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Everything posted by Shinaa

  1. We have two vanguards in our guild, one has this problem every so often, while the other never, it is strange and I think it is some sync problem. Also, the /stuck command will always kill you if you use it in an operation or flashpoint, so it is really useless, except you have a battle res ready...
  2. I waited 2 hours and it changed nothing, 4 diffrent guilds came by to check out if it works, the stone is there, but is not clickable nor solid (can walk trough it). All those pve bugs are killing the game slowly, such things must be fixed a hell of alot faster! When 1.2 came out our guild was like... "wow they really done a good job with the new content, no bugs or issues, cool!" - cleared EC normal and hardmode, even did the pilgrim with another guild. One week later each days fun was killed by another bug, so pathetic, as if they patched in bugs after a week on purpose.
  3. Same problem for us (Jedi Tower EU), a guildie checked it out in the morning and said it worked, 1 hour before we wanted to form the raid, i checked again and it's unclickable. Waited for 2 hours now and still nothing. Just another bug in the long list of things that just don't work and they do not care about.
  4. Apparently some are playing a diffrent game then others. About the "an occasional bug", are you serious or just very lucky? The last week was full of bugs for us - changing phase in ops after a wipe, so you have to clear trash again (yes you can work around it but once we did not pay attetion, still a bug) - entering a new ops id with all bosses back, while rest of the group can't even enter - pilgrim not spawning / unclickable spawn - Denova last boss, besides the obvious aoe dmg with to much range, we even run into a bug where no bomber spawned after he left his walker, so we could not finish the walker and had to watch him kill us because you CANNOT kill him while the walker still lives. There are more, but this is just last weeks most annoying and time wasting stuff.
  5. Not in patchnotes so probably not fixed, however, IF the patchnotes are correct for once, they buffed him in 16 player mode, funny. The polarity bots should have more health now and the gift now pulls the raid in and does damage. Since I raid 8 man and the last week was just an annoying bugrun, I REALLY hope the 16 man version is at least as buggy now, so everyone can experience this the same way!
  6. Just that it isn't true either, because RE'ing Augments does not display either messages and still gives a new schematic. The system is flawed or bugged or both.
  7. While I agree with some points of the other, that alot of those points can be and should be avoided with good play and coordination, some things in this fight just seem to be too much or just still bugged. This would be my list of most annoying RNG or bugged mechanics: 1. Lightning balls sometimes doing crazy amount of damage to the target trying to explode the ball, the balls explodes but the person dies, even with a cooldown, a shield and a med pack for 15% more health, instant death. This is around 23-25k damage in like two seconds. 2. Unable to ress someone. This happend yesterday so many times. No, nobody had a debuff, it just does not let you cast it, we tried everything and this would often just stop the attempt because you cannot finish phase 3 with a dead dps most of the time. 3. After being cycloned, with a bad timing of dps (the transition is made few seconds to early or too late), you crash down, but do not die, instead you are stuck at the bottom, unable to move, you cannot see the other players, you cannot see the boss once he teleports down, you can only see the pylons flying and thats it. If it would kill you and be able to ress in phase 3 at the bottom it would be fine, but it doesnt. If it would crash you on the plattform at the start of the transition, it would be fine (mind traps also open there, so why not..), but just being stuck in another phase unable to do anything is not fine. 4. Soa despawning in phase 3 when tank is mindtrapped. Well yeah I know you should have 2 tanks to taunt, but guess what, other tank was stuck in another phase (see 3. ). Why doesn't he just attack a dps? 5. Plattforms missing in phase 2. 6. Pylons not breaking shield in phase 3. 7. Double healer cc in phase 2, it is the most difficult phase, but that makes it sometimes almost impossible in 8-man, especially if balls do insame damage (see 1.).
  8. Same thing happened to me today, two bonus missions from Taris reappeared after I logt on another character for raid. Went back to Taris to remove them, since they cannot be removed in any other way. Both showed 19/20 progress, but I am very sure I completed them before I leaving Taris. The first one was the bonus mission in the hospital where you go to get the serum, went there, killt one and the whole game was lagging for 1-2 seconds when it was completed. The second is in a class phase (Consular), where the Jedi master releases some gas, but since I cannot reenter this phase, as I already completed it, I cannot remove the bonus from my log. :<
  9. Like it was supposed to be fixed last patch? Just because it's in the notes does not mean anything at all. Karagga owes us 2 chests by now and I'm sure it will be one more every week till we all unsub.
  10. You have to know everything about the encounter from other sources than the encounter itself to be able to do it without frustration, that is just bad encounter design or heavily bugged. We cleared it several weeks now without a problem, we know what to look for, how to prevent some things, but yesterday one of the newer bugs hit us as well. We always do NSSN, we always sit down before and figure out the fastest way to solve it. But yesterday, the north pylon had this situation where the last ring would only need one turn to finish and guess what, clicking did nothing, it would not rotate. I already knew of this bug from other sources, but wanted to see if it happens to us too since we had no problems for weeks and it did. I told everyone to port out since after 2 or 3 clicks the damn thing still would not move. So everyone was out and normally an encounter would reset and you can just reenter and try again right? Not this time, we could not enter because fight was still in progress or something, we had to reset the phase and kill all trash again - annoying. Some say the encounter is build this way to be a challenge, well if it is, how about giving some pointers ingame without having to search for everything on forums? How about a message that you are doing it wrong if NSSN is supposed to be the right order and you do it a díffrent way, how about a message that you failed instead just locking the pylons and let the players guess what the hell is happening? THAT would be the right thing to do, because right now, with Soa (the buggy One) in mind, we HAVE to assume most of the stuff is just bugged or broken if something just does not react like we would expect, because you do not care about operations or endgame.
  11. I can confirm this, we did reset the instance after every wipe, it helped A LOT during hardmode progress and there were less bugs (still a few here and there but nothing too big like platforms missing). We'll see if nightmare progress on sunday does the same. However there is one big downside that is just annoying to this. You will have to walk ALL the way from the beginning of the jungle (just after you come out of Gharjs cave) to Soa, there will be no trash, but it takes some time after every wipe, the speeders just don't fly any further after a reset. It still saved us some time, because the week before that, we did it without reseting after every wipe and there was a bug every other try that would just break the encounter anyway. They never tested anything beyond walking through the operation and insta killing everything, me thinks.
  12. They rather fix some minor bug on Ilum that has been around for like 2 days instead of fixing any operation or flashpoint bug that has been around for weeks and months, some so severe it would even keep you from progressing at all. But this may be the goal here? Up until this week I always thought, well the game is new, bugs will be there, just have to wait, but it actually gets worse every patch...
  13. Amazing how they rush a patch for something so ... useless like Ilum (yes I know some will flame me for that) but cannot fix those damn operation and flashpoint bugs for weeks? I don't see this game as a PVP Game at all, it's a part sure, but not a big part, the big part is still PVE and should be more important, but instead of fixing those, they add more.
  14. I also use keybinds, please look at the screenshot I posted and tell me what abilty will be useable after the gcd, you HAVE to que it during the gcd, or you will loose time and therefor dps, if you cannot do that, its broken!
  15. I don't understand why they do not give you any options for this, last time they changed it, some people really didn't like it, why oh why do you not learn from this and make an option to disable the new stuff. I really want the display of the old version back, just before the patch today, it was good! And yes I play a Jedi Knight (Guardian), now it is that much harder to play effective. And to all the people who cry "don't be bad, the new one is great" n stuff, here is a small picture of the problem, please tell me HOW I am supposed to see which ability to que up for the next gcd, because I really can't see it anymore which abilty will be usable ( buttons that are not on the gcd and sundering strike do not count). http://s7.directupload.net/images/120207/qpfmhrwx.jpg
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