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Everything posted by EnsignSorrow

  1. All walker designs are flawed simply because they have a high profile. This makes them useless for anything other than heavy assaults. They are for heavy assaults through all terrain. You only really see them in harsh environments, and in one case there is an AT-AT guarding the shield generator for the death star. The reason Lucas used one here is to explain that the shield generator is protected by a force that is adapting to the environment, rather than dug in. The Galactic Empire has designs for other tasks, although the thick jungle makes it impossible for other vehicles to operative as effectively as these designs.
  2. I think he only consumed force sensitives. It's worth noting that the Miraluka are a force sensitive species.
  3. It's funny how you say free should have less restrictions, so that it encourages more people to sub? Why would you sub if you are not restricted?
  4. I like how you try to make it seem like what I said was not a reality. Nice try. I'm sorry that you are so mad at EA that you have to make stuff up.
  5. Rly? It's so easy to get. If you're that lazy then you simply don't deserve credits. If everyone had everything the price would go down even more. On topic: lol why are you selling materials anyway? That has never been a good way of making credits. If anything the increase of cheap materials on the GTN is good for crafters. Here's what you do if it's really like you say (and it's within the realm of logic): Buy cheap materials > craft > make profit. Making it so new players cannot sell things is about the worst idea I have ever heard. It's so selfish, and bad for the game. -_________________- rly?
  6. It's not that you are bad, it's rather that you are not geared. The reason I was so rude to you is because you should mind your own business. If you were smart you would of asked me for some advice instead. Atleast you're not like this guy. He has some gear, and he is bad. So, there you go.
  7. I have not had this issue, although I am not saying it does not exist. Perhaps it's on one of your quickbars, and assigned but not on your UI. So it may still have a binding. Does that make any sense?
  8. Yeah, except that is how others gauge your skill. Not like I care, but I do when it means I am getting benched for RWZ all the time, and when I do get a chance to get in no one takes me seriously. They will make me defend a node, put me on standby for a cap, or worst, they will make me carry the ball after my initial grab. That really makes me feel bad, because I know I'm one of the best, and I will never be recognized as such as long as I play infiltration shadow which is my favorite class.
  9. Or, you could do the more reasonable thing and file a ticket to get your game time back.
  10. The reason it hasn't been fixed is because perhaps not enough people complain about it. I see bioware fixing things people complain about the most all the time. So go out and make your "FIX OR UNSUB" threads about this, and it will be fixed within a month, I bet you.
  11. I'm seriously mad. I have put over 1,000 hours into my shadow. I currently have full wh/wp aug/half min-maxed with power. 33% crit buffed, near 1k bonus. I have played all specs hybrid/dps tank pre patch 1.5, infiltration (for most of my career), and balance. As much as I hate balance (I really hate this spec I cannot even tell you how much),it seems right now balance is the only viable dps spec for shadow in PVP. Balance can pull currently around 1.3m overall damage in the same setting as it is possible to even get 659k overall damage as infiltration shadow. I'm comparing my own scores. I can play infiltration shadow 100% (I never miss SS, or FP/BR). Why is this? This is so dumb because balance shadow is such a dumb spec, I barely see any shadows/sins on my server with it (I mean I have seen maybe 2 in my year of play), the reason for this is because sure it can pull stupid damage but it's so bad for 1v1 that it I am getting roflstomped by superior builds who can pull the same numbers, and are good for 1v1. All in all shadow is just a really poor class, and you can never be considered the best because of it. You could be the best shadow, but that's it.
  12. It's funny how you say you are a tank, Ryere. I hope you are really a tank and not a tank spec with dps gear, cause that would be bad.
  13. It's hard to tell who is the worst, but I think you are right.
  14. I remember you from wound in the force. lolol The scrubs sins who play now are so bad I mean rly. You should show them what skill is, Noxx.
  15. I wouldn't waste my time. I've owned you before many times.
  16. So busy doing rateds that he was able to instantly respond. Next time don't start something you cannot finish, Ryere.
  17. You think he is good? You must be as bad as him. That's why he didn't show up to our duel. I wasted 20 mins of my valuable time. I can talk all I want because I have the skill to back it up unlike this scrub, and you. It's just hilarious how he can talk me down, and when I make this thread to call him out - then he's a no show. I'm out.
  18. Ryere let me just quote you again so everyone can see what a newb you are: LOL. Anyway, I said let's duel earlier, if you missed the hint. Are you online SWTOR right now? Go to Illum, center node.
  19. Just saying this is a bad tournament. Best bad wins a low amount of credits. Haha.
  20. Right. Like you know what you are talking about. You think he is going to lose to you in any spec you are joking yourself. You are nothing basically. That's the point of this thread. Just like you.
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