conc-ops: you won't have to listen to people wailing about its uselessness much longer, because there will be literally no-one playing it.


    No more Han Solo any more. A strange sort of Star Wars.

    I hear your pain but to be fair......


    The forum fallout over the "perception problem" comment prompted almost immediate changes and significant for that matter to pyro/assault defenses. Coupled with the great changes to tactics/AP vang/pt dips is in a far better place. In fact AP/tactics is a very real viable contender in arenas.


    And while BW ridiculous '"heal to full" comment was one of the stupidest things I and many have ever heard the real problem with sage/sorc dps is that rage/focus mara/sents are just too much to handle and there is no reason to take them over these smash monkeys.


    The problem does not lie with the sage/sorc. The problem is that sent/Mara just has every tool to annihilate them in a group setting and just outperform them in almost every way, dmg output and survivabilty.


    Tone them down and that problem no longer exists. The sage/sorc would need no buffs.



    So while I am not holding out for a miracle I foresee slight buffs to scoundrel dps and slight nerds to Mara sents.


    One going up and the other going down will close the gap in class v class viability.

  3. Concealment and lethality do not live long enough under any sort of focus to take advantage of the talent. It seems like a two bird one stone deal, but it's really a half bird one stone deal. lol


    If concealment or leathality can not survive more then 45 seconds at a time in a wz then i am sorry its either a L2P issue or your tanks and healers are crrapp, in witch case not many dps classes are going to last more then 45 sec except maras.


    As for the 45 seconds that is dodges effective cool down with the scramble talent in a real pvp scenario.

  4. Didn't happen. There a few talents that would make a huge difference, but the main thing imo remains resource management above all else. Unless they nerf that it wont matter.


    We are concerned that Sawbones/Medicine survivability is probably a little bit too good, which means any survivability we give to Scoundrels/Operatives cannot be made available to the Sawbones/Medicine specialization. To address this, we may consider moving some Sawbones/Medicine survivability skills over to the Scrapper/Concealment and Dirty Fighting/Lethality specializations (as part of a skill trade), but we do not currently have any details to share about what these exact changes may be.


    The only logical change would be to move scramble/evasive Imperative to the DPS trees...and put them up high.


    This is a good change.

    I agree it does not address every issue but it def is a step in the right direction and solves part of 2 problems(DPS and heal spec issues) with one change.

  5. You can make an accurate assessment on the game by playing it for beta lol.......the combat system is ****... arenas will be pure ****, All AoE dmg and healing = everyone grouping up pew pewing everyone... dumb and This Combat system is different From swtor "I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?" This is just a few AoE moves.... while Wildstar EVERYTHING is AoE nothing is single target.... nothing fun about it...


    Fair enough but i heard that there are single target moves in addition to the Telegraphs and from looking at the videos on game play alot of the melee abilities are very short range Point blank AE.

    SWOTR has a very forgiving melee range. In fact once ravage/master strike starts your target can move almost up to 10m away and still be hit by the subsequent channel ticks.


    U say you have played the beta and i respect your opinion as i know you are a competitive PvPer in arguably the top guild but i will also reserve judgment till i play the game as well as let the game progress a little further into later Beta's where i am sure many things will be re adjusted.


    Perhaps it will be as you say though. A **** AE fest that will be just one massive cluster ****.


    I can't really comment on something that i have not tested myself.

  6. Yeah... I've been getting PvP medals really fast with my marauder. You CAN tank with a Marauder and still have awesome DPS.... J'mpok (my main) is living proof. I have 3/5 kill/death ratio, but I keep getting trolled by those damn lvl 39s who keep on showing up in the 20-39 bracket Warzones. Besides PvP, I am quite able to tank in Flashpoints and Heroics, where I need to keep the agro off of Sorcs or Assassins.






    Tank Mara? 20-39 bracket?


    We talking about the same game?

  7. This- I can't recall this ever happening before 2.0.


    Beta player also and I have never seen anything like this and I have the added disadvantage of playing with 200ms from australia to the bastion. Even when playing on PoT5 with 300ms I don't get it.


    It must be a hardware issue or something on your side bc we all access the same client and server but only some get this.

  8. I played Wildstar Beta several times, and it was fun... but didn't really care for the combat system... mostly all AoE attacks, AoE healing, I think it's going to be hard to be competitive in it


    and by "hard to be competitive" what he means is that it won't be very good as a competitive game.


    Maybe, maybe not.

    Just like ppl hype up games only to be dissapointed *cough* GW2 *cough*, Wildstar is in closed beta atm so its hard to say what direction it will take in its evolution.


    Also from everything i have read max lvl is 50 but the current Closed beta phase is only maxed at 30.


    U can't make a truly accurate assessment on a games endgame pvp based on such a small level, with out max skills, gear, talents, milestones or what ever system carbine will use.


    I will say this though Carbine has shown that they take beta player feedback very seriously and have made changes to their game.

    THey have overhauled the Milestone system. They have increased the LAS number from 7 to 8 and have stated that they are not opposed to changing that again.


    I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?


    I realize that Carbine's system will be more AE/telegraph inclined as a majority of abilities but from reading devs feedback and looking at vids of game play some abilities are single target also.


    It should not be that hard as the beta progresses and they receive feedback to re adjust some abilaties so its not a simple matter of 100 decals and a telegraph fest.


    But who is to say..its still early i think.

  9. Hello,

    I am level 51 assassin atm and I was wondering, which spec is doing better atm in pvp - Madness or Darkness?

    I am currently Madness and I am doing fine as long as I don't have someone focusing me, however, the moment I start getting 1-2 people on me, I am pretty much shut down and can't do anything.

    Is Darkness better for staying alive longer / dps overall?

    Or is there possible a hybrid spec between darkness and madness that works wonders?

    Please help me out!! :)

    The best spec is reroll a warrior on Korriban and at 55 go Rage.


    Best spec for a sin hands down.

  10. The #1 selling/played MMO in the world?


    I'm not a huge fan of World of Warcraft either but to say it's garbage is just a flat out lie. WoW has set the standard of what an MMO company should do to run and maintain their MMO. Something Bioware hasn't caught onto.


    agree to the point that they set the standard for what all MMO's should have at a bear minimum as content for customers.


    -Crosserver bg's

    -Group Finder

    -PROPER ranked arena's and WZ

    -Multiple sized end game raids and dungeons, From max OP/raid size to 1 group sized and everything in between

    -Account transfers

    -A client that can handle more then 40 ppl without dropping massive amounts of FPS

    - Account wide legacy not just server

    - Open world pvp

    - more then 1 months worth of content at release


    these are basics that to this day MMO still are not getting right, inc SWTOR.

  11. I can definitely agree with what you say, but the same could be said for other classes as well. Smash maras/juggs, lightning sorcs, infiltration shadows, medicine operatives, gunnery commandos, AS vanguards (pre-2.0). Everyone seemingly gravitates towards the most OP spec for pvp to give them whatever edge that the other specs don't have. A lot of times the OP spec is the one with the lower skill cap required, so that also is more enticing to a broader audience, since not everyone is able to play at the same skill level.


    Seemingly, in MMOs this will always be the case since no MMO I've ever played has had perfect or even near-perfect class balance.


    I agree with this however there is not having perfect balance and having terrible class balance and devs that are not in touch with their community.


    BW devs simply have neglected many aspect of pvp and its very poor imo.


    The game is not massively imbalanced but it has issues that have been outstanding for over a year for some classes that have not been addressed.

    That is poor imo.

  12. I have screen shots of Juggs with 800k+ damage and over 200k+ protection... you don't think that's OP in any way?

    If they are in a DPS stance then taunts should be greyed out. You shouldn't be able to use taunts unless your in a tank stance.




    If you take taunts away from dps tanks then you need to take away healing for DPS healers and DPS abilities from healers.

    Taunts are strong i agree but they are not the problem with any spec of dps.


    The OP makes some decent points but also makes some silly points.


    Effective dps wins games as much as effective heals and tanking. Without proper dps you simply can not kill a team so you can't take a node.


    If a node gets ninjed 90% of the time its b/c the node guarder was the wrong class or has no idea how to defend a node.


    OP is right though that a smash mara has great offensive capabilities coupled with excellent defensive abilities making them more powerful the Juggs which is what really makes the class OP.

  13. While there are issues FF14 just started and judging from reports it had a record breaking opening.

    Servers are all full with que times to get in and all digital copy sales have been suspended.


    I would venture a guess that many have gone to try it and many will return just like they did for GW2.


    FF14 has no PvP so I am guessing it will get old very fast.


    Darkness / KC

    + Utility

    + Decent Sustained Damage

    + Good Mitigation

    - Not good for actual Tanking

    - Suffers to Smash Damage


    If you are taking too much smash and other AE dmg then you are playing the wrong talent spec.


    Part of the problem with tank shadows is that full tank is a terrible spec for high end pvp.


    Its actually pretty ridiculous that the best talent spec for tanking is a hybrid 23/21/2 spec.

    Now if you don't know the spec you are prob wondering why would i put 21 points into a dps tree.


    Simple...the tree gives your tank more survivabilty then the tank tree.


    The talent Masked assault in infiltration tree makes Black out give you 25% less dmg (like battle readiness in tank tree) for 8 Seconds.


    It also gives you the same effect when exiting stealth so you take 25% less dmg for 8 seconds after exiting stealth. Further more when comming out of stealth not only do you get 8 seconds of reduced dmg it also resets the Black out so you can then use it again.


    Basically this turns your Vanish into a defensive cooldown when taking too much gaurd dmg.

    Use black out and take 25% less dmg for 8 seconds. Then vanish and you will immedietly be taken out of stealth by guard dmg but now you are taking again 25% less dmg for another 8 seconds and you black out is reset at which point you then can use it again b/c it has been reset.


    That is 24 seconds straight of 25% less dmg, if you choose to use it like that...or of cource you can use the cool downs more strategically.



    Next in the Infiltration tree is Fade.


    Fade reduced the cooldown of black out by 15 seconds so black out now is on a 45sec cooldown.


    In addition fade makes you take 30% less AE dmg so where you were eating 7k smashes in the Full tank spec you are now eating 5-6k smashes. Big difference.


    Now having said all this the shadow is still a bit weak.



    Well while we can pop cooldowns that can give us large periods of taking 25% less dmg our base mitigation is trash.


    34% in full conq. So even though we can pop a lot of 25% less dmg cooldowns (black out and battle readiness) our dmg mitigation only goes up to 59% while under these effects.


    Considering Vanguards and Guardians run around as default at about 52% mitigation our survivabilety is pretty laughable in comparison. So basically we have to use defensive cooldowns to get 7% more mitigation then the other 2 tanks at default.


    This is the real problem with shadows.


    Our base armour needs to be raised to 40% as default with top tier pvp gear.

  15. Well I think that allowing Trauma Probe to be put on multiple targets would help w/ the AOE healing. And with better ammo management, it would be a little easier to heal multiple people at once. There are things we can do to make our single target healing better that will carry over to improving our ability to heal group wide.


    How bout giving bacta infusion a secondary effect like all friendly targets within 10 of target healed receive 50% of the effect of bacta infusion.

    In addition give kolto bomb 1 extra tick.

    Would this solve group healing?

  16. I have to look over my sheets. Just curious how this helps the pyro dps at all. It's been awhile and I miss my pyro


    Well i guess the longer you stay alive and are in the fight the more overall dmg you do....

    But it terms of burst no change yea


    And sorcs still remain ignored while marauders interrupt and kill us in 3 gcds.


    There is nothing wrong with Sages/sorcs. The problem is smash maras.

    If they get a nerf then they are brought down to the lvl of other classes and no need for buffs.

  17. Copied from the dev tracker.


    Some nice adjustments to survivabilty.



    Hey everyone,


    I spoke with the combat team about your concerns and they are going to make some changes to Vanguards and Powertechs. Please check out the more detailed response below, including Patch Notes, on the changes. Please keep in mind, these Patch Notes are subject change.



    We have been keeping a close eye on the PTS forums and the responses to the Vanguard/Powertech Top 3 thread, and we will be making some further changes to Bounty Hunters/Troopers due to some of the feedback that has been given.


    We received some feedback about being executable while Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload is active, so we have decided to change the health threshold trigger for Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload to 35% (up from 30%), moving it outside of execute range. Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload is not intended to make you immune to damage or death; however, this change should make Bounty Hunters and Troopers a significantly less attractive target while Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload is active. This change is directed at boosting the survivability of all four Bounty Hunter and Trooper advanced classes.


    It was also mentioned that we might be stealthily trying to nerf the Assault Specialist’s/Pyrotech’s ability to slow by unlinking Sweltering Heat from Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas Cylinder. That was not our intention, and we will make it so that Explosive Surge/Flame Sweep also triggers the slow effect from Sweltering Heat.


    We also received plenty of feedback that Assault Specialists/Pyrotechs have very low survivability and that Degauss is just an inferior version of Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides. In response, we will be changing Degauss to grant 12.5/25% defense chance for 6 seconds when Diversion/Chaff Flare is activated. We will also boost the Adrenaline Fueled/Automated Defenses skill by adding 15/30% damage reduction while Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload is active – making the ability even more effective for Assault Specialist/Pyrotech Vanguards/Powertechs.


    All of these changes should make it onto the PTS in an upcoming build, so feel free to try them out at your convenience.


    Patch Notes:


    Bounty Hunter

    Kolto Overload now triggers at 35% health and may heal up to 35% of max health (both up from 30%).



    Shield Tech

    Coolant now allows Kolto Overload to heal you beyond 35% health (up from 30%).



    The slow caused by the Sweltering Heat skill may now also be triggered by Flame Sweep.

    Degauss has been redesigned: Activating Chaff Flare increases your defense chance by 12.5/25% for 6 seconds.

    In addition to its previous functionality, Automated Defenses now also increases damage reduction by 15/30% while Kolto Overload is active.




    Degauss has been redesigned: Activating Chaff Flare increases your defense chance by 12.5/25% for 6 seconds.



    Adrenaline Rush now triggers at 35% health and may heal up to 35% of max health (both up from 30%).



    Shield Specialist

    Soldier's Grit now allows Adrenaline Rush to heal you beyond 35% health (up from 30%).


    Assault Specialist

    The slow caused by the Sweltering Heat skill may now also be triggered by Explosive Surge.

    Degauss has been redesigned: Activating Diversion increases your defense chance by 12.5/25% for 6 seconds.

    In addition to its previous functionality, Adrenaline Fueled now also increases damage reduction by 15/30% while Adrenaline Rush is active.



    Assault Specialist

    Degauss has been redesigned: Activating Diversion increases your defense chance by 12.5/25% for 6 seconds.

  18. You forgot sniper> all non smash dps and immortal>other tanks.


    Tactic vang/AP PT are not out performed in arenas by slinger/snipers.


    Part from that yea snipers are better then the rest but not by the same margin as smash mars trumps all other dps classes.

    Even in there current state other dps classes are not at such a significant disadvantage that it's simply not worth taking them over snipers/vangs like it is now with maras.

  19. Ward, nemm, celestiny, and I are representing midian on bast. We all play pretty reguarly but that is the extent of it. Didnt know luc transferred to harb but if he reads this hopefully he comes back now a few of the pvpers play...Miss primate and never thought I would say it but zirx too haha...ahh good memories.


    Zirx was playing with MVP on imp and Don't panic on rep

  20. Yeah Midian split into 2 guilds back around 2.0. A few of the PvP guys are left on the Bastion, I'm not sure how many are planning on coming back or not. The PvE guys, including Zarth and Jakka, are over on Harb. When I told Zarth today that you had just come back he said you were welcome to send your imps over there and play with them. My operative is over there, but I doubt I will be playing it much once 2.4 goes live, the Bastion is definitely the better server for PvP.


    Its not even a contest


    Harbinger is like the special olympics after the special olympics. What ever good guild were there transfered off long time ago. Breakfast, Rock bottom etc

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