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Posts posted by Shinaa

  1. Don't think that is a problem, he obviosly means armor mitigation and that is not that low. As Guardian I have about 48% and those missing 8% are probably what their selfhealing is supposed to even out.

    He also does not hit that hard, just very fast, if they see hits above 20k (hits that are tankhealth+1), even with only 40% armor mitigation, it's most likely the mechanic explained above, the boss never hits for 20k, even in enrage.

  2. We killed him for months now (actually every week since the 2nd week after 1.2) and there is a bug since 1-2 weeks with Kephess last phase, there was a thread about it here too. Basicly the first kick after gift will kill the tank somehow or another member of the group, after that, everything is working normal.

    If your tanks get oneshot over and over (not just once with the bug) then they are probably doing something wrong, it's supposed to work like this:

    Tank A gets kicked, takes breath, Tank B taunts after the cast and tanks boss while Tank A runs around dropping circles (and does not even once get hit by them!), right when the last circle spawns he will kick Tank B and Tank A must be in range to taunt after his breath, repeat until boss is dead.

    Now with the bug the problem is that Tank A will not get breath, he will be dead and someone else, maybe Tank B (happened to us last week) will get breath and will have to drop them, run and tank the boss while Tank A is ressed and gets ready to taunt after the next breath, after that everything is back to normal.

  3. Why Legacy perk, just make it an option that we can toggle on and off and only for warzones, it would increase the lifespan of my spacebar by at least 5%!


    Actually the best thing would be a few more options, that we can toggle on and off:

    o Skip Introsequence in Warzones

    o Skip Introsequence in Operations

    o Skip Introsequence in Flashpoints


    Personally I would only use the warzone one since it is the most annoying... maybe the operation one until a new patch/content is released.

  4. Oh they do talk to us, we just cannot see it, maybe we need some special license or tools to see their posts.

    In the Flashpoints & Ops forum you can clearly see they replied to the topic "Nightmare Denova", we just are not worthy or something to read it. :rolleyes:

  5. I don't know about you guys but for me nightmare does not need to have better gear, I'm in for the challenge and maybe some fun stuff, a title or mount would be enough for me.

    I know BW wants to do "more" with it, but I just get the feeling they did not think it through and realized that it would take itemlevels a bit too far or something. My guild was perfectly fine with raiding nightmare EV/KP for the stuff it offered and not gear. :eek:

  6. That was to whole point of nightmare, to keep the players that are too fast for hardmode a bit busy until new content is ready.

    If nightmare is balanced as a challenge for those players, the other players that are currently still progressing through hardmode won't be able to do nightmare anyway until better gear with a new tier of content is live.


    Somehow I have the feeling they scrapped nightmare mode, because there are only two possible things that can happen:

    1) They deliver nightmare mode with a small patch, something like 1.3d, which seems a bit unlikely.

    2) They give us nightmare mode with 1.4, but 1.4 was announced to have a new raid already, so what would be the point of it?

  7. We take alts and players that normally do not raid with the maingroup with us just so that we can use the stuff.

    Also your argument is a bit flawed with EV/KP, both have 5 bosses, thats 10 bosses. EC was out in april, thats about 4 months (include leveling time and it is), thats about 2,5 bosses a month, plus there were all difficulties, which would be even more, but let's just keep the amount of bosses in favor of EC, which means, new content is already needed just to keep the ratio. You could say the world boss should also count, but then you are still at 2,5 bosses ending NOW, so yeah next month new bosses or you actually deliver less content over time.

  8. So the invisible answer from BW is still invisible huh? Guess they just keep silent or say it's a bug, without an answer at all.

    What I really don't understand is the fact that alot of stuff for nightmare is already ingame, like all those items that have been datamined, I wouldn't be suprised if it's all there just needed to be switched on but may lack some fine tuning or they are not sure if it's still too easy or something. <.<


    And no I don't think it's enough to release the same 4 bosses with a bit more health and damage, but it would be atleast something to do.

  9. I saw at least 3 of this threads until now with no answer.

    Over 50 pages on threads in the pts to big concern, no answer.

    What makes you think they will answer now?

    My guild is in pretty much the same situation, some don't even log in anymore if there is no raid and if there is, well it takes a maximum of 90 minutes to clear it, best time was two weeks back with a little over an hour, but it's getting old and boring.

    At this point I don't think even nightmare Denova is enough anymore, it's only 4 bosses, you can't possibly think 4 bosses will be enough for a few more months!!

  10. War Leader is not bad, just War Leader is meant for tanking and if you are full vigilance (31+ points) you probably are not a tank, the dps set is the Vindicator set.

    If you want to tank, War Leader is fine, but you should either be tank specced or atleast one of the hybrid specs. However, recruit pvp gear for tanking is not exactly good, you will have very little health and might struggle in tier 1 hardmode flashgpoints.

    As dps it is a bit more forgiving, all tier 1 hardmode flashpoints should be doable, even story mode EV & Karaggas, assuming the rest of the group is a bit better geared.

    But dps with War Leader will absolutely not work.

  11. War Leader is tank, why are you vigi with tankgear? What do you want with that in a flashpoint or ops?

    Or are you actually tank with a hybrid spec, in which case it will be quite hard with that gear, since pvp gear tends to have alot less health.

  12. What about Purifying Sweep which at 2/2 adds 4 stacks of armor reduction to up to 5 enemies? I just used it and it's pretty awesome. Force Leap in, then Purifying Sweep, then Sundering Strike, then Guardian Slash. Win. :)


    This is the only way it is remotely usefull.

    However, I would like to know how much range "two nearby enemies" actually is, since we won't be raiding till monday. Can't imagine it is much and since alot of trash is mostly ranged mobs, it has a very limited use.

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