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Posts posted by MortisMortavius

  1. He isn't sure, needs a meter to determine the effectiveness of his thread.


    However, I support meters. All things in life have measurements, parenting, job performance, ability to drive, ability to function as a productive member of society, etc. If one feels the need to avoid being evaluated, they're afraid of the outcome.


    ^^ Exactly this and well phrased:


    "If one feels need to avoid being evaluated, they're afraid of the outcome."

  2. All I am seeing from you is hypocritical drivel.


    Take a stand and answer.


    Either they are NEEDED, and you give a valid argument as to why everyone has to have them.


    Or they are WANTED, and you are just making up arguments for the sake of arguing.


    Man, you are lost in the sauce... stop getting so upset.


    I'll break it down Barney style for you.


    Self progression is NOT NEEDED for the game to function.

    Meters ARE NEEDED in order to have self progression.


    Therefore self progression is WANTED but not NEEDED for the game to function.


    It gets trickier however when you take into account the game's longevity. Casual players will drop off faster than hard core, progression based players, provided that end game content is good. That means the number of players who will ultimately stay are composed primarily of progression minded players. IF no meters ever enter this game than the drop off rate of players will be accelerated past that of a game WITH meters (and equally good content). I probably shouldn't have ever gone there :p

  3. This alone invalidates your own argument of saying that they are not needed, but wanted.


    Also, large percentage indicates a majority. So again, you are making false arguments.


    I think your logic core is broken :p


    Self progression is not NEEDED, it is WANTED by a large number of players.


    Meters are NEEDED, IF you want self progression.


    Also, large percentage does NOT indicate a majority. If you hear "a large percentage of voters voted for XYZ candidate" that does not mean the majority. In fact, in the case of 5 people running for an office, it will most likely never even hit 50%...

  4. Developers don't create the content with the need for damage meters in mind, so why do people feel they are necessary? I can see why some people say they are useful, but I still am not much of a fan.


    Not to mention that knowing who is not doing their job is easier when raid groups can be only 8 people.


    How do you progress as a player if you don't have a feedback tool? I keep asking this but nobody can answer it because it's an impossible question...


    You absolutely MUST know HOW well you are doing in order to compare things against each other, otherwise everything you do is just a shot in the dark...


    It's fine if half the people in the game aren't interested in progressing as a player but the other half (I'm estimating here) IS interested. Why should one half get their way and the other half suffer when if it was implemented as an OPTION then everyone would be happy...

  5. Two false statements.


    In every argument I have seen during the Beta and since the Early Access started have always stated that they are needed.


    Show me your proof that these tools are wanted by the majority of users. From all of the different threads I have seen it is at best a 50/50 split, and even then I would guess that the balance actually favors no recount or other addons.


    "large percentage" does not imply a greater than 50% number... nobody knows for sure what the numbers are, I would guess somewhere around 50/50 just from the same discussion from other MMOs.


    They are NEEDED if you want to progress as a player however...


    At the very least we should get some damned threat meters... THAT would be nice to know and I'm pretty sure nobody complains about that.

  6. NO! NO! and NO!


    These "damage meters" lead to the most elitisist of attitudes toward players. If you wish to enjoy just playing the game...you should never be subjected to the ramblings of the elitist player who thinks you are not playing up to HIS/HER standards. It is fine to make friendly "suggestions" to people but I have seen people go total "off" on others simply do to these so-called tools.


    How do you progress as a player? If you are DPS, how do you know how well you are damaging? If you are a healer, how do you know how well you are healing?


    I'm guessing you simply don't care how well you're doing, only that you are playing and having fun.

  7. How is it good if you are dependent on it to complete raids?


    These tools are NOT needed, contrary to popular belief. As for not being able to watch 15 other people, that is also false. I have been in 24 man raids that didn't have these problems and also didn't use these tools. These same raids were successful.


    It is called teamwork. If someone is new or having lag issues then the rest of the raid should be picking up the slack as a team. I have had raids do this for me, and I have done it for other players.


    NEEDED, no they are not NEEDED...


    WANTED, by a large percentage of users, absolutely...


    You either care about self progression or your don't. If you want to progress as a player, you must have an accurate feedback tool. Without it, you may as well be mashing buttons... you'll never know if a certain spell rotation or priority list is better than another... and you can never improve.


    EDIT: You can improve in areas such as "staying out of ground effects" etc... but those are trivial and not what meters are for.

  8. This is the server Ruin rolled empire on. If you are not familar with them well google Dark Crag from warhammer. Basicaly they are a Huge guild. I think they have 1500+ in this game already. Ebonlore also rolled the same side as them for some reason. I would just get off that server now if I were you, it is going to be terrible.


    Good advice if that's the case...


    More proof that you can't control server populations by staggered access :p It'll only get worse over time as populations deteriorate at different speeds and there are no character transfers setup; thereby negating any advantages to staggered access (:

  9. By the people whining about other people whining than the actual people whining? At least the people expressing their opinion are stating it for a reason...


    The people groaning about other people expressing their opinion have no reason to do so other than to troll...


    People will express their opinion about things regardless of what you say to them, especially when they have put cash down on something.


    So please, stop complaining about the people complaining... you aren't doing anything but making them complain more!

  10. From the moment the pre-orders began in July they have said to enter your code as that would determine the order in which you were let into Early Access. It is the very reason I went and pre-ordered my copy on July 21.


    There was no secret marketing strategy. There was no small print. There was no deceit on the part of Bioware. All there are is a bunch of people looking to place blame for them being late to the party.


    That's when YOU purchased...


    Some of us purchased by clicking the email ad saying we "may have up to 5 days" ... which is ambiguous and misleading...


    I, personally, don't purchase an MMO without being able to beta test if first... never have, probably never will. I'm also not upset in the slightest that people have earlier access than I do. I AM upset at the lack of communication on BW's part.


    I feel that I AM entitled to a date as to when I will gain my access. There is no doubt that BW is withholding information on what date ranges are in what waves. Keeping your customers in the dark through this entire process is piss poor customer service.

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