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    Computer Technical support agent
  1. How is it stupid, that they are not fixing content they already have before they release new stuff. So that means once people run the new flashpoint, they have no others to run due to the bugs in them?
  2. So far the only end game content that I have played other then PVP is Hard modem BT. I currently have most of my Tier 2 pvp gear, and we tried to run hard modem Boarding Party. When we got the last boss, we found it was near impossible, due to me grabbing agro with my heals and being 2 shot. I looked on the forums and found people saying he is is bugged. I see no patch notes to this being fixed. Also in Directive 7, there is the Robot boss with the shield, this also was bugged, due to the boss one shooting us again, and this is on normal mode. I looked at youtube videos for this fight, and the boss puts down a AOE marker, and when we fought this boss, this did not happen. Please explain when you are going to fix the current content you have, rather then bring out new content.
  3. These fixes are nothing to do what happened in the Flashpoints. I will be reporting these in game, it seems no one else has or they are not aware of the issues I tried to describe above.
  4. Please explain when you are going to resolve the level 50 content, such as level 50 regular directive 7, since the robot with the shield is bugged, since it one shots people, and it does not through down the indicator on the ground, letting you know when it's doing it's one shot move. Alos what is up with the last boss in Hard mode Boarding party? Tank could not hold agro on it, and when I tossed out a heal, I would get one shot and I'm not under-geared for this fight. Please confirm if this is a bug and needs to be looked into
  5. I had a group last night, that was not under geared and was not able to do this last boss. I was healing and have over 12K HP. For some reason the all 3 guys for this fight have 2 buffs on them, in the videos I see the bosses only have one buff on them. Our issues was, the bosses where not focused on the tank. Every time I tossed the tank a heal, I would instantly grab agro, and would be 2 shot. The healer was using his grenade launcher, and wrecking me. We tried many times, and each time I would grab threat from one heal, which ending up killing me. Please let me know if this last boss is bugged, or stuck on nightmare mode? Is there a more recent video of this being done?
  6. I have the same issue? I have the most up to date drivers, for video card and using the 6970. What Video cards are you people using?
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